Your Guide to Better Sleep
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Author: Neville Amis
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Published: 12 years agoRating: Rated: 1 times Rate It
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Nothing could be further from the truth. As our author states, " Many still believe the old theory that sleep is a necessary nuisance and a blank hole between the important productive and enjoyable parts of our busy lives." If that describes you, then you need to read what we have to say more than anyone else. Especially if you are losing sleep on a regular basis. And, like many people, you may think that sleep loss is a normal condition in today's world. If you find yourself occasionally wondering why you are no longer able to perform some of the physical AND mental activities you used to take for granted, you are on a collision course with disaster. If that describes you, then you know exactly what we are talking about. On some level you know that sleep is good for you.