The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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I Cannot Recall The Time
When I Was Lying In Bed With Disease
Lady Hirashima, 53, Employee, Hiroshima Country

I Erroneously Thought Of Myself As Fully Recovered


Two years ago, a polyp was found in my large intestine. I agreed to surgery to


remove the same. I did not take a small polyp seriously and as I was leaving the hospital,


the doctor assured me that the malignant part had been removed. To take precautions,


however, he suggested that I take 3 anti-cancer pills every day. If nothing goes wrong in


two years time, it means that I am fully recovered. I was relieved by this information


and, indeed, the first examination I had after my operation yielded no negative results. I


thought, then, that I was really fully recovered.


One year after the operation, it came as a surprise that I was found to have cancer


cells metastasized to other parts of my body including my liver. I was shocked and could


not make any comment. I went through radiation treatment and I realized that if I keep


on ignoring my illness, I could lose my life one day.


It happened that my daughter brought me a book written by Dr. Wang Zhengguo


to the hospital. I read each paragraph and each chapter attentively. Upon leaving the


hospital, I immediately took hold of Tian Xian liquid and started on my healing regimen. The following examination did not show any abnormality in my body. In other words, I


was very healthy so I returned to work.


Now, I take Tian Xian liquid 6 times a week. No matter how busy I am, I never


forget to put 3 bottles of it in the pocket of my uniform while intoning that Tian Xian


liquid “helps improve my immunity”. Aside from this, I drink a big cup of juice mixing root-tuber of aromatic turmeric (granule), citric acid, carrot, banana, milk and sesame.

Not Only Was My Life Saved, But My Mind Too

Now, both my excretion and appetite are excellent. My strength and mental state


are satisfactory. The preceding two years seem like a nightmare in my mind. When I


was in the hospital, I once asked a nurse, “Can I return to normal life after the treatment


is finished?” She told me that once cancer has metastasized, majority of the patients are


regularly sent to the hospital again and again.


I did not expect this nurse to say something so insensitive to a nervous, frustrated


patient. I was filled with anger and thought that by no means will I live in this hospital


and see this nurse again.


At that time, I could not sleep before or after an examination. When family


members talked about the Spring Festival or the Pure Brightness, I was obsessed with the


thought of whether I shall live long enough to share these events with them. Listening to


others say such hurting words, I couldn’t help losing my temper that I would spend my


whole day in a foul mood.


Frankly speaking, Tian Xian liquid not only saved my life but it also helped me keep my sanity. My gratitude to Tian Xian liquid is beyond words.