Bible Of The Freeborn American Patriot by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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     This work is intended to be a benefit to scholars, but at the same time, one that is designed to inform the average broad middle range of the laymen population. If positive change in the system ever  comes, which is my honest hope from making this publication, without a doubt it will be because the people who represent this large, presently unrepresented middle range, have taken the initiative to make a hard solid stand to oppose a dawning extortionist evil being forced upon them, at present more so than ever before. To that end, what I have struggled to do is to write a very factual, structured document in simple, direct, easy to follow language. My wish is never to offend or arouse against that which is legitimate, but to inform in a way that virtually no other author, scholarly or otherwise, appears to possess the insight or much more than likely, the fortitude to do so.

     Certain groups in the US population need to understand that they are being manipulated for a much greater imposing negative end, that bears the intention of total subjugation and domination of all privately owned resources. The forces intending harm will do so, even to the point of forcing huge segments of the entire population into concentrated conscript labor behind inwardly angled, electrified razor wire fences and horrible gut wrenching torture, as well as mass execution for those who refuse to submit; among whom I will right here and now, make my solemn pledge to stand firmly with in the eternal name of God, Constitution, guns, heritage and liberty, with each guaranteeing the existence of the other.

     As this author shall proceed to demonstrate, virtually all of US history supports the before stated conclusion, where the full hard truth has been intentionally twisted to conceal the fact from the US population at large, for at least one hundred and fifty five years if not even from as far back as the Washington administration, especially as US history moved into the so called “modern age” following World War Two. In most circles, to a much greater degree if the claim was being applied to opposing nationalities and governments, intentional distortion of historical facts in any manner to deceive would be labeled political propaganda. While most Americans refuse to believe that the US government would engage in such activity, irrefutable evidence tells us otherwise.

    The information that you now hold in your hand is unlike any other piece ever written on any of the subject material mentioned, as far as this author can tell. Most other works dealing with this matter only mention isolated segments of the information contained herein, failing miserably to betray the obvious links, intentionally due to lack of fortitude or simply due to the lack of insight on part of the authors. What this author intends to do is show the link, explain specifically how it is that these details tie up to form a forth coming conclusion suggested by verifiable evidence, and why.

     Make no mistake about it, the average walking American is a living, breathing monument in effigy to the power of well designed propaganda. His own presumed history and centric ways of thinking are testimony to it. Most Americans feel that their government is a great liberator, a knight in shinning armor who surges forward to rescue the meek from poverty and repression; and maybe there have been times in the past sporadically during the economic lag time between the first and second step on the stairway to tyranny, when the national leaders did hold to such ideals, acting accordingly on the world scene and at home. 

     As we shall see going along, these ideals have not always been embraced by the leadership, and most certainly not in our present age. What my work will reveal is that in fact, there exists a very dark, sinister intent on part of the US government in unison with both national and multinational corporations, in relation to the American people. In other words, what the average American thought that they steadfastly possessed and cherished so closely, has been stolen right out from underneath their noses now for a hundred and fifty years.


                                                 Mandates Violating The People's Will


     Quite often I have heard people make the statement, “How can the government do that when the will of all the people is against it?” I heard that statement routinely when the mandatory car insurance act was passed, immediately upon which this author anticipated as a harbinger to many more imposed future mandates. I heard it again when the forthcoming healthcare mandate was passed. Then the loudest proclamation of this question was when the homosexual “marriage” mandate was passed, then literally forced upon the American people, even though it went completely against their majority vote in all fifty states. The people of California even voted against it, to my shock and surprise, though the rank and file Californian truly are very conservative, family oriented people, contrary to the popularized projection. “How could the government do that,” I heard numbers ask? “We have a Constitution that protects the will of the people, and how could they just go against the will of the people like that?”

     When we examine the not so distant past, that same identical question has been asked many times over. I can recall the early seventies, when counties in my home area began to draw up school boundaries, claiming broadly that the intent was to promote “racial integration and equality among citizens.” The counties then began forcing students to attend schools so far away that there existed no practical logic in doing so; but the imposed political mandate remained, all logistical concerns be damned. What I was most astounded to witness was that even when the price of gas rose over the years to render the political objective outrageously impractical, still the political mandate remained, even to the point of forcing people to prove their place of residence with utility receipts, affidavits, etc! Elected leaders of the counties in question simply just voted behind closed doors to raise the property taxes of the citizen voters residing inside the districts in question, to accommodate an imposed, impractical and illogical, mandated political objective.  People have asked those same questions then and even others in more future incidents, such as “What happened to the people's freedom to choose for themselves, since unsuppressed liberty of the individual is the cherished, time honored American way?”

    These questions are very valid questions that really should be pondered by both scholars and private laymen alike, I feel. What disgusts me most is when the people simply just take these public officials with their imposing mandates and invalid charges laying down, when if all would pull together, action could be taken to neutralize their ridiculous demands, breathtaking expenditures and compelling  mandates only designed to render hard working citizens victims to the rude, imperial extortion of greedy corporations and their conspiring, apathetic collusive government authorities; nay, might we say, purloining villains not much better than outright traitors, whose actions only blaspheme the sacred Constitution, while secretly designing to indenture generations of free born America citizens to the baneful gain of an elitist, privileged few!{1}

    There are real astounding reasons why and how government officials have forced, and still force mandates that go against the American people's majority desires and even the precious Constitution itself. My prediction is that in the near future, many more specific and direct mandates that flagrantly violate our cherished Constitutional rights and Constitutional law, will be forced upon the free born citizens of America. As a matter of fact I will step out on a limb here, and outright make the prediction that we will very soon see a complete suspension of our Constitution as a whole, just judging from US history for the last sixty years until now, maybe inside of twelve years from the time of this writing. I will anticipate that probably an attempt will be made to dismantle it in piecemeal first, just judging from present day appearances, while intending simultaneously to arouse dissenting groups among the population as a whole.

    I strongly feel that the first amendment to go will be the second amendment. Out of all our amendments, this is the one that every American thoroughly understands, since it is so simple and straight forward in it's wording. This amendment is also the very last check that prevents outright suspension of the Constitution, and any calculated move of government against the people at large. Once it is gone, all of the other amendments will be a piece of cake to contest, theatrically debate among opposing sides in mocking masquerade before the face of blank minded, wide eyed, assuming citizens and finally remove.

     Few millennial Americans understand just how critical this amendment is in it's entirety. If you lose the second amendment or have it essentially rendered ineffective in any manner, US citizen, you are then at the complete mercy of the imposing tyrant; although keep in mind, that the devil always had rather have one believe that he is the good guy, bearing all of the presumed good collective intentions. All matters and questions in regard to issues of Constitutional retention, no matter how anyone may choose to slice and dice it, are really just that simple, with only the 2nd Amendment giving all else real biting teeth.

     Anyone who still thinks that their US government officials wear the white hat, and would never stand as a threat to the rank and file, law abiding American citizen, then had better pay attention to his history, past and present, with much more of a hard critical eye. At this present moment, I feel, there has never been another time in our history for the last hundred and fifty years where the national situation is so critical, that we as free born citizens, have no other choice but to stay wide awake at the wheel. Most surely, a perverse, near Satanic deception abounds throughout the land that really does endeavor to do us all great harm. The time is drawing neigh to collectively cut the poisonous vine off at the root, rather than to complacently allow it to grow, blossom out and come to full seed; and as the superlative visionary, Thomas Jefferson explained, we, the individual people, bear that responsibility unto ourselves, our children, our nation and survival of our liberties eternally secured inside our precious Constitution.

     The purpose of this work is not to separate the American people in any sort of manner, but to simply inform the American public that not only are they being psychologically manipulated, but they and their children have been outright lied too with a sinister intent in mind, and for quite a long time now. If any reader comes to sense that this work is designed to take sides in any manner, with segments of the population manipulated to oppose any other, then they have have greatly misunderstood my intent here and probably this body of information at large. To speak the truth, I have anticipated most angles on my future criticism and to be quite frank, those segments of the population who criticize heaviest these facts being presented and the conclusions suggested, may very well be among those groups who have been played the hardest, with the magisterial authority pretending to favor, while all the time bearing the intent for their total and compete subjugation, right along with the remainder of American society.

     My intent here, one might say, is to play the part of a futuristic Paul Revere, but this time the alien enemy is right here, lording over our cherished system and licking his lips at the fruits of all our hard earned wealth and private resources, in total disregard for his own reckless spending and incompetent management policies, that only serve to destroy rather than construct, but done so for a very sinister, self serving purpose. We, the people, have placed these leaders with the responsibility of managing the national finances and business enterprise of our nation, but they have all failed us miserably with the exception of a pitiful few. The time warned to us, the American people, by the intellectual Thomas Jefferson, to make a forceful stand against attacks on our individual liberties and Constitutional values, whether they be from Federal authorities, State or local, is here and present, not in some vaguely distant, misunderstood future time. As the great visionary once wrote:

     When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness .


                                                                 The Native Experience:

                                                            A Warning And An Example


     Take a look at the American Indian and his national experience for just a quick moment in brief here. The easiest place to begin might be with the Cherokee. Cherokee Nation once covered a vast territory, including most of western North Carolina, dipping into East Tennessee and Northern Georgia. The problem prevailing was that Cherokee Nation had not officially surveyed out the parameters of their territory. Just for the record, this same problem pervaded all of the officially recognized five civilized tribes, which also included the Cherokee.

     The Cherokee, being no fools, very adaptable and quick to catch on, recognized that fact. They then payed tutors from the surrounding settlements to initiate the education process, sent a number of their brightest children to the college of William and Mary in Virginia and some other colleges, where they obtained law diplomas in property claim ownership, set up office in the nearest settlement and then commenced to hire surveyors to mark the boundaries of Cherokee Nation. This made their claim to the land official with the prevailing authorities in the surrounding county systems.

     The problem with this plan of action was that the property claims had to be filed in the nearest courthouse land deed drawer. Once these deeds commenced to pile up, they attracted the notice of a number of local lawyers who worked for wealthy clients and a number of national land companies {2}. Soon the federal land companies got in on the act, and began hiring their own surveyors to mark the unofficial boundaries of all five civilized tribes for themselves. In the end, the Federal government and these land companies {3} beat the Indian Nations to the punch, which should be a lesson unto all of us here in the future from that time, as we observe and study along.

     In North Carolina the boundaries marked by the Indian lawyers and their surveyors were eventually called the Qualla Boundary. In Georgia there also existed a boundary of a similar sort, as well as one in Tennessee, as far as I can gather from the information.  The obvious point here is that while there existed a legal boundary, it was far from the original boundary of Cherokee Nation, not to mention the other territories of the five civilized tribes. Once the land companies, managed by very wealthy individuals via sponsoring states, with corrupted officials working in collusion with the Federal Government for it's tainted handouts, marked their surveyed claim to the unofficial tribal holdings via land deed holding, they then paid off Federal and State government legislators to initiate removal by military force.

  {4}When the natives were rounded up and sent packing at a moments notice, on what amounted to a true American death march into the badlands of Oklahoma, the land companies via States with corrupted officials receiving stipends from the Federal Government, began selling forty to one hundred sixty acre tracts to illiterate, westward moving farmers at bargain basement prices that they could never find anywhere else. Without even going into details, the land of the five civilized tribes began to fill up with strangers, who now felt that they were the new owners and from a real legal perspective, they in fact were. Many of the original settlers have descendants that still own the original forty plus acre tracts that were once part of the old Cherokee Nation to this very day.

    What does this very basic account have to tell us living now in this day and age, one may ask? Much, I feel. As far as I am concerned, what happened to these freedom loving, rugged individualists was a harbinger of a future later to come and a much worse one, still yet to come. Just take a look at any high school text book and observe the “official” account. The official account claims that greedy Anglo settlers rushed in and simply robbed the Cherokee and the other tribes of their land, while their self directed military rounded the natives up to force them into a sadistic death march, where a third of the tribe perished. Very little to no mention is made of the land companies paying the state legislators, only the demonized Anglo settlers and the horrible things that were done to the natives in the stockades by the Georgia State Militia among others, who were all Anglo males, of course.

     Well I will agree that those horrible things were indeed done to the natives, as is nearly always the case when people are reduced into a state of completely helpless vulnerability and placed under unchecked authority of a lording elite bent on rigid repression; but not by the ignorant, illiterate, average Anglo settler, who more than likely did not even know that he was even on land owned by anyone else, since most of the natives had already been rounded up and removed by the time the main body of settlers had arrived. All he knew was that he needed land, affordable land... and here it was, all for the taking at astoundingly reasonable prices with generous financing accommodation! Read very carefully and one will discover accounts where many of the initial settlers attempted to give the Indians blankets and food while they were on the death march, somberly trudging passed, but were forced away at gunpoint by rough and rude, merciless government soldiers  5, who all to eagerly placed them under threat of death themselves.

     It is easy to deduce even from the official accounts, that the evil was committed by the payed off legislators and their loyal minions, the State militias, the greedy land companies {5}and the military in general! The forces of the corporation, Federal government and the State {6}{7} {8} {9}were the ones who were responsible for all of the public rape, perverse child molestations before the faces of onlooking helpless parents, starvation, wanton murder, theft and deprivations that we are so familiar with in regard to this deplorable time in American history; not the impoverished, even near famished, Anglo settler and his rag tag bare footed family, who wore their tattered fading coats of many colors, eating their cold gruel with famished, rugged stoicism.

     Unfortunately, one virtually never hears these facts put together with such directly cutting conviction in any public school history text, and even a majority of college level historical texts. I personally, have always thought that the suggestion in it was that there existed an obvious attempt to intentionally conceal the real facts in the story, to detract from the truly guilty and impose this claim of guilt upon the hard core innocent, who were only determined by conviction of self preservation and in a majority of cases, bore little to no details regarding prior ownership of the land by anyone else, other than the land company or wealthy government connected speculator {10} whom they had legally purchased the land from. My own opinion in this is that they more than likely figured rightly as individuals, that if they did not take advantage of those nice land deals, then certainly somewhere, someone else would.


                                                      Columbus And The Spanish:

                                                   The First Corporate Government


      As we study along, lets recall in brief the facts from America's very beginning, that the land of America was a destined corporate enclave, with boundaries designed to be exploited by ruthless corporations from the very first day of recorded colonial landing. Consider the adventures of Christopher Columbus as being an excellent place to begin.

    From the accounts of the past, the reality is that Columbus made an earnest appeal to queen Isabella for investor assistance, in order to finance his initial adventure, being an exploratory effort in search of a much shorter shipping passage into the fabled spice lands of the far east. All that he found was a paradise island native population off the coast of Venezuela, wearing raw hide strings of clear, polished, cut red and green stones on nude female bodies smeared with sandy paste of a golden hue.

    This discovery prompted another appeal for investment capitol from the Spanish Crown. In return for this investment, Columbus promised a hearty percentage return in gold to the Spanish Crown and prodigious amounts of gems that could never be found any where else. For what ever reason, be it love, raw lust or greed, the good queen fell for the ruse and Christopher Columbus was well on his way into both fame and infamy, but very little in the way of fortune, soon there after.

     Where did the Crown negotiated investors come from? Wealthy individuals, business co-operation owners and high end agents of the crown. These business co-operations were the precursors to the huge consumerist conglomerate corporations that we know of today. As a matter of fact, such company cooperations have been around, rising to become fairly large, since the time of the Romans and classical Greece {11}, which were astonishingly well organized and modern in appearance.

      Keep in mind as we go along, that Columbus had promised these people seeking profitable return, that they indeed would find that return with him. No doubt that the pressure on him and his adventure company to produce the promised return was at least a bit intense, especially after his initial failure to produce in the search for a quick route to the fabled spice lands, exploratory venture. As we know from the old accounts and even more so from newly discovered files in Spain, very little gold or gems were discovered in North America, and specifically, the land that would later become America. For that reason, there existed no other option but for Columbus and his minions to turn first on the free natives of the land. He was under obligation to finance a return on the investments! If he failed, then he could have been thrown into prison for debtor obligations or even charged with high treason, which bore a certain chilling penalty of death {12}.

      Because of these facts, Columbus began to notice the produce of the natives. He and his men tried to buy the natives off very inexpensively at first, but when the natives tired of poor quality trade items that many times even failed to perform, they eventually refused to sell. Upon their refusal to accept the poor quality trade items, they were compelled to supply both he and his men with food and general supplies by force. Once Columbus and his men saw that the level of resistance was either minimal or outright futile from the tribes, they basically imposed themselves in any way that they saw fit to do {13}. This overt abuse degenerated into raping the women and children, wantonly murdering others at will on shear impulse and subjecting them to some of the worst tortures imaginable in search of valuables {14}.       As time went on and settlements were erected, such a La Navidad and Santo Domingo on the island of Hispaniola for example {15}. The rage of Columbus and his abuse of authority was not only directed toward the natives, but also directed upon his own people, as we can clearly see from the old accounts. Matter of fact, the settlers in Santo Domingo appealed to the King Of Spain in form of a letter sent, telling him of all the specific abuse delivered upon them by Columbus and his officials, in an effort to extort funds. The end result was that Columbus was eventually arrested, bound in chains and delivered back to Spain; and of course, thrown into a dark, damp, stone dungeon, where he probably belonged as far as this author is concerned.

     The Spanish officials never learned, so it appears here and Columbus had set the pace, unfortunately. As time went on, there were a few more attempts at discovering riches in America by the Spanish, as evidenced by the adventures of Pounce De Leon, Hernando DeSoto and some others, but when real riches were discovered in South America, Spanish attention then shifted gradually. Basically, so it appeared, all that America had to offer were riches in the form of abundant agricultural products, but it was not really the call of the Spanish to extract these and develop a market for these products in which to offer them for sale. What the Spanish really desired was fast profit that maintained a constant value, no matter what the market was doing. Most often, if not always, these types of products came in the form of high value metals and vast amounts of raw gems.


                                                               The French Were Next


    When the Spanish faded gradually from the American landscape, the French moved in to fill the vacuum. What the French were interested in was gold and gems, if they could be located, but primarily domination of the international fur market, which at that time was far reaching and very profitable. To a much lesser degree, the French were also interested in establishing small colonies for the purpose of establishing trade with ocean going vessels by providing goods that cater to the needs of sailors.     The positive feature of the French venture was that generally speaking, they did not abuse the natives or their own people for the purpose of extorting their wealth and resources. This statement includes the issue of stealing land from the natives. Evidence of this detail is born from the fact that the French fought few battles with the Indians, as history shows.  All of their few land acquisitions, as far as this author and researcher can tell, were legal, well respected purchases.

     What the French did do was to dominate the fur market to include the market in deer hides, which were used as money in the US colonies. These hides could then be collected from the landscape by professional hunters and trappers, since deer existed in vast number back in those days {16}. With these hides, purchases for valuable goods (such as gems or salt, for example) could then be made from the natives at vastly deflated prices. In addition, goods purchased from European companies that the Indians now felt were absolutely necessary and that they had no method of producing (such as metal implements, cloth in many cases, glass in some cases), could be traded back to them for hides at vastly inflated prices and the hides traded for coin and more goods from the European market depots, such as those in Petersburg, Virginia, for example.

     Keep in mind here that the natives were once a very self sufficient people, who now in the time place of this narrative, had become dependent on goods produced outside of their nation that they themselves, possessed no developed skills in producing. The lessons in the story of the American natives are endless for the citizens of America today in a wide variety of contexts, and to illustrate the main point in this work.., which is that if we, of this generation are not more watchful, the same horror will soon be visited upon all of us, for many of the same reasons.

     In the relatively short course of time, not only had