The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Never Let Father Die Of Cancer
Mr. Oishi, 64, Private Entrepreneur, Kanagawa County

The Whole Family Was Thrown In Great Sorrow

On the morning of October 2, 1999, my father suddenly felt ill and vomited a


basin of blood. He was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed as suffering from


stomach cancer, which had already metastasized to his liver and developed into the fourth


stage. There was only one year to live! After his whole stomach was removed, it was


found that the tumor in the center of his liver had grown to 7 cm and the two small ones


at the sides measured 2 cm each. All the tumors could not be removed even surgically.


It seemed as if the whole family was thrown into the bottom of a deep pit. Our minds


were totally blank and the only obsession was that we cannot let Father die of cancer.


Advertisements in the newspapers never interested me before, but this time, I noticed the


advertisements for Tian Xian liquid in my search for possible cure. I got the books about


Tian Xian liquid as advertised in the newspapers. After reading, I gained confidence in


the product and bought some for Father to try.


Father had continuous high fever the week after his first operation and he lost his


appetite so much so that his weight dropped 10 kg. When the fever subsided, I urged


Father to drink the Tian Xian liquid. In doubt, Father still began to take 6 bottles of Tian Xian liquid every day. His excretion started to improve and he gradually regained his


vigor. Father was now encouraged to continue taking the Tian Xian liquid.


It was originally recommended that Father take anti-cancer drugs after his


strength stabilized. In time for the coming of the New Year, however, Father was


temporarily released from the hospital. During this span of time, Father was not taking


any other medicine except Tian Xian liquid. Contrary to doctors’ prediction, his


complexion became ruddy, and he obviously had more energy and strength.


Later on, due to the side effects of anti-cancer drugs, he was apprehensive of


becoming weak again and having to lie on the bed the whole time. A friend told us


about an anti-cancer drug that could be injected directly to the liver. This treatment was


reported to have minimal side effects and the patient could continue working even while


under treatment. We transferred to another hospital and availed of the said treatment,


which Father is subjected to up to now. Besides drip-feeding injection, intake of Tian


Xian liquid is continued.


It has been one year since Father was confirmed to be terminally ill. Although he


had lost almost 20 kg by now, the cancer cells have not metastasized to other parts of his body and he could maintain a normal life. All this, we attribute to Tian Xian liquid.