The BioFit Diet : 7 Day Fat Flush by Mostafa HADANI - HTML preview

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  7 Day Fat Flush Plan

Now, let’s start the 7 Day Fat Flush!


Day 1: Colon Detox Plan


Start With Sea Salt Solution

Salt water purges all the bacteria, mucoidal plaque and bacteria from your colon. The process of cleaning your colon with sea salt is also called “salt water flush”. This is something you should begin your routine with.

Step 1: Mix 2 tablespoons of unrefined sea salt (do not use common salt) with one quarter lukewarm water.

Step 2: Drink this solution firstly in the morning. If you do not like the taste, you can buffer it up with some fresh lime or lemon juice.

Step 3: After you drink the salt water solution, be prepared for the next hour. You might feel a headache, nausea and even queasy because salt water removes all the toxins and then carries them through your intestines. Since this process happens quickly, you will start to visit the washroom more frequently. While some may evacuate all the salt water just within 1 to 2 hours, some can take few hours.

For Breakfast

Option 1: One cup strawberries + one apple + one cup herbal tea + one tablespoon almonds (2 to 3 hours soaked in water).

Option 2: One glass of fresh vegetable juice + one avocado + half a cup raspberries.

Option 3: One plate of fruit or vegetable salad mixed with 1 tablespoon flaxseeds or flaxseed powder + one glass of freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juice.

Make sure to drink lots of water throughout the day.

For Lunch

Option 1: Half a cup quinoa + half a cup of steamed peppers and asparagus.

Option 2: One cup blueberries + half a cup of baby carrots + one glass of fruit juice.

Option 3: One bowl of steamed vegetables + one cup of pureed vegetable soup.

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

For Dinner

Option 1: One cup of spinach soup garnished with a few garlic pieces + one bowl of broccoli sprouts.

Option 2: One small banana + half a cup raspberries + one apple. Whenever You Are Hungry (In-between meals), Have This Snack: Option 1: 1/2 cup baby carrots + 1/2 cup broccoli sprouts

Option 2: 1/2 cup raspberries + 1 apple


Day 2: Colon Detox Plan


For Breakfast

Option 1: Start with a fresh Natural colon cleansing juice: 1 handful of fresh spinach, 1 handful of parsley, 1 cucumber (neatly peeled), 1 celery stalk and 1/2 fresh lemon (neatly peeled) + Eat 1 fruit, either apple or a pear.

Option 2: Have a glass of fresh apple juice, as it flushes out all the toxins, encourages bowel movements and improves your overall digestive system + 1 plate of green salad.

Make sure to drink lots of water throughout the day.

For Lunch

Option 1: Have 1 cup kale + 1/2 cup vegetable soup + 4 celery stalks + 1 cucumber + 1/2 green apple + 1 cup pineapple + 1/2 squeezed lemon

Option 2: Have 1 bowl of fresh green salad (avoid toppings) + 1 bowl of steamed vegetables + 1/2 cup steamed asparagus.

Option 3: Have 1 green apple + 1 cup of raspberries + 1 glass of fresh carrot juice (no sugar or sweeteners) + 1 cup of chopped green leafy vegetables.

For Dinner

Option 1: Have 1 1/2 cups of coconut water + 1 pear + 1 cup raspberries + 1 cup kale + 1 tablespoon flax-seed.

Option 2: Have 1/4 avocado + 1/2 cup mango (if unavailable, replace with pineapple) + 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper + 1 cup blueberries + 1/2 kiwi

Whenever You Are Hungry (In-between meals), Have This Snack:

Option 1: 1 glass of fresh lemon juice (no sugar) + 1 cup fresh cherries Option 2: 1 medium sized cucumber (eat it raw) + 1 glass of fresh juice


Day 3: Colon Detox Plan


For Breakfast

Option 1:

Start your third day of your diet with a healthy morning smoothie. To do this, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Prepare a glass of fresh lemon juice.

Step 2: Grate ginger root (about 2 inches) and 2 garlic cloves. Mix these two into the prepared lemon juice. Ginger enhances blood circulation while garlic helps in detoxification.

Step 3: Add 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil (cold pressed).

Step 4: Add some cayenne pepper. It purges all the toxins out.

Step 5: Blend everything in a mixer until it becomes a smoothie.

Step 6: Pour it in a glass, mix well and drink it.

Eat a fresh fruit, either an avocado or an apple.

Option 2: Have 1 cup raspberries + 1 pear + 1 cup pineapple + 1 teaspoon flax seeds

Make sure to drink plenty of natural fluids throughout the day.

For Lunch

Option 1: Have a spinach based salad. Spinach is known to have an antibacterial compound that helps in fighting off the bad bacteria lining your colon and intestine + 1 cup pineapple + 1/2 cup grilled peppers + 1/2 cup quinoa.

Option 2: Have 1 cup of healthy vegetable soup + 1/2 avocado + 1 orange + 3 celery stalks

For Dinner

Option 1:

Aloe Vera is a great Natural colon cleanse. Its medicinal properties not only improve your overall colon health but also treat other issues like skin infections, constipation, diarrhea, headaches and gastric pain. So, for dinner, make sure to drink this juice:

Step 1: Cut an Aloe Vera leaf and take out its gel.

 Step 2: Add some lemon juice into it.

Step 3: Put the mixture into a blender and blend it until it turns it to a smoothie.

Step 4: Drink the juice.

After 30 minutes, have a plate of green salad or hot vegetable soup.

Option 2: Have 1 banana + 1 cup raspberries + 1 tablespoon flaxseed + 1/2 cup steamed broccoli.

Whenever You Are Hungry (In-between meals), Have This Snack:

Option 1: Have 1 cup herbal tea + 1/2 cup steamed peas

Option 2: Have 1 apple + 1/2 cup green beans

Day 4: Colon Detox Plan


For Breakfast

Option 1: Eat a plate of green salad made of these leafy, fibrous vegetables: peas, spinach, artichokes and broccoli + 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 2 carrots.

Option 2: Have 1 bunch of celery + 1 cup of beetroot + 1/2 cup carrot + 1 cup herbal tea

Make sure to drink plenty of natural fluids throughout the day.

For Lunch

Option 1:

Drink this Natural colon cleansing smoothie:

Ingredients Required:

Chopped spinach – ½ cup

Chopped celery – ½ cup

Cabbage – ¼ head

Lime (peeled) – 1

Senna tea (brewed) – ½ cup


Step 1: Blend all the above-mentioned ingredients in 1 cup water until it becomes smooth.

Step 2: Pour it in a glass. Mix well and drink right away.

After this cleansing smoothie, have 1 cup of beetroot + 1/2 cup carrot + 1 teaspoon lime juice.

Option 2: Have 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 1 bunch celery + 1 teaspoon ginger + 1/2 cup spinach.

For Dinner

Option 1: Have 1 glass of water + 1 bowl of hot vegetable soup + 1/2 cup broccoli sprouts + 1/2 cup carrots.

Option 2: Have 1/4 cup strawberries + 1 cup kale + 1/2 cup spinach + 1 small banana.

Whenever You Are Hungry (In-between meals), Have This Snack:

Option 1: Have 1 pear + 1/2 cup finely chopped lettuce.

Option 2: Have 1 cup raspberries + some prunes. These will help you eliminate