In the course of writing any work, we as authors have many supporters. The list could potentially be exhaustive. What we authors inadvertently conclude with is a word of thanks for this support. I would like to begin by saying thank you to the supreme deity who created the universe and all of us, blessing us with a large number of gifts, one of mine being the ability to analytically evaluate information and put it all together in a logical, realistic form to betray concealed revelations. The gift of patience and persistence comes with it as well, and many others way too numerous to make mention of here.
I would like to thank my parents who gave me the education and their support during my many days of trial and tribulation over the years. Without that initial support, it is very doubtful that this work or any of the others could have ever been realized.
I would also like to thank my dear wife, Glenda, who never gave up on me during my many late night typing sessions and numerous setbacks over the years. In the end she always believed that somehow I would wind up a real success; although I am well aware that there were times it appeared doubtful to her, though she never uttered a single word to the effect.
I would like to thank my publisher, who saw promise in my work and allowed me to have the opportunity to make a name with them. In truth, without their belaboring assistance, we authors only function as a partial in a world that ever demands our product in it's superior totality.
In the end, no author would ever amount to anything without a readership. I would like to thank all of my readers who are familiar with past works, and live in anticipation of those yet to come. To all of my potential readers I give a hearty thank you, from the bottom of my heart! For all of us, author and publisher alike, our real success is determined by you, the reading public, and saying thank you is hardly ever enough.
I would like to conclude on my acknowledgments by saying thank you to all of those whom I have neglected to mention. The truth is that every work the eye of providence has witnessed being written has had a huge personal back ground of involvement, though many may not even be aware of their influence, whether that influence be positive or negative.
When it is that our very last day on earth arrives as both authors and individuals.., in the end, all that we really have left of us is our children and our written words; thank you again, dear God in heaven above for them both. May the word, the name and the cherished endowment live forevermore….