The Cancer Terminator Part II: True-to-Life Stories of 100 Cancer Survivors by Wang Zhen Guo - HTML preview

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I Am Not Alone In My Fight Against Cancer
Mr. Dong, 56, Teacher, Taipei, Taiwan

I can’t remember how many years ago during a blood donation, I was told I carry


B type hepatitis virus. From then on, I learned to be careful in my daily life, especially


my diet. I never drink and go to bed at the usual fixed time. Even my family is weary of


such a life but I insist on it for I know that B type hepatitis virus is likely to develop into


serious liver disease.


In April 1999, all the four people in my family were infected by the flu that was


spreading across town. All had to go to the hospital and take some medicine. While my


wife and sons recovered, however, I still felt tired all day and lost my usual appetite. I


felt like the food was stuck in my stomach. I thought it was due to indigestion or the cold


medicine that I had been taking. One night, I suddenly felt a piercing pain in my right


upper abdomen, which made me unable to sleep. I got up to find pain killers in the


drawer. I took two pills and fell asleep.


I thought it was neuralgia fir I did not feel the pain in the following two days. On


the third day, as I was giving lessons in school as usual, a fit of great pain made me bend over. The students saw me turn pale in a cold sweat and brought me to the school clinic.


The nurse arranged for me to be admitted in a hospital and informed my wife to proceed


there. The doctor inquired about my state of health in recent years and told me to


undergo several medical examinations. Finally, he asked me to take it easy in the


hospital while waiting to have the tests. I did not need my wife to accompany me in the


hospital for I could move around by myself. When I felt well, I walked around in the


wards and chatted with family members of patients. Beside me was someone who was


suffering from liver cancer at the late stage. I felt strange being located in such a ward.


The following day, I went to the neighboring ward to find someone to chat with and saw


a patient reading materials in his bed. I took one book randomly. It was “A Good Cure


for Cancer: China No. 1 Tian Xian liquid”. Seeing him in high spirits, I began to have a


good chat with him.


He told me that he suffered from liver cancer at the fourth stage. With the


recommendation of his friend, he started to drink Tian Xian liquid for 3 weeks, so that he


was able to sit up and read by himself. He added that were it not for Tian Xian liquid, he


would have already died.


I felt a little sad and began to think. Does the doctor also suspect me to have liver


cancer so that I had been put this ward? When my wife came to visit, I revealed my


doubts to her. Before I finished, tears came into her yes. She gazed at me and said that


as soon as I was sent to the hospital, the doctor knew from the supersonic waves that


there were two cancerous tumors in my liver; one was 7.5 cm x 8 cm and the other was


3.5 cm x 1.5 cm. Further check-up was only to see if there was a chance of cure through


surgery or any other treatment. It was a hard blow for me. I was dumbfounded! I did not know what would


happen to me. Would I be reduced to skin and bones with a big abdomen like the one


next door? My wife’s tears seemed to have dried up. I wouldn’t accept such fate! I was


only 56. Why did cancer attack me, someone who led such a disciplined, normal life? I


wanted to should, but couldn’t make a sound. I was also afraid that shouting aloud would


break the tumors in the liver.


My wife threw her arms around me and we hugged each other, hoping that time


would stop. At that precise moment, my sons walked in to visit me after school. The


sight of us hugging must have given them a shock. They had never seen their father and


mother so intimate. When they saw the grave expression on our faces, however, they


asked anxiously what had happened. I tried my best to calm down and told them that


their father had liver cancer and was just waiting for treatment. My eldest son blurted out


that his classmate’s father was in the next room and was also suffering from liver cancer.


Aside from the treatments in the hospital, he also took a traditional Chinese medicine. I


thought he must be referring to the patient I chatted with earlier.


My eldest son immediately went over to ask his classmate’s father for the


materials on Tian Xian liquid. My wife and I studied the subject carefully, skipping the


scientific details, which we did not know anything about. We discussed the product with


each other. In the final analysis, we decided to wait for the doctor’s decision as to


whether Tian Xian liquid may be taken too.


The next day, the doctor said that since the tumor was so close to the main vessel,


an operation would be very difficult. He decided to conduct embolism treatment first,


which had slight side effects, and then supplementary treatment based on the results. At that time, I was able to give a sober consideration of my condition. I saw a toll free


number in the reading materials and tried calling this number. I did not expect to reach


the home office in Hong Kong. The lady who answered the phone explained in detail


their services. What tempted me to give the product a try was that the lady said that


when you ask about their products, you should let them know your condition and the


treatment you have had so far, so that they would know how to help.


I felt that this company was very object yet caring so I took the medicine as


prescribed by the lady. I also asked the patient next door about his conditions after taking


Tian Xian liquid. The so called combination of western medicine and Chinese treatment


was thus carried out in my case.


I left the hospital ten days later when the embolism treatment was finished. I


continued to drink Tian Xian liquid and continued to contact the office in Hong Kong for


consultations through the toll free number. They also instructed me on matters that


deserve my attention such as the stress in my daily life and my diet. I feel that they are


not only selling a product but taking care of every patient that comes their way in a very


real sense. I maintain contact with my son’s classmate’s father, too. He shares the same


feeling that we are being taken care of by a group of people who are really concerned


about us.


My wife also calls Hong Kong for matters on diet and always gets satisfactory


answers and instructions. Now, I pay more attention to my physical state and ask my


whole family to take care of themselves and their diet. I do not want for another one to


get affected or my sons will not be taken good care of should I, the backbone of the


family, die. I had been drinking Tian Xian liquid for over one year now and pay attention to


the stresses in my daily life. My family has become more closely knit. I want nothing


more than more time to spend with my family. Tian Xian liquid helps me a lot and the


company is guiding me.


Also, I’d like to thank all the people in the Chine-Japan Fei Da Company for their


assistance and concern. I now value what I have more! I am not lonely in my fight


against cancer for I have great moral support. Although it is a big expense, I believe life


is much more important than money. I would pay any price if only I can live just one day more.