The Pregnant Women by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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The Nesting Behavior during Pregnancy


Many women start to engage in an activity known as nesting during pregnancy. This behavior usually coincides with an increased amount of energy when it comes to caretaking related activities. Many women become interested in cooking and cleaning and organization during the pregnancy.


There are many reasons that this type of behavior takes place. Many women are concerned that they will not have the proper skills necessary to be a good mother especially if this is their first pregnancy. These women often take part in activities that they think will be expected of them once they deliver the child.


Sometimes the hormone levels of a woman will cause her to have extra surges of energy throughout the day. The surges of energy will often be a reason for her to try and find something to do that requires physical activity. This can be a very challenging time for the other people involved in the pregnant woman’s life because they do not want to see her over-exert herself.


Many times women start to question their ability to handle all of the possibilities of raising a child. Staying busy can sometimes help them to avoid the feelings of fear and frustration that are coming from the creation of the extra hormones in their body. When a woman has access to something to do she will be more likely to feel accomplished and be able to manage your moods successfully.


Sometimes it becomes necessary for other people to step in if a woman is doing too much. Many times women do not realize that they are putting too much pressure on themselves after they find out they are pregnant. It is imperative to make sure that they do not do too much lifting. Heavy lifting during pregnancy can cause many complications that are not good for the baby or the mother.


Women also need to consider avoiding chemicals that can cause complications during pregnancy. Short bursts of energy are very common during this time. It is usually a good idea to make sure that a woman starts projects that can be finished later. Many times women will feel extremely frustrated when they start something and are not able to finish the project during this stage of pregnancy. Speaking about the feelings of a woman is having can usually help her cope with the changes that are going on inside her body.