Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot Book 2 by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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The Terrible Sixth Step


         Lo, the wails of pain did grow ever louder and a restoration of the Great Spirit's mercy never did come; for their time in liberties eternal test they had all nonchalantly squandered, now the days in their fathers' Elysium paradise are done!


The author


     With the stroking of the mid-night chime, so rings liberties' lonesome knell of death across the American landscape. The lose was first preceded by three primary heralds. The first herald was notation of the fact that American’s children were not receiving a true education in lieu of the claim that the opposite was true. The obvious looming intent is that uneducated people are unobservant and tend to be docile, also being easy to manipulate with lies.

    The second herald is the resurrection of inquisition. Primarily the type that shall reign across the land of America is that of an extortionist political inquisition. There is a growing possibility that America and the West at large, my actually bear witness to the return of religious inquisition in the lifetime of our generation. This would be the very first time in three hundred years that such an event has been witnessed on American soil when it does occur.

   We also observe the facts of an emerging inquisition in our examination in growing cases of open ended claims taken at face value, where the target is condemned in complete absence of evidence, in lieu of the court's assumption that some level of guilt must have been present for the claim to have been made in the first place. The claims are assumed in compete disregard for the fact that claimants have been known to lie for numerous reasons.

   The latest category of open ended claims being embraced in courts are when targeted individual's are assigned underneath the broad label of “terrorist.” As we shall recall, the label of terrorist may literally apply to any individual in America who exercises his Constitutional freedom of speech in condemnation of government policy for any reason, or one that even disagrees with government policy, let alone refusing to comply with it's UN-Constitutional mandates. This would include a large number of categories such as that of Christian, those who home-school, those who believe in Constitutional rights.

    The third herald would announce itself upon suspension of the second amendment. This amendment alone would stand as the final barrier between liberty of the American people and government imposed direction of it's own will at the expense of the citizen masses. The Constitutional framers were well aware of the people's future need for arms. Before the American revolution there had been The Peasant's Revolt of Europe  {684} . This situation inside of European boundaries had occurred over a three hundred year period. The situation inside European nations of the day so closely resembled the America of our present day, that the similarities are astounding.

    The people of the land simply took the implements most readily at hand, primarily being those related to farm labor, and crafted weapons from them, with which they made their audacious stand in battle against well armed forces of the crown. The events of the time provided precedence for both the American and French Revolutions. The need for adequate weaponry for the purpose of preserving liberty prevailed in the minds of the nation's Constitutional framers.  In lieu of the preceding historical details, we may presume that situations facilitating an emergence of the coming tyranny will occur at a much faster pace with a suspension of the second amendment.

   What history reveals is that we must observe some type of great distraction, while the intentions of the tyrant to seize control are fulfilled. The supreme distraction would be a nuclear attack staged or facilitated inside national boundaries by agents of the US government. The perfect cover for the central bank in America to facilitate the purpose of concealing an intentional currency crash would be if the attack occurred on Manhattan island, especially nearer to lower Manhattan or on the entire city of New York.

    Such an attack could also occur on any of the twelve cites in which a branch bank of The Federal Reserve existed, such as Atlanta, for instance, with very similar effects, but not nearly to the same degree of intensity, since the primary back resides in New York City. Citizens inside the US have already had the suggestion placed inside their minds that should some incident of nuclear attack occur in the future, those responsible will be the Iranians  {685}  or the North Koreans.

    As far as this author is concerned, other suggestions found in this presumption of possibility are that such an event may well be in the planning stages, even as these words are written, in lieu of the inserted assumption of guilt directed toward certain specific nationalities, who all stand far out in the horizon distance. This false suggestion will place the attention of the American public far out at sea, rather than at home. where the true villain resides.

   A perfect follow up might be with a low level terror attack using firearms, such as what occurred in California, except that this attack would much larger, occurring in a dozen or more US States and hitting at least thirty US cities all across the land. This author suspects that the one in California may have been a test run for the coming huge event. The affect would literally paralyze the entire American citizen base, terrifying them to the point that few would know which way to go or what to do. Industry and commerce all across the land of America would virtually come to a standstill. The nation's economy would virtually shutdown inside of two weeks from the time of the event.

    Tension on the ground and in the surrounding air would rise during the same time period, until it exploded with the closing of industry and the general closing of stores. All across America US cities would go up in flames as huge collective masses of enraged citizens battled it out with both National Guard soldiers and police on the ground. Looting, shooting, plundering of closed stores and crime in general, would be ramped during this phase of the deceptive program intending to manipulate the people of America. Once the stores and streets had been looted and burned completely out, the criminal gangs would turn on the surrounding neighborhoods and the people therein, carrying on with the same negative intentions of stealing their lively-hood from the surrounding population base. Neighborhoods that had not collectively gathered in presumption of possibility and formed some sort of paramilitary security unit, would be at the mercy of the criminal gangs, who basically would have no mercy and feel that they could gratify their own desires at the complete expense of the population base, with no chance of repercussion.

    This situation would be astoundingly reminiscent of what Southern States found themselves in during the last year of the Civil War and during the time of Southern Reconstruction, {686} when security on the home-front was virtually non-existent. The real truth of why certain developments occurred later in time would manifest itself once more again, with the same generational vendetta of the past. The resulting national response may well be very similar when the entire situation finally settled, and the following time of economic persecution concluded. Entire demographic segments may then divide themselves by choice and the nation of America carve itself up into physical political, social and ideological boundaries.

    Other additional scenario situations which may follow up on the chaos might be with a well calculated biological attack. It would be possible to initiate a biological attack first, before the staged nuclear attack. Disease microbes have been bred that are far more potent than those found in nature of highly contagious naturally occurring diseases, such small pox and tuberculosis. {687} Bubonic plague may well be another in the banking cartel's secret arsenal of death. New diseases far more deadly than any found in nature may exist which could be put to the ultimate test.

   These diseases may be programmed to time release, some even as far back as a three months following exposure. 726  Sixty individuals could be intentionally infected with these time released potions of destruction two months before time of the planned event. These individuals may be flown completely undetected into thirty different US cities, some two at a time, for example. Not only would they breath into the air of the plane, infecting the population there, who would carry it into other places; they could simply take their sweet time walking around the airport, infecting hundreds as the pass them by. Once on the outside they may choose to seat themselves in bus terminals, large churches, train stations, sub-way terminals, malls, foot-ball games and enclosed sporting events in general, basically any enclosed area where large crowds of people gather. All that these villains would have to do is simply breath the air around them deeply, and thousands would become infected, transporting the disease to tens of thousands more. By the time that the atomic distraction occurred and the masses were in great chaotic turmoil, the disease would have infected many hundreds of thousands, if not millions.  It would strike with a vengeance about the time that the national violence would have appeared to have burned itself out.

   Even before the time of the disease strike, we may imagine that Martial Law would have already been called. The military would merge with the National Guard and the regular police force, moving into what was left of the smoldering US cities with orders of shoot-to-kill on sight, especially during cases of resistance or breaks of curfew. There would be no consideration of general circumstance when citizens needed to exit homes and hideaways for the purpose of finding food and general supplies. Any person sighted would be liquidated by guarding snipers, general police and soldiers, drones, robots or the like.

    When the chaotic situation at long last appeared be settling down, the great population roundup would soon follow. Civilians would be mass transported into containment facilities already scattered all across the landscape by districts, by bus, train, transfer truck or van. As these now hopelessly  imprisoned individuals made their way through the maze of t razor-wire topped gates, computers with facial recognition equipment  {688} would effectively do the count, checking the name from the stored databank of district residents, very carefully notating those who were absent from the roll call, once the entire district had been notated as being depopulated.

    In fact, this author anticipates the possibility of mandated computer chip implants or tattoo computer chip IDs  {689} making the program of computer identification far less cumbersome. This mandate would precede the event possibly by at least a year or even more. The tattoos would be far more publicly acceptable than the rice sized implantation chips, since tattoos are faddish and more citizens today wear already tattoos than ever before in America. {690} An interesting notation that very well may precede the stated event is the coming national ID mandate of 2017,  {691} the very first of it's kind in the land of freeborn America. We may also anticipate that this mandate should coincide with the coming mandate to eliminate all forms of cash transaction. {692}

   Numerical values equivalent to cash may be downloaded into the computer chip, which may then be swiped exactly as a bar-code, for the purpose of making cost extractions on products and services. Those imprisoned may well be forced to provide their own accommodation with a swipe, which shall further plunge them into debt or serve to further render them destitute, should they still possess any remaining funds of value. We may anticipate that very few, if any will, by this time in the program.

    About the time that half or more of national Martial Law districts had filled, the dormant disease attack would abruptly incubate, serving to effectively depopulate entire facilities in many localities, while severely limiting others, making them far less apt to resist. Those who did attempt to revolt may be intentionally transported into facilities where it was noted that disease was most deadly, further liquidating potential problems and consumption of resources by inmates in places where resources were already limited. Thus, we may observe inside our notation, the manner in which bio-weaponry may be utilized to facilitate the objective of plebeian conquest and absolute authority.

    Those who managed to escape the roundup would be hunted mercilessly, with drones, dogs, security search brigades using the latest infrared, moonlight magnification devices, thermal viewers, and possibly even satellites. Escape from any prison facility may be rendered one hundred percent impossible in the dawning future. Even though running may appear as impossible, we are forced to recall that in the not so distant past, one highly pursued criminal did succeed in escaping all the latest search technology and pursuit of a literal 200 man special forces army for five years {693}, and dozens of bounty hunters in hot pursuit of the multimillion dollar bounty on his head, only getting caught by allowing himself to be apprehended from tiring of life on the lam. In the above notation we are reminded of the bible verse Mathew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains.

     The prevailing purpose of relocating the population base into containment facilities, would not only accommodate the intention of providing security and supplying the needs of citizens, the true purpose would be containment until the corporation could purchase the residential and commercial real-estate infrastructure, and the system could be put into place that would accommodate the civilians again to the benefit of both government and corporation. The new US Constitution would force the population into submission to the new corporate Nation and the Socialized State, rather then the other way around, as it was in the original. Individual citizens would have only those rights allowed by the corporation and the government at their leisure.

    What we may imagine in such a world is that all homes would be basically alike, according to what employment it was that the individual was assigned into. The mill houses and those of the mining towns  {694} were basically all alike back in times now passed. The company owned both the town and all of the surrounding panoramic real-estate, most of which it purchased from the US government at pennies in the dollar. {695} We must presume that the same would be true in the new dawning era of Americana, in every town, city and State. The corporations and the government would own everything. The citizens would be required to labor six twelve hour days. {696} 

    All of the citizen's basic needs would be supplied. No more stress over house or rent payments, taxes, healthcare, basic utilities, food or transportation. All of the automobiles would the latest hybrid types. Primarily all would be small highly efficient cars, unless one's job assignment required a truck. As time progressed, transportation would gravitate from that of the individual over into mass transportation, such as buses, trains, mono-rails, subways, etc.

     If all of it sounds great, then the only problem would be if one desired a paycheck. Money would be cashless, with the worker only receiving a food and recreational allowance based on his employment assignment. Practically speaking, the unemployment rate would be zero. People who failed to prove their worth by maintaining the labor quota, would be delivered into the liquidation facility. In the beginning these numerical food and recreational allowance amounts would be assigned into one's computer chip implant; but as more people chose to forgo recreation, opting instead to accumulate the numbers, the recreational allowance would come in the form of a computerized program attachment and a card to verify that it was all legal.

    As the system settled in and the people gradually began to accept their circumstance, all food would be rationed in accordance to the standard allowance currently in highly Socialized or Communist nations  {697} ,justified by the present day medical industry research as being healthy {698} , by preventing heart disease, cancer and other health concerns. This diet would be primarily a vegetarian diet, with chicken or fish twice a week, and a meager portion of red meat, primarily in the form of pork, once a month. No matter what we are told today in contradiction of this statement, this reality would be one resulting from the fact that chicken, fish and pork are inexpensive to produce, utilize little land area, and their reproduction rates exceed their rate of production. Other red meats used may be both rabbit and goat for the same reasons of efficiency.

    Crime would virtually be non-existent in this new age landscape of American Fascism. The reasons for this reality are that there would exist no form of cash and every person would basically possess the same as those inside his labor realm. The entire population base would be confined into certain specific areas and divided according to the nature of one's employment assignment. The incentive to educate for excellence would be a greater recreational allowance, and surroundings among a different social level of skilled workers. Neighborhoods would eventually be transformed to facilitate complete security, with virtually all possibilities were presumed in advance. If one chose to enter or exit a neighborhood, computers would notate chip implants on the automobile, revealing specifically whom the driver was, and where specifically it was that he originated, as well as every personal specific, including if he had ever been charged with a crime in the past, as well as the nature thereof. Security cameras far to minute to discern would be found throughout the entire complex, even inside the individual living quarters. Microphones could detect and record every conversation held, even to the point of notating whispers.

     Those who dared to criticize leaders of the system locally or at large, their conversations would be filed away by the computer, with a flag sent to security officials, who would always arrive in the dead of night to make an arrest. Even the slightest of infractions would land one in some labor facility, where he would perform according to specified production quota, or he would be delivered into a liquidation facility, to the complete benefit of the corporate complex into which he had been deposited.     In the beginning, the infirm and the elderly would be housed in very attractive, well organized complexes designed specifically for the purpose in an atmosphere of the best. For the elderly the appearance would be one of a true retirement resort. As the system continues to deteriorate, since those in charge who are consumed by the spirit of greed know no level of satisfaction, both the elderly and the inform would be destined for eventual liquidation, in this author's opinion. By liquidating these individuals, medical and food resources are freed for use by the elites, and the resort retirement facilities would provide much more of a pleasure to those and their families, than those of laborers and others lower down in the system.

   The prevailing problem with such reality is that the rate of corruption would never cease to decline, since greed knows no limitations. Once the citizen's capacity to resist had been totally neutralized, he would literally exist at the mercy of his overlords. At that point this author visualizes an elimination of the family structure, where the citizens complete lives are organized around one's capacity to give labor in ceaseless abundance, in complete blind submission to authority. Eventually male and female would be separated, with a literal breeding farm constructed where the most productive and healthiest, would become highly encouraged to merge. All types of activity would be facilitated to both encourage breeding among individuals present, as well as pleasure in general. Their resulting offspring would be raised and indoctrinated by the State, to be effective, compliant citizens, every ready to give all in the name of national civic duty.  Individuals who could not fit in to any type of employment situation or general circumstance, would destined for the liquidation facility, where he would be worth more dead to the national leadership reduced down into exchangeable products, than alive, as a breathing, consuming organism, with no productive use to the new Nation/State.

    In situations outside of the breeding farm, where individuals who did not meet the apex in productive capacity, yet still retained value to the Nation/State, homosexual relationships would be encouraged inside general living quarters to relieve sexual stress, since these relationships do not result in reproduction of the species. Only the strongest, healthiest and most productive and in some isolated incidences, the most intelligent, would be allowed that privilege. The idea here would be that the entire population base would eventually transform into one of superior productivity.

   In the beginning, on the seventh day one would be compelled into participating in the new religion of the State. {699} This religion would be an all inclusive, compelled worship of the new State system. {700} It's god would be one of fiction who supposedly originated from some distant starlight constellation. {701} {702} Worshipers would be forced to bow before it's bronze effigy bearing the face of the conquering tyrant, sitting in the midst of the temple complex.

    This effigy would have it's arms outstretched in what will appear to be a loving embrace. To demonstrate total loyalty and complete submission to the new corporate Nation and the Socialist State, in the beginning we might surmise that the citizens of America will be compelled into giving the ultimate sacrifice, that of their first born child, just as did the tyrants of old. Those who refuse would witness their entire families sacrificed into the flames of the effigy, if not sacrificed on an alter inside the bronze bull, {703} before they themselves would suffer death. After the people of the land proved their loyal blind submission and the Nation State eliminated the family structure, the child sacrifices would cease, only occurring at rare time frames in symbolic gesture of past reverence. In this instance, the sacrificial “lamb” would be one that was born lame or sick beyond medical assistance, if not one from less esteemed elements.

    Upon release back into the corporate owned towns and cities, those who will remain in the forced labor facility will be those who are deepest in debt, with no chance of a pay off. Right now we read that personal debt is the highest that it has ever been in history {704}, even though the first large burp on this economic health indicator has already occurred, that in itself nearly crashing the entire economy back in 2008.   The US is still dealing with shock-waves from the foreclosure situation of 2007-2008. {705}The loans and the revenue lost to investors still has yet to be repaid, both internally on a national scale and externally on an international level. The United States the highest level of college debt {706} ever that has been thrust onto the backs of that nation's young through their lack of alternative options for employment by intentional government design to create wealth for the nation's banks. Although this author has deduced that a parent opening up some sort of franchise would be a far better option in eighty percent of college considerations.

   The truth is obvious, being that the system is literally pushing individuals to go into such huge volumes of debt, and that it was intentional by design. First the production base was shipped off shore, and citizens inside national boarders had more regulations to deal with that virtually denies them the right to engage in business enterprise on their own. Then the opportunity base contracts to the point that one is forced to attend college, with virtually nothing remaining as a viable option. Attending college demands that one go deeply in-debt to the banks. The market caused housing prices to dramatically inflate, with ne'er an attempt in neutralizing the situation. Thus, we may view clearly that the effort of forcing plebeian citizens into massive debt was intentional. 746

    We must give pause and consider that the coming system of forced labor demand the slave camps to be filled into maximum capacity. {707} All debts once taken out shall be paid in full, one way or the other, especially when the corporations, who may be of international origin,  purchase the entire system of real-estate finance from the Federal Government. We must always recall that the TPP agreement already signed, sealed and delivered, allows foreign conglomerate corporations to function on US soil in disregard for US laws, Constitutional or otherwise. We may observe in this notation of the TPP as well, that the check standing between corporate actions and concerns for the citizens on the ground, have already been removed by US leadership, just as Jackson did with the Native Americans and the German government of the 1930's and forty’s did with the citizens of Europe. This author beholds a vision of horror where one day in the not-so-distant future, a hell striking reminiscent of Auschwitz looms just on the horizon before us, should we continue on in our complacent disregard of developing facts.

    Other persons who shall accompany the debtors are those who fall underneath the broad label of terrorist, or any one of the others. Christians will certainly follow very quickly behind. People who speak any sort of criticism, Constitutionalists, people who attempt to flee the persecution rather than resist, and many other notated labels.


What Can We Do About It?


    In our final analysis we are left with the exasperating question that always concludes political or economic discussions, when all considerations are understood in relation to the people of the land. The sad truth is that there just are not a whole lot of options in what individuals can do to change decisions that are being made from the great white throne high up on the hill above. In truth, short of giving our vote for what has always appeared to be a very narrow range of personality and experience options, the range in available choices stops there. In the end, the people as individuals are only left with two choices, and a possible third, if the decision is made to act in due course of time, preceding negative developments that are emerging with more frequency that most are even willing to admit.


One's Local Choice


    The problem with choices as individuals is that there are not enough available to absorb the entire population base. Then on the other hand, by far and away a majority are simply going to continue on in their complacent state of mind, no matter what imenant horrors it is that the facts are suggesting. For those of whom choose to do otherwise, the first consideration will be to drop out of sight. Our study of history instructs us that the very best place to accomplish this end would be somewhere that allows us to go virtually underground. For those that are in towns and cities surrounded by hills or mountains, our first valid consideration might be to search out a natural cave, preferably one that has never been previously explored or mapped out. The truth is that we could be perfectly comfortable in a cave as small as twelve by twelve, with a seven or eight foot ceiling.

   Most mapping today is done by air plane photographs or even those taken from a satellite. For people in search of places to hide themselves, other people and things, this reality is a very positive consideration. In the mountains and rolling hill country that surround more than a few large towns and even some large cities, the terrain produces crevices in the hills, that are at times very deep and overhang for quite a ways out, concealing virtual oasis meadows that can be multiple acres in size. Some of these meadows are as large as thirty acres and even more in size, according to available information. {708}

    For this reason, in the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee, for example, and in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, to this very day there still exists areas that are virtually unknown to any type of authority. Some of the remaining adventurous old timers in one's locality may know of some possible suggestions for one's consideration. While the topographic-maps possess the ability to show these crevices from an observation of height and depth,  the pristine oasis meadows underneath overhead ledges of stone shall always remain anonymous. The numbers of these crevices are so vast on any selected topographic map, that the time consumed by authorities to search them out may be very long and enduring, winding up translating into dollars spent over the course of time, as well as quite possibly risking the health of searchers due to harsh terrain, weather, etc. There are a wide variety of tricks that one might choose to employ to throw searchers off his trail, should he ever decide to call one of these places hom