The Foundations of Good Health by Lois Francis - HTML preview

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Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are the main energy source for the body. They are found in whole grains, and are broken down slowly to provide a steady, even release of energy.

Best Complex carbohydrates are wholegrain granary bread, oats, barley, brown rice, millet, rye bread, quinoa, corn bread. They are rich in B complex vitamins, minerals, fibre and help to keep the digestive system healthy and cholesterol levels low.

Okay Complex carbohydrates are buckwheat, wild rice, oatcakes.

Avoid Processed carbohydrates such as white flour, white rice, rice noodles and egg noodles which have had the nutritious bran and germ layers removed. You will often see on the packaging label that these products are fortified with vitamins, in an effort to put back some of the nutrition which is lost in the refining process. However, artificially added vitamins are not as good as the real thing, and the fibre which is needed by your body is totally lost.


Proteins build and replace tissues, carry nutrients through the blood stream to cells and help maintain the hormonal chemistry that keeps the body going. Our protein requirement is surprisingly low, and many people eat more than they need.

Too much protein will put your body into an acid state, whereas it should be slightly alkaline. Your body will try to reverse this by releasing calcium from your bones. This is why high protein diets such as Atkins are potentially damaging to your health. Long term over consumption of protein will eventually lead to osteoporosis.