Superfood Pleasures by Emmanuel Sarris - HTML preview

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What are the building components of superfood?

The food that has high amounts of certain nutrient(s) found to improve general health condition is popularly called a superfood. Implementing such food(s) in significant amounts in the diet has been proven to lower the risk of developing most common diseases related to diet, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, it may also slow the process of aging, loss of vision, flexibility in joints, skin change etc. As an additional benefit superfoods may increase energy, ease digestion, lower headache, and other symptoms commonly encountered by people who do not eat or implement superfood(s) in their diet. In order to get the maximum of this food one should be careful that this food is not combined with some other compound that have been found to have damaging effect to human health, such as sodium, sugar(s), saturated fat, trans fat. Also it is worth mentioning that there are some other components that do not naturally occur in food but may be present along with the food at the time of consumption and they also have been identified as health threatening compounds as possible presence of (too much) pesticides, aflatoxins, bacteria and their toxins, antibiotics, toxins from the process and package etc.. This means that when choosing certain food for better health condition many aspects should be taken in consideration.

 Still so far several nutrients have been identified as the ones that help the general health condition and they are phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids.Antioxidants are components commonly mentioned as health protective but they can’t be analyzed separately as they overlap with all of the previously mentioned nutrients that are found to be beneficial to human health. They react in the process of oxidation where free radicals are formed, compounds that can damage cell walls, cell structure and DNA in the cells. Antioxidants actually stabilize free radical, thus react protective to human body.

When analyzing these nutrients and their presence in food groups it is to be said that they are found in larger amounts in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and that is why they are most commonly mentioned as superfoods. General conclusion from many heath organizations is that increased intake of fruits, vegetables and some grains may reduce development of different cancers (in the oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, stomach, colon, lung, prostate, and rectum). Eating more fruits and vegetables also lowers the risk of developing heart diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and much more. Though there are food products from other food groups that have been mentioned as superfoods, as some whole grains, legumes, cold water fish, cultured dairy products and some herbs and spices. They are not as many as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, but their health beneficial effect is very strong.


The term phytonutrients or phytochemicals refers to chemical found in plants. They give the taste, aroma and color of the plant, and even protect the plant from viruses, bacteria, and fungi. So their influence on the human body comes from their primary function, to protect. They have been found to enhancethe body’s immune system, help in process of vitamin A formation form beta-carotene, reduce inflammation, kill cancer cells, protect the DNA from damage, prevent urinary tract infection and promote antioxidative activity. They are most common subject lately for research in animals and humans, and their list is very long. Phytonutrients connected to certain health benefits are:

-Alicin– found in onions and garlic, is a compound that can eliminate toxins from bacteria or viruses.

-Antocyanins– typical components of red and blue plants, found to have protective role against hearth diseases, tumors, prevent blood clothing, fight inflammations and allergies, and they help the slowing of the aging process.

- Biflavoniods– found in citrus fruits, with anti-inflammatory potential.

-Carotenoids– found in dark yellow, orange and deep green vegetables as tomatoes, parsley, oranges, pink grapefruit and spinach, proven to have immune enhancing and antioxidant effect.

- Flavonoids– found in onions, apples, kale, beans and wine. They mainly promote antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

- Indoles– compounds that activate the agents that destroy the cancer-causing chemicals. They are found in cruciferous vegetables as broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, kale, Brussel sprouts, and turnips.

- Isoflavones– found in soybeans, with potential protective effect on certain cancers.

- Lignins– found in flaxseed and whole grains, as a part of dietary fibers. They benefit heart health and act as potential immune enhancers.

- Lutein– found in green leafy vegetables, proven to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts as well as reduce the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

- Lycopene– found in tomato and one peculiar interesting compound because it is active after cooking. It is found to reduce the risk of cancer and heart attacks.- Phenolics– found in citrus fruits, fruit juices, cereals, legumes, and oilseeds. They have shown many health benefits as slowing the aging process, protecting against hearth diseases and tumors, fighting inflammation, allergies and normal blood clot.


Further Readings

Pharmacy In Vegetables

How to fight type two diabetes & Win!



Metagenics - PhytoMulti without Iron 60 Tablets

Garden of Life Perfect Food Raw Organic Green