Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot Book 2 by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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See note 7, the land grant college system

Between advocates of pure democracy and representative democracy

It's absence from the record may have been intentional, or the record may be sealed in some archive vault not accessible to the American public. In the humble opinion of this author, many such archive vaults exist.

The second part of the collusion to benefit

The third part of the tainted collusion to benefit 6 More to go back into the coffers of government

Hamilton's “assumption”

In corporate dealings with plebeians and on the banking end, instead preferring to facilitate fraud and theft from this group of now unrepresented citizen masses. 9 Governor Haley of South Carolina, Wikipedia 13 Duel between Alexander Hamilton and Arron Burr, Hamilton died as a result

Jackson's war on the banks

Known to the official history as Abolitionist literature.

Under provision six of the Act, (The Morrill Land Grant Act) "No State while in a condition of rebellion or insurrection against the government of the United States shall be entitled to the benefit of this act," 17   Consider the corporation who eliminates entry level hiring opportunities and apprentice level training, while demanding that the plebeian employment seeker verify that he possesses the ability to provide a journeyman quality standard service or product, but being compensated at an apprentice level range in salary. The colleges and university are allowed to take complete advantage of him by demanding extortionist rates imposing a virtual life time indenture for their educational services.

Same requirement as in note seven above, since those were the states destined to finance the fund appropriations.

An interesting notation here is the Southern Homestead Act of 1866, America's first program of land redistribution

This author contends that citizens with a colonial/Constitutional heritage in the North were largely against Federal government starting war with people who were only exercising a Constitutionally endorsed personal choice to own slaves and make choices in his own enterprising direction that serve his business interests; including separating to form a new nation upon those rights being held in disregard, since the actions of the Federal government clearly went against the call of the preamble in the Declaration Of Independence.

Thousands went to Canada, 200,000 Union deserters, the New York City draft riots of 1863 who-we-were/

It has been noted that Lincoln spent long time spans away from his friends and family.

Another suggestion of the possible poverty and discourse in the home of the mother's parents.

Before the advent of radio and television, people sat around and told family tales for entertainment, almost on a daily basis. Even in the lifetime of this author, the elder generation of the depression era and earlier, spoke frequently of times and experiences long since passed in the family.

Lincoln was an attentive father and husband but was absent from home for long periods of time.

People entertained around the hearth fire daily before the advent of radio and T.V., speaking frequently of old time family position and experience, even as late as the 1970's in some areas of the US.

Shenk, Joshua Wolf (October 2005)."Lincoln's Great Depression".The Atlantic. The Atlantic Monthly Group. Archived from the original on October 20, 2011.

Foner (1995), pp. 440–447

Donald (1996), p. 140

Possibly a calculated corporate design to steal the individual stockholder's investment, since it had been made to facilitate construction on a particular route.

The caning by Preston Brooks of Charles Sumner, which nearly killed him., this leading to a virtual guerrilla war between opposing factions 46 insurance mandates

Which included free issues and freemen, who in many cases had been ex-slaves.

Recall Lincolns early obsession with restoring his families former “genteel aristocratic status” and the fact that he had discovered the way to achieving this restoration was in service to the dark side/the corrupt cartel seeking to rule the nation with absolute authority.

There was no solid opposition in place to support his cause, since the war then had been lost by the opposition. Hence, those in judgment acted as an absolute authority only designing to condemn, which they in-fact really were by the time of Johnson's impeachment.

House documents, volume 3; volume 174, page 2 and 3

Primarily the South, the Mid-West and increasingly the West 59       Donald (1996), pp. 247–250

   Dividing the nation was a threat, rather than the exercise of a Constitutionally endorsed liberty supported by popular vote in individual states.

   A Chicago tribune writer produced a pamphlet detailing Lincoln's “rags-to-riches” life and it sold well over 100,000 copies, perpetuating the self-made myth and the plebeian appeal for camaraderie heralding development contracts and general designs that benefit an elitist few as “progressive” and those who resist in the name of preserving individual plebeian interests as being regressive/anti-progess and national advancement. why_are_police_attacking_peaceful_protesters_how_ows_has_exposed_the_militarization_of_us_law_enforcement

Society at large is indebted only to the elderly, since they have already done their part in contribution and the truly infirm, who simply cannot function due to verifiable physical or mental limitations. The others are compelled by daily reality and circumstance to either exert for the purpose of contributing productively or suffer the consequence of not doing so by starving, thereby effectively cutting off their drain from the resource base of those whom are creative, industrious and productive. Such absolutes are the reasons why individuals possessing the liberty to be productive in absence of any repression is so paramount to the existence of any truly liberated society that has ever existed.

         Liberated nations owe their veterans for making the absolute sacrifice, but only when they are compelled by official mandate to do so irrespective of their own freedom to choose otherwise. Individuals who simply choose to risk all and lose are owed no more than any others throughout the society at large who make the same choice and assume the same risk levels on a near daily basis nationwide, such as our firemen or policemen, for example. The difference here notated by this author is that one element primarily serves international corporate interests and the others primarily serve those of the plebeian masses at home inside their own national boarders; but neither is necessarily totally exclusive in it's duties to serve.

Recall the Presidents discussed who were in favor of dissolving the Electoral college because of the possibility of a corporate payoff to the delegates making the final decision.

Nevins, Ordeal of the Union vol 4. p. 312

George Bush had less plebeian votes than any other candidate since the time of Benjamin Harrison in 1888, "2000 Official General Election Presidential Results". Federal Election Commission.

December 2001. Retrieved September 1, 2008.

   "I will suffer death before I consent ... to any concession or compromise which looks like buying the privilege to take possession of this government to which we have a constitutional right."

Donald (1996), p. 268

Donald (1996), p. 268

This author believes that the cartel ordered him to move forward or else suffer a fate similar to that of Herndon

84 Fact-Record.html

The US Constitution declares that citizens are innocent until proven guilty by legitimate court of law.

The official history records that Lincoln's illegal suspension of HC resulted in the mass arrest of thousands labeled as sympathizers, with no benefit of trial by law, sending many innocents to their deaths inside what amounted to concentration camps. Congress avidly supported such action since it had no standing opposition to demand otherwise.

The author of this work believes that Lincoln organized a system of secret police who roamed the States at large and arrested on mere claims or assumption of Confederate sympathy, since the suggestion of possibility is so powerful, although no official record of such is yet to be found.

For military purposes or otherwise, see the second amendment.

The official historical record states that McClellen briefly captured Lee's crippled wheel chair bound wife just outside of Richmond, but then released her, allowing her to exit under safe escort through Federal lines out of “gentlemanly” concern. This author believes that she was held captive under all pretenses, and the message sent back to Lee was that she would be eliminated if Lee did not act to change the course of the war into Federal favor. Only by Lee's agreement to submit was she then allowed safe escort. The battle of Antietam facilitated this transformation in a discovery of battle plans intentionally laid, McClellan's blunder to follow through on the plans, with Lee and the opposition saving face to the historical record, no matter how the situation was weighed out by the future generations.

Donald (1996), pp. 364–365

Designed to be purloined from the large estates the-confederate-war/

It is important to note that Rosecrans and Burnside were big corporate rail road officials and politicians gettysburg.htm 102William Lewis Herndon No-191-Union-soldiers-changed-fate-Antietam-Americas-bloodiest-day.html

    FBI/CIA specialize in assassination

   The official historical record states that Rooney's wife, Charlotte had enjoyed a period of relatively good health, but then suddenly dies.

,      p.77 Arlington 2000

   Mary Lee also suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis and was wheel chair bound as a result.

Nevins, Ordeal of the Union (Vol. IV), pp. 6–17

We must hold in mind that Master Sun Zu's nation rejection all tradition upon it's embrace of Communism, so for us to scoff at the literature in light of their Communist embrace, would bear no validation.

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