The Pregnant Women by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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The Multiple Birth Pregnancy


There are many different things that women should consider when they are pregnant with two or more babies at the same time. These types of pregnancies are more complicated for variety of reasons and the woman will need to be diligent about keeping her medical appointments. When you are committed to the medical appointments you make you will have a greater chance of having a healthy pregnancy.


The weight gain that a woman experiences during pregnancy will be increased when she is going to give birth to multiple children at the same time. This can cause a variety of health-related concerns that need immediate attention. The weight gain will come significantly earlier in the pregnancy because the woman must retain double the water in order to be able to create a safe living environment for all the children that she is carrying.


The intensity of morning sickness that a woman experiences when she is going to be delivering more than one baby at a time is often worse. The morning sickness will happen earlier during the pregnancy because of the increased hormones in a woman’s body when she is carrying multiple children. The development of acid reflex and other gastroenterological issues is significantly higher because of the increased acid being produced by the woman’s body.


Women may also notice an increase in the severity of back pain experienced as weight is being added to her frame. Many women have difficulty breathing during pregnancy with multiple children because there is extra pressure being placed upon the diaphragm while carrying the babies. It is usually a good idea to consult with a doctor who is experienced in dealing with multiple birth situations.


Women must also keep a close eye on their blood pressure during these types of pregnancies. The pressure on the heart and other cardiovascular areas of the body will be dramatically increased when more than one baby at a time is being carried. Speaking with medical doctors about the chances of needing a C-section is also something that women should consider doing during the early stages of the pregnancy.


The chances of premature labor are significantly higher in multiple birth situations. It becomes essential to monitor the positioning of the babies on a regular basis. It is possible for a woman to end up with one baby not getting enough oxygen in this situation if regular medical care is not sought out on a regular basis.