Your Guide to Treating Fibromyalgia
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Author: Terry Springer
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Pages: 85
Published: 12 years agoRating: Rated: 8 times Rate It
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Book Description HTML
Step by Step - A Personal Approach to Managing Fibromyalgia This ebook is packed with detailed information about the most effective means of treating Fibromyalgia. Experts and Researchers agree that a "Patient Directed" Fibromyalgia management program is the best treatment approach. While dozens of proven effective treatment options are discussed at length, the focus of this book is on the process of putting systems to use in researching, planning, implementing and managing the development of an individualized Fibromyalgia treatment program. Through the key concept of "Intelligent" Trial and Error - this ebook will teach you a more effective means of managing your Fibromyalgia on a daily basis.