Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot Book 2 by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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The Third Dark Step Downward


                                               Oh, you can't get out backwards.

                                                        You've got to go forwards to go

                                                                back, better press on.

                                                                      Willy Wonka                   


     We have discussed the person and Presidency of Lincoln, exposing facts notated inside the official history clearly indicating the true personality that he really was, as well as revealing his covert personal intentions. We have mentioned the true reasons that the opposition lost to the forces of the corporation, the de facto central bank and their Representative body supporting them in US congress. We have discussed the ruthlessness of Lincoln and the crimes of the Federal forces against plebeian people during the time of the US Civil War and the period of Reconstruction following. In the end, the cartel forces of big money seized control of US government and ruled the nation as a totally unchecked authority, all within it's own right.

       What followed, as we shall recall, was a series of economic depressions, that on the ground appeared to the rank and file plebeian as a continual ongoing economic collapse scenario from 1870 until 1908. As time had progressed toward the end of the economic collapse, the people on the ground had commenced in earnest appeal for relief to authoritarian forces high up in the magisterial throne, inside the big house on the hill. What followed was an order from US congress to the banking establishment, to stabilize US currency, since the US economy had strengthened apparently, and was viewed as heading only upward from that time forward. We have learned that these forces of banking, primarily consisted of entities represented by the family of J.P. Morgan and the Rockefeller Family, along with a Federal Representative backing. Another powerful element that wound up being the virtual brains of the new clandestine central bank was the figure of Paul Warburg, with the Warburg family being the most powerful financially in Germany, and at the same time intermarried with the famous Rothschild family of Europe. In this intermarriage we may view the lines that bind to give absolute advantageous leverage over the US economic infrastructure and consequently the citizen population, should such leverage be desired.

       We discussed the figure of Karl Marx, his life and the nature of his inner thoughts, and the fact of his newly conceived system of government being simply a new form of age old slavery repackaged, to be sold back to the plebeian people of the world under the false belief that the basics of life may be acquired in absence of any trade of equal or more value. The productive are forced to labor daily while handing over their proceeds; and a mere thirty percent distributed back down to the citizenry, with the remaining seventy percent going into the coffers of the elitist in control of the government. All forms of accumulative assets are withheld from civilian ownership, giving absolute control over to the same elites in charge, who shall be destined to profit immensely at all cost, even if it means selling out it's own civilian population to facilitate a continuing profit margin.

    Thus in reality, all forms of Socialism and Communism are systems facilitating flagrant theft of resources from the citizens of a nation. The system also may facilitate a subtle total conquest, or a very noticeable conquest of the people who own and live on the land. As we have learned, in the end productive individuals reach a point where they simply refuse to produce in absence of incentive, and the government must either admit that it's programs and philosophy has failed, or use force to extract production. Such is the reason why some of the greatest crimes against humanity have been committed in the name of Communist and Socialist governments.

   We have learned that Marx was a second cousin to Nathan Rothschild, who had relocated to London England, where he assisted in establishing the famous Bank Of England. It was here in the city of London where Marx would immigrate to, write his infamous “Communist Manifesto” {390} and publish it. There may be no doubt on part of this author, that the Rothschild family knew of Marx and became very familiar with his work, the “Communist Manifesto.” As has already been stated previously, the methodology of Communism facilitates a complete elitist conquest of the land, it's resources, the privately held resource base of the people as well as the people themselves, to the enrichment of a few elites lording over the system. As was intimated in the section on Lincoln, the most powerful desire of the bank, the corporations and those in government backing them, was to literally dominate the economic sector, all privately held resources, and the people of the land in virtually the same identical manner. In this examination we may presume that the methodology found in Communism must have greatly appealed to the family of Rothschild, and those feelings of appeal were transcended back down to their agents found among the Rockefeller family and in the banking family of J.P. Morgan.

     In 1910, on Jekyll Island, Georgia, a clandestine meeting of those banking efforts met for the sole purpose of designing a new central bank. It was determined that the bank would be a clandestine central bank, appearing to the nation with the national name of “Federal”, while remaining highly controlled by the old Bank Of New York, {391}, which had always been the central bank either in actuality or in de-facto. At the same time we must bear in mind, that the bank was indirectly controlled by the Rothschild family, whom the Rockefeller family and the Morgan family are simply just native family proxy to inside the land of America, seeking to obscure the reality that the finances of America are controlled in the absolute by an alien entity. As we may recall, the Rothschild representative facilitating this marriage and plan of action was Warburg. Under Warburg's specific instruction, the new clandestine central bank would be given the deceptive title of The Federal Reserve.

    As we should recall, the father of famous aviator Charles Lindburg stood strong against the Federal Reserve coming into being and allowed to exist in absence of any form of check. He called the FR out for what it was, a banking conspiracy designing to rob all liberty and wealth from the people of America. Although Lindburg's father eventually faded from the scene, his son the famous aviator, made great gains in the political arena, flying the great course of renown from New York to Paris, and serving to publicly criticize the banking/corporate war machine in the same manner as his father before him.

    To send the message back to Lindberg and any others who may design to make a stand for liberty against the dark forces of the banking cartel, somewhere within the bleakness of night Lindburg's child was kidnapped, soon to be murdered. His body was discovered sometime later only four miles from the home of Lindburg. In the same manner that lesser cartels deliver jolting packages of dead canaries, so was the child of Lindburg delivered with the identical message, but packaged with a far more devastating shock. The unspoken message being that no matter who any person may be or what type of status he possess, if he stands to contest the forces of the dark side, his fate shall be death or much worse and his family as well, no matter how innocent. Indeed, our conclusive observation stands that there exists no regard for neither young child nor adults with the banking cartel, if the situation involves the will of these dark forces to have it's own way;  after all, who among the plebeian masses possess the ability to effectively address the situation?

    The Warburg family was/is the wealthiest in all of Germany, as we shall recall. It also indirectly owned four corporate enterprises that would later merge, forming the entity now known so famously as I.G. Farben. Twelve individuals sat on the controlling panel of Farben. Four individuals out of the twelve who owned the enterprise, were representatives from the family of Warburg. I.G. Farben also invested heavily into the new corrupted capitalist government known as Fascism that evolved in Germany immediately following World War One. This chemical and drug enterprise entity owned the conscript labor and experimentation facility known to history as Auschwitz-Birkenau, among a number of others in kind. The new government of Fascism represented a marriage between the government of Germany, and the most powerful corporate enterprises. The true intent of Fascism was for the government to work in conjunction with the corporations in facilitating a complete conquest of the land, the resources of the land, the privately held resources of the people, as well as reducing the people themselves down into the level of an expendable resource. Thus, we are forced by the power of historical fact to conclude that the eyes of the ruling banking elites were observing the effectiveness of this new German Fascist system.

    Eventually the intentions of Germany as a nation ran afoul of those inside the international banking elite,  {392}  {393} {394} and World War Two erupted. When the war was over the leaders of this new Fascist government were given asylum inside the boarders of the United States, and various South American nations, primarily Argentina. The official reason was that the need for extracting top secret scientific discoveries made by the Nazi prevailed high above any decision to eliminate these leaders for any crimes against national plebeian citizens committed. This author highly suspects in lieu of magisterial materialization simultaneously in the land of America, that while scientific technology was part of the decision to preserve these people, the secret effort was to make a solid record of a first hand account in running a Fascist entity that functioned so efficiently, as did the one ruling the nation of Germany at the time. Knowledge gained concerning a methodology in activating the Fascist system was put into motion almost immediately.

   We may observe suggestion of this claim in the fact that by 1948, the official Democratic Party was beginning to merge with the Democratic Party Of America, a blatantly Socialist organization. All throughout the decade of the 1950s, the Socialists were tactfully seizing control of US government via ideological alliances with US Presidents and Congressmen. We even observe manifestations of this desire to control and subvert in the Highlander Folk School of Tennessee, which actually taught techniques of subversion to be used by advocates of Socialist agenda against a freeborn capitalist system, underneath the guise of facilitating an actual academic program.

    As the new dawning government system was being put into place, a distraction in the form of appeal to emotion was made back down to the citizens of America on the ground. The intent was also to divide the masses and motivate specific factions into confrontational opposition. Little did those who fell sway to the tailored appeal to emotion realize, but that a Socialist system was being established right inside the halls of American government, designing to replace the freeborn individual enterprise system already in place at the expense of the average American citizen on the ground.

    We find this intent to make appeal to emotion in the form of a crime that occurred in the town of Money, Mississippi, in 1955. As was pointed out, while the specific details of the crime strongly appear to have been intentionally distorted. Regardless of the specifics, consequently the event served well the purpose of distracting the American public, while activities were occurring that would transform their economic society and their ideas of individual liberty for all time to come. Factions were also motivated into violence right in the front doors of American citizens on the ground, serving even more to distract the public.

   With Russia, the US appeared to be nearing a time of nuclear Armageddon in an event known as the Cold War. This author however, anticipates that the event was blown far out of proportion and served back down to the American public as being really hot when the cold hard truth was otherwise, facilitating another form of distraction. At the same time emerged the Vietnam war, which purported the notion of American government being strongly anti-Communist, while serving to distract as it embraced both Communist and Socialist ideology at home inside it's own boarders, right before the very faces of those whom had been deceptively led to believe otherwise, whose youth were perishing in the very battles that the same forces secretly embracing Communism and Socialism had created for the deception, among other self-serving intentions. What came out of the event was huge profit for the corporate war machine, and a much more direct distraction manifested with the shattered bodies of America's youth coming home daily in body bags.

    The marches of Martin Luther King were the hallmark of Communist/Socialist achievement in the art of subversion through division of the citizen body, with mass appeal to both emotion and sympathy. The problem with the movement was that it feigned the appearance of liberation to oppressed American masses, but it in-fact bore the heavy cloak of a Socialist/Communist government. Why the necessity for such? What does economic policy have to do with correcting social injustice, if such was the true intent motivating the movement? Why is an economy based on individual enterprise held in the negative, and some sort of idealized Socialist Utopian economy held up in the light of being positive?  The facts of history most certainly beg to differ with the politically correct conclusion so pushed. The answers to these questions lie in revelations already presented concerning power of the banking families and their notated political/philosophical relations, such as that of Karl Marx, for example, as well as in others far more modern such as Galbraith, author of the famous work,“Affluent Society.”

   With the Presidency of Kennedy we are reminded again exactly what force and whom it is that still sits in authority over United States policy. While Kennedy embraced the prevailing Socialist ideology, he felt most confident in his authority as President. Being true to his independent maverick nature, he decided to eliminate corruption from the house of government; first by attacking the clandestine bank's corporate supporters, when the evidence was clear that corruption was apparent, then finally choosing to completely break away from the financial entity whom he correctly deduced as facilitating the corruption. This break manifested as the 11110 Executive Order, as we should all clearly recall. Within months Kennedy lay dead inside a morgue in Dallas, Texas;  there again, his death serving to remind us all of the fact that no person in America is safe from the fury of the banking cartel, not even the President of America himself!

    Time passed from the moment that Kennedy died and Johnson seized the new command. The first move that he made was allowing the Federal Reserve to keep on printing non-backed bank notes, while ordering the US Treasury to forbear in printing notes that were backed with a stated face value in silver or gold. The second move that he made was to announce aloud unto all the earth, that he was embracing the new National Socialist government in America, but being very careful to give this neo ruling body the euphemistic name title of, “The War On Poverty,” in conjunction with Kennedy's “New Frontier” being reorganized and refined. By 1966 came a new round of tax increases to facilitate this dawning Socialist order.

     For the next twenty years the system moved in gradual increments, allowing the citizens to adjust into accepting what was occurring through increasing regulation, and the ever increasing lose of personal liberty due to the regulations on business and individual enterprise for the purpose of facilitating this newly imposed tax. By the mid 1970s most Americans had even come to believe that Socialism, rule of corporate interests and loss of personal liberty was progressive, and that any embrace of individual enterprise and liberty was regressive, expressive of an unenlightened desire to forbear progress to the continuing embrace of outdated tradition. This transposed suggestive conclusion was even most apparent in some of the most popular television sitcoms of the day. {395}

     By 1981, a true new era had settled in to rule the nation of America. It was not an era of individual citizen progress, but an era of regress, if not out right oppression of the individual in the name of liberating corporations from any responsibility to land, nation, employees and the citizens at large. As always, while bearing the intent to deceive, this liberation of the corporation would come about gradually, and only applied to certain specific areas of the economy, pushing the suggestion that the negative reality of losing one's liberty and production base was designed only for the purpose of applying to certain numerical minorities inside the system, and that these citizen's level of lose was justified by their own lack of qualification, broadly speaking, as well as their general failure to adapt into changing environments.

    Thus, the clandestine central bank and it's minions inside Capitol Hill were capitalizing on the basic self-centered nature of the average American citizen at large, seeking to justify their own personal reasons for disregarding any negative living situations of his fell citizen. Little did the numerical majority realize is that the potential for losing the entire nation of America was already upon them, taking them over piece by piece, sector by sector, until all would one day soon find themselves homeless, landless and very vulnerable to a new, ruthlessly exploitative master ruling the nation that their fathers before them had conquered and labored to develop.


                                                    Conditions On The American Work Floor


    During the late 1800s following the Civil War, corporate America expanded into the Western States. While the situation on the ground for workers was one of a virtual continuing economic depression, there was expansion of the US corporate entity. During the time of the Civil War, production for arms, steel, the first commercially canned food products for soldiers, textiles and a host of other areas of production, soared. As we shall recall, the Civil War extended the US Treasury to the point that it neared total bankruptcy. {396} According to some estimates, there were only a mere six months worth of funds remaining.

   When the forces of banking and the corporation won the war in the end, the treasury and the de facto central bank of New York/Pennsylvania mass produced non-backed bank notes now known as “green backs”, allowing the railroad corporations and some others, to invest in government held Western lands. The idea was that the success of the corporation would give value support to these virtually worthless notes, and that the financial success would “trickle down” to the people at large. In this notation we may observe an original source for Ronald Reagan's “trickle down theory” of later years. The problem is that it didn't do so right away, and the people were left with an economic crash scenario that manifested back down unto them in the form of virtually worthless currency for thirty eight years on going.

   This problem of possessing virtually worthless currency also left the plebeian population on the ground in a situation where just procuring the basics of life was a serious struggle of the fittest, since value deflating currency allows basic commodities which hold value to soar in price, with the commodity demanding increasingly more green backs to secure purchase. Real-estate tends to hold value, so the prices of mortgages rose astoundingly high to people seeking to access housing, land, and commodities that cause the land to become productive, among others. This continuing need of the masses for more currency allowed banks to take advantage by charging more in interest for loans, as it caused the demand for employment opportunity to soar, until that demand out-stripped the supply of opportunities available, in numerous cases. There were also other problems that the high prices facilitated by devalued currency, the demand for more currency by people on the ground attempting to access commodities, and the soaring demand for employment opportunity created.

   Another problem facilitated back down to the people on the ground, was that of steadily deteriorating work conditions caused by the fact that individual workers could simply be replaced at will by employers, if employees decided to complain about the conditions or didn't want to perform because of horrible conditions and plummeting pay. Contrary to popular criticism, skill level was irrelevant since the supply for virtually any skill outstripped the demand, and what the people on the ground were left with was a saturated employment base. The situation of plummeting pay resulted from the fact of any opportunity available being given to the individual willing to labor for the least amount in reward, and tolerate the least in accommodating conditions. There again, it is the deductive opinion based on the study and observation of this author, that the fact of corporations from the time period doing relatively well at the top end, was at least partly because of the conditions that allowed corporations to take complete advantage of their employees.

   These problems included families being pushed to employ every person in the household out of basic necessity, including children; {397} whom the corporations worked twelve hours a day in wretchedly grueling conditions, while forcing them to accept only half the standard salary for their labor, if indeed it was that much. Many of these children were even subjected to flagrant abuse from their supervisors, this abuse being, but not limited to: verbal, physical, and even sexual in nature. These wanton quivering youth were being forced to labor in an unsafe environment against their will, for sub-standard wages and basically endure what ever harassment that their supervisors decided to deal out to them. There are recorded cases where many children perished from being overworked, {398} from abuse of their foremen, or from some correctable irregularity in the work environment that jeopardized their personal safety.

   The women of the house were even forced to work as textile mill workers, telegraph decoders, maids for the wealthy, nurses, teachers and others, which on the surface may not appear to be all that negative. An examination of conditions reveal far more negative notations, however. The problem was that they were nearly vulnerable as the children in many respects. The situation of women was that they were primarily sexually harassed by fellow male employees, since no legislation was in place to prevent it, forced to labor for vastly reduced salary in comparison with the male population, intimidated into unwanted relations with the foreman just to remain employed and even threatened with violence in numerous instances, if they refused his advances. {399} All of this abuse occurred with virtually no consequences delegated back down to management from either the legal system or the corporate system.

   Conditions on the work floor were terrible for the men, since there were no safety measures in place, no requirement to pay overtime; although people were being forced to labor long twelve hour days, six days a week and sometimes seven. The pay issue dominated the scene, since corporations were allowed to claim any amount that they chose, but were never required to deliver when the time arrived. There was no such thing as holiday pay, paid vacation, paid sick leave, company retirement plan or any sort of benefit to the worker other than a basic paycheck at management's discretion and leisure, with no check in place what-so-ever for employees to appeal the situation.

   For the purpose of describing general conditions on an industrial work floor in 1900, a description of one particular accident surfaces to the fore, among many other incidents and situations far to numerous to make mention of here. The accident is known to history as The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory {400} Incident. According to the record, it occurred on the 8th, 9th,10th, floors of what today is the Brown Building on the campus of New York University. The incident began when a bin filled with fabric scraps on the 8th floor caught fire. Investigators later suspected the fire began from a tossed cigarette butt. Young terrified Italian and Jewish immigrant girls desperately attempted to escape the raging flames. Within a mere eighteen minutes 146 people lay dead from the inferno. At least half of the dead were teenagers. According to reports, two of the dead were only 14 years old.

    Investigators later discovered that everything about the factory made it a virtual death trap. There were little to no buckets of water. The recollection was that the few buckets filled with water that were available never even caused the flames to slack. The factory doors were all locked for the purpose of minimizing unauthorized breaks and incidences of employee theft. Virtually all of the remaining doors opened inward. When the employees panicked they were crushed against the doors, jamming them shut. The wood floors of the workroom were covered in oil spilled from the machines and the chairs in which the girls sat were virtually back to back in long rows. As many as thirty six girls jumped to their deaths down the elevator shaft, hoping to escape the rage of the roaring flames. The New York fire department ladders only reached to the seventh floor. The result was that the city and state of New York passed regulations to try and neutralize future possibilities of similar incidences. Let it be stated here, however, that astonishingly similar incidences have occurred in far more recent years, {401} right here in present day USA, in places where checks to secure general plebeian concerns against the exploitative self-serving interests of the corporation do not exist.

   Since the truth is, that just having a job does not pay the bills alone, these negative conditions combined with management's refusal to make any sort of address for relief in the matter, forced a response from the people at large. {402} At first there were individuals who made the stand against management, personally calling for an official address to the matters. Corporate officials simply responded by intimidating the individuals, threatening violence and even dealing it out in numerous instances. When others observed the actions of these brave individuals, the logic prevailed that people could find much better results if they made an appeal in numbers. The greater the numbers, then the more positive the effect, it was validly reasoned.

   Before long what was concluded was that by their numbers, workers could provide a barrier between themselves and the management entity in the form of a check, designed to safe guard employee interests. This check that emerged was labeled “union,” since it represented a joining of the employees within a specified facility;  a united force of one toward the same goal of checking the corruption found in corporate policy, if you will, The power that the new union possessed was found in the fact that management needed workers to run the enterprise entity. Without that worker base, the enterprise was doomed to lose profit, facilitating a much more positive response of management back down to the workers, naturally. 

   The general idea was that if the entity could not be of any positive benefit to the employee, then why should management and the enterprise owner be allowed to gain in the venture? In other words, far as workers were concerned, the enterprise entity could show interest for an employee's well being or it could simply just close it's doors indefinitely. Without any responsibility demanded for workers and their benefit, then where lay any advantage to the citizens of America? {403} As was stated earlier on, simply having a job alone does not keep the bills paid. What does pay bills is a ration of salary justified by the skill or service provided, and a benefit that allows workers to access a basic standard of life in accordance with the present day price demanded to connect with it.

   Leverage was destined to be exerted by the entire employee base of the enterprise uniting as one single unit for the same cause, which was for their own advancement; but never at the expense of the employing entity who hired them in, no matter what management attempts to claim. All that was ever requested was that in lieu of a profit margin, many times exceeding a hundred percent of the operational cost necessary to run the