They Are Trying to Kill Us and It's Time to Fight Back by Bonnie Wills - HTML preview

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Are we just going to sit here and take it?


The UN population control program, coupled with the rubbish in our food supply, has made each of us sick. The global elite do not care about you or me or our children. They would like to see us dead. We are useless eaters to them, especially those who are financially poor. I specified “financially” poor because many of these same people are very, very rich in spirit. They are the salt of the earth, and we know how the world looks at salt these days… it is only good for trampling underfoot.

Is that really all salt is good for? Is this food, so oft mentioned in the Bible in favorable light, really as bad as “they” say? Or is it a miracle food, able to heal and preserve and spice our lives? What about butter? Is margarine really better for us? Who do we trust to tell us the truth? The UN (and the global elite) tells us to trust them and we have. What has it gotten us thus far? More wars than ever before, our money going to fund programs that prevents children from being born, and more food additives than we can list. So, do “they” really know what’s best for us?

Are we or are we not the children of the Living God? Has the Master not purchased us? Isn’t it time we started acting as such? Just who is our master? The master is the one we obey. Are we obeying the world when it says, “Just do it,” or God when He says, “Follow Me.”  The children of the King should be treated as such, not as rubbish to be tossed away.

God has plans for our lives; plans for good, not evil. We cannot be a part of His plan if we are dead. The enemy knows this. He has been working behind the scenes for thousands of years, influencing men either knowingly or subliminally, to bring about his evil kingdom. We stand in his way, so he wants us dead. Lucifer has been jealous of man since day one and has wanted to destroy us and he believes he is succeeding. You and I know better, don’t we? We know who wins the battle. But are we going to be around to see it?

So, are we just going to sit here and take it? Or are we ready to stand up and shout, “No more!” Are we going to continue in our comfort zones, slowly wasting away, or are we going to get up and do something before it is too late? Well, which is it? Are we ready, and willing, to make the sacrifices necessary? Have we offered up our bodies to the altar of convenience or as living sacrifices to the One who loves us most?

If we truly love Adonai, then we should want to take care of this body He has given us to the best of our ability. Remember, our bodies are His temple, housing His Spirit, and should be treated as such. We are to be holy as He is Holy. Set apart for His special purpose from the rest of the world. How can we serve Him when we are sick? How can we heal others when we are sick ourselves?

Could it be that we don’t really believe any of this? Not only do we not believe that those in charge could be secretly planning to wipe us out, but we don’t even truly believe that there is a battle between good and evil and we are caught in the middle. We must understand that what is going on here is much bigger than our physical health; our spiritual health is in jeopardy as well.

If we really do believe that we are better than how we are being treated, then we must not allow this to continue. We must separate ourselves from “them” and their plans and turn back to Adonai’s plans. Do you think He didn’t know all of this was going to happen?

No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. (1 Corinthians 10:13-14)

Idolatry? Yes, idolatry. Anything we put above God is idolatry. If we listen to and follow a man, when he teaches in direct opposition to God’s Word, then we have made him into an idol. If we pay more heed to our doctor than our God, well then, is He really our God? The scientists tell us that synthetic vitamins are just as good as those made from food sources, but we will soon see that is simply not true. Are we still going to believe them? Don’t we trust Adonai to make vitamins for us? Suddenly He’s not good enough? For shame!

If we truly love the Lord, then we must treat all of creation with respect, including ourselves. He is standing by our side, always, ready and willing to lead us into the paths of righteousness. Those paths include the one to good health and the happiness that comes with healthiness. We are supposed to be energetic and alive so that we can show the world what belief in Adonai can do, but first we must believe it ourselves.

Have a little faith in Adonai. He will show you the way. Obey Him and prosper or continue to disobey and get sicker and sicker. The choice is up to you, “but as for me and my house, we will serve Adonai” by following His instructions. Then we will be strong enough, physically, to stand in that day.