The Disability Experience II by Debbie Johnson - HTML preview

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If you weren’t so familiar perhaps

 I would fight harder to be rid of you

Closing the windows and locking the doors

you darken the hallways of my mind

Stronger than I and so persistent

you’ll be with me forever be to some degree

There are times I can ignore you

denying your very existence

Eventually something happens

and once again you block the light

I try to fight you but sometimes

it is easier to cope with the familiarity

Some days I just stew in your fog

the world a bad place, nothing to look forward to

Filling the crevasses of my mind

with cement blocking rational thought

I may not be able to push you away

there is just no resistance left in me

Thinking of something I can do rather

than bask in the bleakness of your shadow

It may be as simple as brushing my teeth or

listening to soothing water as I put dishes to soak

Having mastered a small task

some confidence returns

I try to defeat you by

doing something more challenging

I know I must eventually push myself

hard enough to leave the house

It takes so much energy to plan an outing

to shower, dress, assemble items needed

And to find the requisite courage

to pass through the doorway

Once outside for a few minutes

You generally retreat… for a while
