They Are Trying to Kill Us and It's Time to Fight Back by Bonnie Wills - HTML preview

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Antibiotics, Pain Medications and Vaccinations


Speaking of plagues, today we are facing a very deadly virus that is causing sickness and death, and we have caused this virus. MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a super strain of drug-resistant staphylococcus bacteria. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recently announced that drug-resistant Staph infections have increased dramatically, well beyond what they had previously believed, and is now expected to cause more deaths than HIV/AIDS. It is now expected that 90,000 or more new cases could be diagnosed every year.

We are also experiencing a plague that is attacking our youngest members of society: autism. Although our family practitioners assure us that there is no definite link between vaccinations and autism, many studies worldwide prove otherwise. But you don’t need to quote studies to convince the parent of an autistic child; they can tell you their own experience with vaccinations and they beg other parents to refuse vaccinations for their own children. Autism simply does not exist in countries with no vaccination program. Autism didn’t even exist until the 1930’s, which, coincidentally, is also when the vaccine manufacturers began using Thimerosal. Why can’t we see the proof when it is staring us in the face?

No medicine cabinet would be complete without some sort of pain medication. Aspirin, Tylenol and other pain medications are given routinely yet they are not without their own hazards. “An aspirin a day keeps the doctor away,” is not necessarily true; daily aspirin usage may actually be detrimental to our health. If our child complains that they are not feeling well, what is the first thing we do? We treat the symptom, ignoring the root cause, just as our doctors have taught us to do. The only problem is these painkillers can actually prevent our bodies from healing themselves.

Staphylococcus bacterial infections, or Staph infections, are usually confined to hospital settings. Staph bacteria are present on most people all the time, and do not pose a health threat until they enter the body, usually through an open wound. Healthy people usually can fight off the infection, but for people with compromised immune systems, a Staph infection can be deadly. It can also be a leading cause of other health issues such as Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), pneumonia, bone infections (osteomyelitis), mastitis in nursing mothers, endocarditis (inner heart infection), and bacteremia (blood infection).

The MRSA strain is particularly frightening due to the fact that it is easily transmitted and very difficult to fight. In athletic circles it spreads very quickly due to the amount of skin-on-skin contact, especially involving injuries. There have been cases of MRSA passing during the sharing of a personal item, like a towel. And, as mentioned earlier, this strain is drug-resistant. Penicillin and other anti-biotics are useless against this super-strain because the bacteria has mutated, adjusting to survive the anti-biotic onslaught.

It was discovered many years ago that many infections, especially in hospital settings, were caused by bacteria and that anti-biotics such as penicillin were effective is wiping out the bacteria. This was a wonderful discovery, only it happened before we discovered that our bodies contained both good and bad bacteria. Anti-biotics are defined as, “A chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections,” and was considered to be a “wonder drug” when first discovered.

Anti-biotics were definitely the answer to many serious infections, but not all. In order to know whether or not a patient really needed anti-biotics a doctor had to perform some tests to determine the type and strain of virus the patient had. Only then could they prescribe the proper course of action. Unfortunately this process took time and the patient continued to get sicker, so many doctors, judging from their own past experience, and urged by the parent to, “do something”, would often prescribe the patient with the most widely used anti-biotics, “just in case.” After all, they reasoned, “what could it hurt?” We will soon answer that question.

As patients were discharged earlier from the hospitals, they had to make sure to continue the anti-biotic treatment rather than the nurses doing that for them. Many did not finish their medication simply because they were feeling better and, “who knows… maybe I’ll need some again sometime and this way I’ll already have it on hand.” This is because they didn’t understand that they must take the full course of penicillin in order for it to totally kill the bacterial infection. If you leave any bacterial alive, it tends to mutate, adapting to the anti-biotic and using what it “learned” to genetically modify its self, thereby becoming naturally impervious to the anti-biotic.

Also, many strains of Staph infections could only be properly treated using a specific type of anti-biotic, while others didn’t work. When the doctors simply prescribed the drug without first testing to see what strain they were fighting, they often prescribed a drug that was ineffective in combating that specific strain. This would cause the virus to weaken, but would not wipe it out, allowing mutation.

Thus we have created a super-strain that is drug-resistant and much more difficult to treat. Also, because of our weakened immune system (due to our SAD diet), our bodies are simply not well equipped to fight the infection. Those with compromised immune systems are usually the ones who succumb to such infections. It is also unfortunate that most hospitals have no idea how to build up the immune systems of their patients and their nutritional needs become an afterthought.

At the same time all these anti-biotics have also killed off the friendly bacteria that our bodies need to maintain proper health, thus compromising our immune system further. This wouldn’t be such a problem if we had a method to re-introduce the friendly bacteria. We do have such a method, as we shall later see, but most people are unaware of this condition and how to treat it. By simply re-introducing lacto-fermented foods back into our diets, we can replace the friendly bacteria wiped out by the drugs.

More and more people are beginning to discover these things and even doctors are beginning to tell their female patients to take acidophilus pills to help strengthen the good bacteria and prevent yeast infections. Acidophilus is the live and active culture found in yogurt. Good bacteria, like acidophilus, keep naturally occurring yeast under control; without these bacteria, yeast thrives, feeding on the high sugar in our SAD diets and causing yeast infections. Doctors also need to advise their male patients likewise because they can get yeast infections as well, causing gastrointestinal disorders.

Doctors have known for years that these drug-resistant strains have been developing and have tried to get their patients to understand the need to completely finish their anti-biotics, but we are a stubborn and stiff-necked people. I guess you could say that we did it to ourselves. We have relied too heavily on man’s solutions to sickness and ignored Adonai’s.

"Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments; but repays those who hate Him to their faces, to destroy them; He will not delay with him who hates Him, He will repay him to his face.

"Therefore, you shall keep the commandment and the statutes and the judgments which I am commanding you today, to do them. Then it shall come about, because you listen to these judgments and keep and do them, that the LORD your God will keep with you His covenant and His lovingkindness which He swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock, in the land which He swore to your forefathers to give you.

"You shall be blessed above all peoples; there will be no male or female barren among you or among your cattle. The LORD will remove from you all sickness; and He will not put on you any of the harmful diseases of Egypt which you have known, but He will lay them on all who hate you. (Deuteronomy 7:9-15)

          HaShem is pretty plain here. If we keep (protect, honor, celebrate) the commandments, statutes and judgments of Adonai, He will remove all sickness from us. Only eating the foods He provided for us (clean versus unclean) and keeping those animals healthy (not eating that which dies of itself or is unhealthy) has kept God’s people healthy for hundreds and thousands of years. Why do we think that suddenly we know “better”?

          As I mentioned earlier, there has been a dramatic increase in digestive disorders in this country. The abundant use of pain medications, antacids, and antibiotics contributes greatly to the prevalence of leaky gut syndrome. Antibiotic usage is the most common cause of the various dysbiosis (imbalance of intestinal flora) patterns and its high usage is a major cause of these disorders. Strangely enough, pain medications also play a vital role in the breakdown in the proper function of our digestive system. Elizabeth Lipski, M.S., C.C.N. writes in her book Digestive Wellness:

Inflammation, pain and swelling are nature’s message to stop and let your body heal. But we often ignore this basic instinct and reach for pain medication so we can continue our lives. If the pain and inflammation were initially caused by microbes and you never dealt with the cause, more endotoxins will be produced, causing chronic pain and inflammation, and setting up a continuing cycle.

Often, the pain medications we take become a factor in the continuation and severity of the problem.  Stephen Barrie, N.D., calls it a Machiavellian theme: The drug causes damage to the intestinal lining, causing more inflammation, irritation and pain, so we take more pain medication, which causes further damage.

          There are two types of pain medications: steroidal and non-steroidal. Corticosteroids are made naturally in our body. Synthetic steroids, like prednisone and corisone, are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that are effective in emergency situations, such as allergies, asthma, arthritis, poison ivy, sumac and oak, as well as eczema. When used on a daily basis they can cause serious side effects like a depressed immune system, stomach ulcers, leaky gut syndrome, brittle bones, and even diabetes. They can also be very addictive, which is why they are available by prescription only.

          Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) include both aspirin and ibuprofen and are given out frequently to anyone complaining of a headache, fever or any other pain. But do we know what they are and how they work? I didn’t, and I gave them to my children and myself anyway. How do they work? They block prostaglandin, which are small protein messengers found throughout our bodies. These messengers have two functions. One is to cause pain so that our brains know that there is a problem and the other is to cause the healing and repair of the problem. When these prostaglandin are blocked we no longer feel the pain, but the healing is blocked as well.

          The linings of our intestines are repaired and replaced by this prostaglandin every three to five days. Constant use of NSAIDs blocks this repair process, damaging the intestinal lining. The Candida fungus also damages the intestinal lining when allowed to thrive as a result of antibiotic usage.  Once the lining is damaged, larger molecules are able to pass into the bloodstream. This is known as leaky gut syndrome.

          There are four different types of floral imbalance: Putrefaction, Fermentation, Deficiency, and Sensitization Dysbiosis. All four can be caused and/or aggravated by both antibiotics and pain medications. Putrefaction is basically when the food you eat does not get passed along quickly enough, causing it to just sit and rot in our intestines and colon. It is caused by a diet high in fat and animal protein and low in fiber and causes bloating, discomfort, and indigestion. Those suffering from Putrefaction Dysbiosis also tend to be deficient in vitamin B-12, causing depression, diarrhea, fatigue, memory loss, a numbing in the hands and feet, sleep disturbance and weakness. Increasing fiber from vegetable, fruit and grain sources while reducing animal fat and protein ingestion easily treats this condition.

          Fermentation Dysbiosis is caused by the faulty digestion of carbohydrates such as sugars, fruit, beer, wine, grains and other fiber. Candida or other disease causing microbes that flourish after a course of antibiotics usually causes this condition, and it can be treated with the re-introduction of good bacteria back into the digestive system. Probiotics in pill form can be purchased at most health food stores or on the Internet.

          Deficiency Dysbiosis is caused by a lack of beneficial flora, like bifido-bacteria and lactobacillius, and results in food sensitivities and irritable bowl syndrome. Basically, this is what happens when we have taken too much antibiotics and not enough fiber, so the introduction of fiber is a must in treating this type of flora imbalance.

          The final pattern of Dysbiosis is called Sensitization and is characterized by abnormal, or even aggravated, responses to the normal digestive process. It is basically when the immune system attacks that which is normally not considered a threat to the body and is caused by faulty genetic markers identifying certain foods as a threat. It leads to food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome, acne, bowel and skin problems, connective tissue disease, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. As with all the others, the re-introduction of the friendly bacteria that had been wiped out by antibiotic use is a necessity.

          Because it is cheaper to give a cow a shot to keep her healthy than to guarantee her access to a good, green pasture, many dairies tend to pump their livestock full of anti-biotics in an effort to keep them healthy and producing lots of milk. These anti-biotics build up in their bodies, filling the meat, fat and milk with anti-biotics that eventually are ingested and reduce more of the friendly bacteria we need. That’s not to mention the massive amount of hormones given to cows to cause an increase in milk production that is also seeping into our milk supply. These added hormones cause stress to our system and can cause severe hormonal imbalances, taxing our immune system more.

The only way we will effectively combat drug-resistant strains of bacteria is by boosting the immune system. Then the body will be able to handle the infection without doctor intervention. So, what we need to be asking now is, “How do we boost our immune system without the use of drugs?” We need to eat the right foods. Moses has already told us to follow God’s commands and then we will be well. He also tells us what will happen if we don’t follow the commands, statutes and ordinances:

"If you are not careful to observe all the words of this law which are written in this book, to fear this honored and awesome name, the LORD your God, then the LORD will bring extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants, even severe and lasting plagues, and miserable and chronic sicknesses. He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt of which you were afraid, and they will cling to you.

"Also every sickness and every plague which, not written in the book of this law, the LORD will bring on you until you are destroyed. Then you shall be left few in number, whereas you were as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you did not obey the LORD your God.” (Deuteronomy 28:58-62)

 Isn’t this what has happened? If we study the word of God and apply it to our lives, we would be protected from these diseases, plagues and chronic illnesses. Why don’t we do that? What is preventing us from following His word and instructions? Why do we continue to eat that which is not food and inject foreign substances into our bodies and then curse God when we get sick? Why do we eat sick animals or highly drugged animals, and wonder why we get sick ourselves? Are we really so stupid as to believe there is no correlation?

That is what we are expected to believe when it comes to the link between autism and vaccinations; that there is no link at all. Yet all over the world doctors and scientists are coming forward and telling the truth, often after their own children fall prey to these shots. All the while, the average doctor continues to advise his or her patients to start a regular course of vaccinations almost from birth. What is going on here? Why are there so many people up in arms about vaccinations?

We’ve been told for almost a century now that vaccines are absolutely necessary if we are to rid our world of many diseases that can be fatal. We have been shown charts indicating that since vaccination programs have started these diseases have dropped dramatically. What they don’t show is the graph containing data from the decades preceding the beginning of inoculations. These graphs indicate that many childhood diseases, like mumps and measles, were already declining rapidly due to our better understanding of sanitation and sanitary conditions.

In fact, the evidence indicates that the rate of contraction of these diseases actually rises after vaccinations. The polio vaccine caused the only known outbreaks of polio in the last half century. They have known this problem has existed since the 1950’s and have continued to use this vaccine. The medical community likes to display their graphs that show a sharp decline in confirmed polio cases since the vaccination program first began. What they don’t tell you is that they changed the diagnosis of polio to make it harder to diagnose. As a result, confirmed cases fell… meanwhile reported cases rose dramatically.

We have never had a vaccination for Scarlet Fever, yet the cases have dropped just as dramatically as whooping cough, and we have been vaccinating against that for years. So, if vaccinations are the reason why whooping cough has been dramatically reduced, why has scarlet fever also been reduced without a vaccine? Could it be because we don’t really need these vaccines?

We have been told time and time again that our children need vaccinations to ward off the “possibility” that they could get one of these childhood diseases that “may” prove fatal. Notice the trigger words, used to instill fear in the population: possibility and may. These words are used to create doubt in our minds and make us more susceptible to their words. So, what is the truth? The truth is that if your children are healthy, and you take good care of them, then they should be able to beat these childhood illnesses easily.

Allow me to give you an example. A friend named Stephanie has recently told me about her son’s battle with whooping cough:

My son developed Whooping Cough this past summer. There is "apparently no cure" for Whooping Cough. I used a dropper full of Total Tonic that I make every 3-4 hours, colloidal silver and bone broth and he was over it in 8 days… AND MOST IMPORTANT [make sure] it is really silver! A lot of products out there are not the real deal. Look for words like hydrosol or spray; they are NOT what you want. 

How difficult is it to make this Total Tonic and pick up some colloidal silver for your child? It’s actually quite easy to make the tonic. Just take 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of Turmeric, 1 teaspoon of Horseradish, 1/4 of an
onion, 1 small piece ginger, a handful of Cilantro (fresh), and a dash of
Cayenne in a base of 1/2 cup Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider
Vinegar. Mix all of the ingredients together in a blender or a food
processor. A child would only need five drops under their tongue three times a day. For an adult, double the dose. The colloidal silver can be found in most health food stores, online, or one can purchase or build a machine and make their own. Just make sure that your silver is pure.

 The longest part is the making of the soup (unless this is something you do regularly and keep on hand) and the running to the store. It doesn’t involve standing in line at the pharmacy. It doesn’t even involve a trip to the doctor (why are we taking out children out of their sick beds to see doctors?) Put the child to bed, give them soup and other nourishing foods and keep them clean and they should be fine. The medications that we take these days have so many bad side effects that we need to recover from the recovery. There are no side effects of soup and these other herbs and treatments like you find with prescription drugs.

The Amish do not vaccinate their children; it is against their beliefs. Yet from the period between 1970 and 1988 they reported no cases of measles. Another interesting statistic is the autism rate among the Amish… it is virtually non-existent. I say virtually because there are a few cases of Autism among the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Out of the entire community, only three children have been diagnosed as Autistic. All three had been adopted and all three had received vaccinations prior to their adoption. Outside of these three cases, there are no Autistic children among the Amish of Lancaster County.

The Swiss also do not immunize against the measles, yet studies have shown that those who are vaccinated are twice as likely to die from the measles than those who were not. This is because when we inject these viruses directly into the blood stream we bypass the systems designed by God to properly breakdown of these pathogens. Rather than boost the immune system, we compromise it.

Suppressed immune systems are more likely to be unable to fight off the viruses and bacteria that we come into contact with. As a result we are seeing an upsweep in the number of people being diagnosed with allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic ear infections (linked with ADD/ADHD), arthritis, diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and multiple sclerosis. People with already compromised immunity are much more likely to contract the disease they are being vaccinated against, and often these diseases are then fatal.

Discoveries are being made all around the world that we never even hear about, and I think that it is a shame. In the Philippians there was a small pox epidemic that gave us some starling new discoveries. The epidemic was so severe that many people actually contracted small pox twice (very rare). The amazing thing was, only those who had received the small pox vaccine contracted the disease twice.

In the 1950’s and 60’s there were many children who were infected with monkey virus due to infected monkey tissue being used to culture the polio vaccine. Why are we using animal tissues, especially unclean and unhealthy animals? As far back as the 1940’s it has been known that diphtheria shots caused a polio outbreak in the U.S., yet these shots were continually given to young children. Again I ask, “Why?”

When a young child shows a reaction to these shots, the health care professionals often tell the parents that it was a coincidence that these symptoms appeared after their vaccinations, and that there is no reason to suspect the vaccination, especially if a few weeks have passed. This is absolutely a lie. There has now been a term coined to describe these delayed reactions: Delayed Hypersensitivity Reactions. These reactions can happen several weeks after the vaccination occurred.

It was the study of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or crib death that actually demonstrated the direct correlation between vaccinations and infants dying in their sleep. Many families were given breathing monitors for those infants deemed most at risk of SIDS (often because of the loss of a sibling). These monitors showed an increase in breathing difficulty after immunizations.

Vaccines not only contain the virus that we want our bodies to learn to fight, but they also contain other ingredients as well, including human fetal cells. To me, this seems like a form of cannibalism.  Antifreeze is used in the polio vaccine, and we all know how toxic that solution is. Another common ingredient is MSG, as if we didn’t have enough in our system already. We are also injecting animal organ tissue and blood. Animals used include monkey (kidney), cow (heart), calf (serum), chicken (embryo and egg), duck (egg), pig (blood), sheep (blood), dog (kidney), horse (blood), rabbit (brain), and guinea pig. You’re general practitioner will not give you this list. They don’t know it themselves.

Also among these ingredients are formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum. These are poisons and unsafe at any level. Formaldehyde has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Probable Human Carcinogen, which means that it is known to cause cancer in animals and suspected of causing it in humans as well. The effects of formaldehyde exposure include eye, nose, and throat irritation, wheezing, coughing, fatigue, skin rashes, and other severe allergic reactions.

Mercury is so dangerous that hospitals have stopped using thermometers made with glass and mercury for fear of them braking and harming a patient. Many people are paying to have all of their mercury fillings removed because of the associated health risks, including gum disease. People who have been exposed to merc