The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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Health Returns To Me
Chen Wumei, 70, Housewife, Taipei, Taiwan

There Was Still No Sign Of Improvement With All Treatments

“Mom, it is very likely that you have liver cancer, but the doctor said that you are


sure to recover as long as you receive treatment in the hospital. Don’t worry. Let’s pray


together..” When my son told me this, I was not much surprised. I only felt a little sorry.


Not for myself but for my family. My youngest son is in charge of the Zhi Yuan Jing


Temple of the Taipei Buddhist Association so every morning, I go there to pray and had


acquired some sort of spiritual understanding.


I lost my appetite and felt extremely tired for quite a time. My belly swelled until


internal hemorrhage occurred. I was sent to the hospital immediately.


Later, my son told me the doctor’s diagnosis. It was liver cancer at its terminal


stage. Besides surgery, all the other chemical treatments failed. I was still in a dangerous situation.

The Disease Underwent An Extremely Drastic Change In One Year

I became a frequent visitor of the hospital for almost half a year. Since my son


had some communication with the Nai Liang Temple in Japan, someone there, after


discovering my disease, told us that there is an anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicine


called Tian Xian liquid from Chine and it can be bought in Hong Kong. Seeing me get


weaker by the day, my son went to Hong Kong personally to check out this product.


Since my cancer was at the terminal stage, I drank eight bottles of Tian Xian


liquid every day and continued doing so for half a year. The examination I had half a


year later showed that the cancer cells disappeared. I fully recovered in only one year.


Five years have passed. Not only have I recovered my appetite, but I no longer


suffer from insomnia and pain in my joints, which tortured me no end before. Health has


returned to me. My weight, which dropped to 45 kg before the operation and 38 kg after that is now 52 kg. My son is again beginning to worry. “Mom, you are too fat…..”