Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot Book 2 by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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The Second Dark Step Downward


                     Oh how kind it is, that someone layeth that apple half on this metal tray,

                                                        saith the 'possum to the blue jay.

                                                                      The author


   At this point in the work, we are nearing emotional lines that are still very much alive and super electrified inside the minds of all Americans. Here on this notation, a direct warning must be issued by the author, that warning being that if any readers are emotionally traumatized by hard bloody truth and reason, then they had best proceed forward into this dark, long ignored Bastille Of The Most Sincere, with extreme caution, if at all.

    One of the themes repeated inside both volumes of this work is that the masses have been intentionally divided; for the first time during the last two years of the American Civil War, and are being against the another, even to this very day. The method utilized to achieve this division of the population and manipulation is primarily appeal to emotion in multiplicity of directions. We find evidence of the appeal to emotion being reinforced at this very moment in every facet of daily life in America, exacerbating divisions and motivating entire demographic populations to support alien ideologies that in-fact, serve to purloin from the population at large, rather than benefit any specific group or individual;  although the clandestine theft from those whom are most productive is always masqueraded as a positive asset.

    As intimated earlier in volume one, such crass theft lies at the very heart of any Socialist, Communist or Fascist agenda or system. Any modern day person who embraces such indenturing ideology should also ravish the notated concept of the old plantation system, since this system of enterprise was only a microcosm of Socialism, in and of itself. Therefore, if the battle flag of Northern Virginia stands as a banner for the plantation system of the past, then every Socialized nation on earth should fly it's flag with beaming pride, and jubilation in the conviction of it's appropriateness!

    Examples of exactly where it is that we find this magisterial attempt at deepening divisions and applying appeal to emotion are in compelled mandates drawn up by state government under virtual commanded dictation by the Federal authorities in direct violation of the tenth amendment, school districts where freedom of choice is purloined from the masses at large, college admissions making special allowances to facilitate certain political constituencies under the guise of assisting those unproductive elements falling underneath the euphemistic label of “disadvantaged;” continual comparisons between demographic groups, where those groups that are placated the most are always haled as standing in the disadvantage, to the demographic that resides underneath the label of political scapegoat for the propagandists employed by the entities designing to dominate all in the total absolute.

     We find the appeal to emotion and the act of placation by appeal to self-serving sentimentality in the housing laws, the public welfare laws; Federally mandated hiring policies, especially when we closely observe the area of government systemic employment, laws compelling the subject matter of Socialist agenda taught in public schools, laws regulating social environments by virtually removing all freedom of choice in public service from property owners, in exchange for a policy of enforced Socialism through compelled interaction. In some cases, even worship services all over America are compelled by the Federal authoritarians to offer criterion that embraces those not even in line with the local mainstream, much less in convictions held by a national majority! In short, virtually the entire US social policy is overtly mandated/dictated by Federal design; which in-fact, is a Socialist design making heavy use of appeal to emotion in both directions, appeal to self-serving sentimentality in direction of all metaphorical victims of history, and appeal to sympathy for the allegorical victims of history, toward those deemed as politically acceptable scapegoats.

    In other words, the entire US socialized system is charged with appeal to emotion, evidenced from the Federal government placating tactically chosen numbers by appearing to offer gifts, {285} suggesting favoritism intending to correct an allegorical past wrong, {286} toward a specific demographic or political constituency. The overt self-centered sentimentality in demographic groups being placated, combined with a reinforced propagandized notion of twisted history, appears to be justified by a magisterial rejection of the demographic whom the corrupted history has maliciously labeled as being the villains of history, {287} in the propagandist effort to misdirect guilt for past crimes committed against plebeian citizens of America. Thus, not only are those whom constitute a limited number of members from the demographic underneath the politically endorsed label of scapegoat swayed by an appeal to sympathy for those whom are notated by the propaganda as historical victims, {288} and stand outside of this negatively notated demographic; this misdirected group also serves interest of the cartel to stand in rigid condemnation of those within their own demographic, who possess both the insight and fortitude to point out any deceptive fallacy intending to dominate in the absolute, being shoved into the faces of the entire civilian mass at large! {289}

    The end result in this manipulation of the plebeian masses is that any critics of the new Socialized system and the nature of it's true intent to ruthlessly dominate in totality, are assigned into a number of well designed, variously charged labels based primarily on rash assumption, {290}  that rank and file individuals in the system broadly speaking, are constantly trained by the media to pinpoint  {291} and specifically whom it is to be identified from the collective masses for the purpose of assigning those individuals underneath unfavorable, condemning labels. The intended targets for this magisterial persecution of the critics in a land that espouses to intellectual liberty, are reinforced not only by a twisted history that is taught as unquestionable fact to young children at their most impressionable age, but a critical negative representation in the media at large, on one level or the other.

    The penalties for finding one's self underneath any one of these well designed negative labels can be truly devastating to the careers and personal lives of those so accused, {292} and to their social station in general, {293} even though in a huge number of instances these individuals are only exercising their basic Constitutionally endorsed right of freedom to speak out, and a precious battle won right to choose for themselves. The problem is that such libertarian notations as freedom of choice are not the basis for any type of Socialized system, and the nation of America has no historical precedence what-so-ever to accommodate the alien ideology. On this note, we as analyst may deduce that some sort of impending occurrence that Americans simply will not complacently embrace must surely be emanating on the horizon, since the effort at mass deception is so prevalent in the official historical account itself.

    As was intimated above, the appeal to emotion and self-serving sentimentality made by the Federal and state governments intending to divide the masses, does so by motivating opposing tension within multiple demographic groups, and segments within specific demographics. This opposing view separates demographics into groups of “them” versus “us.” The Federal and State government's feign of favoritism toward chosen demographics, also serves to reinforce, if not create outright, false notions of historical indebtedness in one demographic or political constituency group toward the other, motivating notions of seething hatred from the opposite direction in pointed response.

   What results is a clash of ideologies and personal belief systems; in other words, an outstanding method of diverting attention to the true intention of complete systemic domination and a flagrant pillaging of the privately held resource base, in combination with a virtual enslavement of the entire population base as the process proceeds to unfold before the very eyes of the masses, though in their minds they persist in denying that which is self evident by it's manifestation on the ground. By utilizing a process of gradual entrapment, the Socialist system of the United States metaphorically takes on the form of a flesh consuming leaf known as the Venus Fly Trap, and the citizens who still believe that they are free, living their lives as such, assuming the epitome of liberty found in the common house fly.     While the ex-Fascists were being smuggled into the United States by the thousands to serve the purpose of instructing United States officials in the specifics of running a hard core Fascist system, Americans had come to know a liberty such as none that had ever existed before. When the instructions for the new US/World Order were given, those in offices of leadership, per command of the Federal Reserve, were lending ear. In fact, many may not have cherished the command, but they had no choice but bow down to the cartel, as we have explained earlier and shall continue to review examples of. What occurred to facilitate this movement of US economic policy in a direction alien from any other that was ever previous in the United States? Why did Americans not catch on to the deception? Where was the attention of the American people while the events at home were materializing?

    The best direction to search for answers first might be found in one glance in the opposite direction from home.., maybe far across the large pond toward Russia! Here we have an incident known to official history as The Cold War{294} While there was an officially recognized and recorded competition between the United States and Communist Russia for arms, this author anticipates that the true level of intensity in the situation very well may have been exacerbated by US government and magnified in it's enormity back down to the American people.

    The basis for this claim lies in the facts of reality revealed by the actual events that occurred on the ground, suggesting that US government actually embraced the ideology of communism behind heavy vaulted doors on the hill, rather than disdained it as the public was so led to believe. In other words, unto the world without, Communist Russian and the United States simply disagreed on minor details and were competitive, but were no where near any overt act of warfare between the two, least of all not a nuclear war. {295} The only people being led to feel such tension in the anticipation or dread of an impending total warfare policy were citizens in the land of America. Creating the myth of contest and inserting the belief that the Russians were enemies of America seeking it's destruction into the minds of America's citizens, also fostered and magnified the notion/assumption in citizen minds that the American government was highly against Communism for their ideology of suppressing liberty; thus convicting them unquestionably that it was the United States government who were the only qualified lords of liberty and the eternal guardians thereof, both world wide and at home.

    The truth in regard to the position of the Russians in retrospect was that the territory of eastern Europe was originally home to the Byzantine empire. {296} The Ottoman Turks conquered the BE, and Russia began it's own policy of liberating and absorbing the same territory from the Ottomans. With the onset of World War One, the empire of the Ottomans was in much greater peril. Eventually both themselves and the Russians lost out. By the time that World War Two was drawing to a close, Russia had once again gained a mighty hand in the political situation of the area, since it was one of the primary allied powers battling the Fascists, especially the Germans. As World War Two languished, Russia gradually began to reclaim it's past territory. This reclamation of territory continued on into the 1950's.  Thus, it is the observation of this author, in regard to the position of US officials that Russia's invasion was a potential threat to US interests, the reality strongly appears to have been intentionally exaggerated back down to the American public of the day, {297}  in appeal to their sense of patriotic conviction and potential threat.

   These notions of past glory and victory in war and the potential of a building threat mentioned above, tended to reinforce ideas of extreme patriotism already present inside the minds of Americans who were alive during the specific time of The Cold War following World War Two. This prevailing belief in combination with the public conviction that the US political and economic system at large was the bastion of individual liberty, effectively neutralized any voices pointing to discrepancies in the prevailing public belief system and manifestations on the ground.

   What we as liberated intellectuals must utilize to pass condemning judgment by are the choices of action taken, rather than eloquent words spoken. By creating tension in the minds of the American public, that a terrible magisterial system loomed just across the big water, yet nearly merged just outside of our farthermost north-western shore and that it fully intended to do the people of America great harm; the heads and eyes of all Americans were far too busy watching the distant West with great anxiety, to notice the real horror emerge immediately inside the very heart of the nation itself, that bore the conviction of a true horrifying future catastrophe for the people of America.

    If a true second step was taken on the stairway to tyranny, then what would it resemble? How are we children of the future to ever know? After all, most elders from the time period have already faded way too far from the scene to give us any valuable instruction and insight into the matter. To observe the details we must once again consult the medium of facts, while always being very careful to deduce intentionally concealed revelations of a truth that those who reside in the throne of power high on the mansion hill, may not desire for us to know. We already know that in the past, the method of distraction and division was created by making an appeal to emotion, bearing a motivation for anger and excitement back down to the plebeian masses on the ground.

    This appeal to emotion was facilitated by the publication of inflammatory literature and demagoguery of that literature by those assigned the task of facilitating the great deception intending to infringe upon the national document of eternal liberty. At this point in our reading, the proper question to ask is that if the details from the past of any deception included a division in the form of an appeal to emotion back down to the people, in combination with a publication of inflammatory literature, did any similar event ever occur that would have facilitated a diversion via a division of the masses, where dividing lines were deepened and demographic groups compelled into violent discourse and contention, very similar to the situation that had occurred in the past?  Once again we may ask the question aloud into the crystal screen of our computer monitor...and the truth is astonishingly revealed for all to observe.


                                                         Demagogues Of Subversion


    The scene that first materializes from the tumbling deceptive mist is one of Grundy county, Tennessee, in 1932. This time period was in the midst of great depression following the stock market collapse of 1929. The county at the time was primarily a rural county. The need for a great transformation economically and socially hung heavily in the air about. Work reform was needed desperately, since corporations were taking advantage of the situation that the new clandestine central bank had intentionally created,  {298} and the fact that far more workers were unemployed than opportunity for employment was available. This fact of reality meant that wages sharply declined and employment stability virtually dried up.

   The plebeian people of the day soon came to realize that they were in desperate need of a check on the system to safeguard their own interests. Unfortunately there are primarily only two forms of such a check, and a possible third, and those were.., and still are.., the sole options available. The choices are either that the government, local, State or Federal are going to provide that check in the form of a nonaffiliated regulatory body that will demand for all condemning claims be substantiated by a list of hard verifiable facts, suggesting that the conclusion proposed is valid; or that the people themselves provide their own form of the same check, primarily known to most readers in the form of a Labor Union. The only possible third form of check provided to safeguard the interests of plebeians inside the corporate body, would be in the form of an inviolable legal contract demanding that all claims be substantiated by a set of hard verifiable facts, suggesting that any condemning conclusion proposed is valid. Without this form of check to safeguard the interests of corporate employees, they will always live in subject to the self-serving whims of management, what ever it is that these whims may be.

   Problem with the system was that when this check is imposed, while plebeian workers benefit from an increased share of the corporate fortune, their fortunate increase means that the corporations lose the same proportion of their profit margin that increased wages and benefits given to the workers consume. This lose of profits, although not that dramatic when the exact figures of the total profit margin are compared with the margin of gain to the company employees,  {299} was the primary motivation for heavy corporate resistance. More often than not, due to employee tension over wages and the brute determination of the corporate resistance, the situations turned violent. {300} Plebeians in large instances were more than willing to accommodate the motivation for violence from the corporations by returning that violence in kind. A virtual combat situation materialized in far more than just a few instances. {301}

   Individuals who were astute observers of plebeian struggle during this period of time in America, recognized the public hunger for positive change, positive change meaning that which would facilitate more personal liberty for the individual person, allow him to retain more personal wealth, and benefit the broad spectrum of the population, rather than simply cater to a wealthy economic elite or some sort of political quota constituency. These individuals also were quick to recognize an opportunity for inserting a self-serving deviant agenda into the process of making corrections in the system. When we glance upon the medium of facts, one sole name reverberates across the ages to echo loudly from the walls of truth, speaking unto all of mankind, demonstrating the ease and effectiveness with which a freeborn population and society may be completely subdued and eradicated.


                                                                     Myles Horton


   Horton was the son of a poor farm laborer from West Tennessee. He attended Union Theologian Seminary in New York City under Reinhold Neibuhr. Neibuhr appears to have been an instructor and philosopher at the same time. Along with “educator” Don West, and Methodist minister, James Dubrowski, of New Orleans, he founded the Highland Folk School And Education Center in Monteagle ,Tennessee, in 1932. The so called “school” supposedly specialized in maintaining traditional Appalachian folk arts, but before many years had passed, it had transformed into a virtual bastion for radical elements in US mainstream society. The underlying concept of the school was that “an oppressed people collectively hold strategies for liberation that are lost to it's individuals.”

     From a simple glance upon the school motto, the realization goes forth without question, that the true hard-core purpose of this school was to offer instruction regarding strategies of subversion to those who resided underneath the label of being historical victims, from the broad system of those who had been relegated as scapegoats, upon which the cartel had cast the guilt for their own abominable sins against the plebeian masses of America. The official purpose of the school beyond that mentioned, was that it would “educate” and “empower” adults for social change. The question that we as effective competent analysts are forced to ask is, that if the school was really about positive change for the society of the times, then why did it embrace the economic societal system of Socialism? Why did it not simply advocate positive change of the oppressed? What did the American tradition of individual economic liberty and unsuppressed freedom to utilize his own resources for his own benefit, have to do with repression and suppression of individual rights? Without question the embrace of individuals labeled as the victims of history was simply a front and a distraction on the form of appeal to emotion created to facilitate a much greater negative systemic intent.


                                                            The Situation As A Front


   During the last two years, as we shall recall, the Civil War had deteriorated into an all out total war against civilian citizens on the ground. Americans with a colonial heritage simply refused to support the Federal government in it's flagrant violation of the US Constitution, by making war against the people demanding their own independent government, who were only exercising their basic Constitutionally endorsed rights. The response to the prevailing lacking in this element of support was for Federal authorities to first initiate the military draft{302} which motivated a violent response en-mass to the issue of people being forced to serve against their free will of choice, to oppose individuals whom they viewed as committing no real national offense; in-fact, we may presume in light of prior revelation that indeed, it was they who were offended! The Copperheads, {303} as we shall recall, fully acknowledged this notation, demanding that US Congress cease in making the attack, and allow all to return to it's former state of being.

   Federal Response to this plebeian rejection of Federal government supporting the interests of the cartel came about in two primary forms. First was issued a mass Federal call for immigrants from abroad in Europe to sign the battle roster. As was intimated earlier, it has been estimated that fifty percent of the Union army were immigrants from abroad by 1863! These immigrants were allowed to enter by the hundreds of thousands. Largely they were uneducated and possessed no knowledge or conception of Constitutional liberty, individual rights and the general libertarian traditions that made America so different from the rest of the world. Other than that of military interest, the primary purpose of this immigrant hoard being allowed into the states was to displace those US citizens with a colonial heritage and a heritage of Constitutional law.

   The second response was the so called Emancipation Proclamation, another tactical euphemism all on it's own. As was discussed earlier on, the EP, an appeal to emotion within itself, only freed the slaves to the extent that it achieved a number of battle objectives. First it supplied Federal forces with more desperately needed manpower to facilitate the effort of it's program for total war. Secondly it attacked the very economic base of the enemy in question, since any purchase of slaves was very expensive  {304} and there obviously existed no plan in place to repay the original owners; thus, the EP achieved the tactical objective of draining finances from the enemy system of support. Thirdly, by making use of contentious elements within the majority body, such as maroons and outright criminals, exiting Federal battle veterans and newly liberated slaves brainwashed into agitation, a rift was created among the citizens inside the very heart of the majority population residing inside the region, specifically and at large.

   This rift could not only be aggravated in later times, then political decision manipulated by placating those beneath the allegorical label of historical victim, but in doing so segments advocating future conformity with Constitutional rights could be overwhelmed by those in power seeking to remove them and ruthlessly dominate the entire scenario scene. These contentious elements existing inside the majority body were encouraged to participate in the process of total war by those instructing them in what could be labeled as flagrant criminal activity. The motivation in this Federally facilitated activity was for anger and a long term seething hatred from the opposition; but at the time, no individuals involved gave much consideration to any future negative possibilities.

   During Reconstruction, the Federal government lacked the funds at the end of the war to provide true security to the newly conquered population. Thus Republican political factions continued their program of encouraging the criminal activity as a means of repressing and terrorizing the local population into submission. Response from the citizens of the region came with formation of paramilitary units for the purpose of providing security and pursuing the perpetrators. {305} There is no problem with this author accepting the existence of untold innocent numbers, who's only crime happened to be that of standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, being condemned to die. Such is virtually always the case with any type of vigilante justice. The true problem came about with the seething generational hatred toward those guilty of past crimes continuing to mount, fostering the desire for vengeance from those among the victims of those crimes and their descendants.

   Again, there is no doubt in the mind of this author that a vendetta arose on the scene resulting from the crimes of the past, although the official history would never notate it as being such. A notation of specific details in regard to the truth of the matter would be a virtual admission of the cartel that they were responsible for the evils handed down to the people of the land in America. First blood had already been drawn, so therefore more blood would be demanded by the god of war to pay for the crime of releasing it.

   Resulting from the violence, the seething hatred festered by the Federal Government encouraging criminal activity in it's effort to bring destruction upon the people of the land,  {306} motivated the citizens of the region to eventually reclaim political authority through use of their own guerrilla paramilitary forces, {307} an age old response in situations of social and economic collapse brought on by wide spread violence. Upon the moment of accomplishing the retaking of power, the immediate plebeian response to the negative motivation encouraged by the US Federal government was to totally separate from those whom had fell in motion to the Federal government's negative sway. First the separation was by intentional avoidance in the name of preserving peace at home. Finally in the forward flow of time, the physical and psychological separation of opposing groups came about due to the passage of laws known to history as Partition Laws 327.

   With entire communities surrounded by a ravenous element that had fallen sway to the whim of propaganda, being encouraged to assault innocent neighbors for the purpose of committing criminal acts far too horrible to even repeat, but all too common in times of war throughout the ages,  the passage of laws preventing any social exchange or interaction between opposing groups would have facilitated a form of security in it's own right. The idea of legal partition was born out of the need for shear self-preservation, since the opposing element had proven it's inherent capacity for hostility by it's course of action taken; although as we are forced to recall, negatively motivated by calculating selfserving exter