Chapter 1
Why The American People Need To Know
First and foremost, the American civilian population needs to know the truth, since the truth is that they have been deceived and played, one group off against the other now for generations. Most live life as though tomorrow will always come and go in the same shape that they have always known it to be. When we turn on the television or the computer, we see advertizements and programming that depicts only the good life and bears the subliminal suggestion that we should all aspire to it, since it sits just beyond our reach and readily available to those who are industrious and intelligent enough to possess the dangling golden apples, as did the bunch of grapes to the poor fox swimming neck deep in muddy river water, in good old Aesop's time honored fable.
Truth is, there is much more honesty in Aesop's story than meets the eye, since today's average American fits into a real life version of the poor old fox. The average American today is neck deep and nearly drowning in a river of debt, while in his mind he still feels that it is possible to grab hold to the golden utopia of true wealth and success sitting just outside of his grasp. He lives his entire life without ever realizing that the propaganda and the systemic manipulation converge to cause him to feel that real financial success is still possible, so that he will fore-go his future pleasure in present day living just to remain dedicated to the Socialist State and the Corporate Nation for at least thirty of his best, healthiest, strongest and brightest years, if not even much more time in a huge majority of cases. {21}
In all honesty, I could not count the number of times it is that I have heard people make the comment, “when I retire.....I am going to___,” basically begin to live life or “do something that I want to do.” The sad part is that just judging from statistics alone, only about twenty percent will actually make it, and nearly a third of those will live in outright poverty. To be quite frank about the matter, those who follow the mainstream in their way of life, probably have no alternative choice but to enslave themselves to the Corporate Nation and the Socialist State. Because it mysteriously feels patriotic, productive and right, mainstream people still persist in following the wicked, deceptive Sheppard, who will one day in the not too distant future, lead them into destitution, compulsory labor and bloody slaughter when they reach the point of consuming more resources than they produce, regardless of the reasons why. {22} 23
The greatest prayer that this author has will be answered when the collective mass of the American population stands strong, shoulder to shoulder, arising to face the imposing corporate aristocracy and incompetent, callous and even sinister National and conspiring State leadership, looking them directly into their narrowed eyes to inform them that we, the people, did not change the laws that allowed the production base to relocate offshore so that corporations could subvert the US wage base. We did not open the boarders to allow a huge flood of unmanageable illegals and even nonproductive consuming legals, to saturate the US resource base, to the point that it has nearly bankrupted the welfare and economic systems of entire states, such as California and Arizona {23}.
Further more, when the plan of off-shoring the production base proved itself to be a miserable failure for the health of the nation and it's citizens, it was not we, the people who gave permission for US leadership to borrow millions from the world bank in the initiative, that turned into billions later on as the nation continued to fall short in it's obligations stateside to the US citizenry and abroad, serving only to shove the bills farther and farther back into the laps of a succeeding generation {24}.
Most certainly, and without saying, we, the people, did not give the US government authority to go into debt to the tune of fourteen trillion plus to the Chinese; of all people, the money going back into the hands of a huge US corporate aristocracy, where upon their imposing “director boards” sit many State and national congressional leaders {25}. None of this money went back into the hands of the bourgeois US population; so obviously, we of the born free and proud, must assume that a majority of it remained in the hands of this corrupted leadership who created the very situation to begin with, since they were the ones who benefited from the venture! So, therefore, it is emphatically NOT the responsibility of we, the people, to pay these debts back in any sort of manner!
As far as we, the people of free America should be concerned, the leadership who agreed to in-debt the nation for trillions can labor in hell for the devil and his demon angels, pumping thunder for two cents a clap, taking four eternities to accomplish the feat. I say this with a sarcastic air, but I really mean it seriously when one sees the entire line of facts that betray the true extortionist intention of the US leadership and the dawning future horror planned for the American people, which is what this work shall accomplish in presentation, as we read and study along.
Fascism Or Socialism Doesn't Work
A system of extortion might grow and go unnoticed, if the individuals managing it could control their impulsive greed and still allow for the expansion of a real opportunity base, with the people still having the freedom to engage productive individual enterprise and hold on to ninety percent of what they produce. The problem is that situations almost never work that way for ever. The devil's greed simply knows no end or can it honestly admit to it's mistakes, out of a consuming arrogance feeling it sits high above all forms of consequence. The leadership eventually decides for some reason, that it can force the people to produce at top quality standard, in complete absence of any profit margin or even basic incentive, with only themselves receiving the full benefit. This reality lies at the very heart of any Socialist, corporate managed or Fascist system and is inherently a system of compulsive corruption..., nay... I shall venture to say, slavery repackaged, in and of itself!
The ideas are simple and sound really good..., that the nation will take care of it's non-productive individuals, whom are always euphemistically labeled disadvantaged and everybody else will be the better for it, so goes the prevailing theory. The truth is, all that society owes anything to are the elderly, since they have already done their part....and the truly infirm, since they simply cannot be productive due to physical or true mental issues. When all of the dead beats are taken care of in a nation, the programs that provide this “care” {euphemism} exist only as parasites on the resources of the intelligent productive, since the funds to support these utopian programs cannot be pulled from thin air. When one adds in the insatiable greed from State and National leadership, pretty soon there exists little in the way of incentive for the productive to engage in industry at all. When this point is reached, the vast majority of production usually halts, creating the problem at the heart of this type of system in any form, being a lack of incentive for intelligent, creative and industrious people to produce.
When the system reaches the point of lacking incentive and production drastically slows or halts outright, then the leadership has no other choice but to either admit that their half baked utopian experiment has failed, revamp the system or to simply force the producers to continue being productive. When the time arrives that the system has reached the point of gridlock, the greed of the leadership accepts no limitations. This reality is why some of the greatest mass murders in history were committed by Socialist/ Fascist (systems ran by corporations whose leadership also runs the socialized nation) systems. In these systems, the people themselves are reduced down into the level of an expendable resource and those who refuse to produce or cannot do so for any reason, are simply reduced down into guinea pigs for corporate experimentation or even salable products to be exchanged within the deepest, darkest bowels of the system or on the world market at large.
Most Americans are not aware of the negative realities in these systems, and certainly not aware of their potential applications inside their own national system. Socialist, corporate dominated and Fascist systems tend to be very deceptive. Take a look at both Germany's system of the nineteen thirties and forties, as well as Russia's system, if anyone is in need of proof to this claim. All of these systems claimed that they possessed opportunity, when in fact, the true intent was to reduce the civilian population down to the level of an expendable resource, with a few exclusive exceptions. The Germans used the phrase, “Work makes you free.” This phrase in German arched over at least one of their most famous compulsory labor camp entrances {26}. The Russians used the phrase, “Patriots answer to the call of duty,” implying that labor in absence of a profit incentive was the civilians call to national duty and abiding obligation. Those who resisted were efficiently exploited and finally liquidated, as was evidenced in the massive bone piles discovered behind old fenced in areas that were once gulag prisons (compulsory labor camps) {27} .
I feel that most Americans would agree with my claims above, as they apply to other nationalities such as Germany or Russia, but only a stern minority would agree with anyone's claim that the same rules apply to their own nation. Some may in-fact, be angered at any suggestion made of the possibility! The facts tell us, if we dare to observe, that US citizens are being manipulated as their privately owned resources are being extorted right from underneath their noses {28} {29} {30}. The process is being done slowly and over the course of time, the leaders using the generational rule of thirty years, allowing the older generation who would know better to fade away into the grave, leaving an idealistic, younger generation, both vulnerable and ignorant of history or experience of years, to feel that grasping onto a proposal of purloining individual liberty would better serve the nation at large {31}. This process has presently accelerated as the last of the WW2 veteran generation is fading away.
Any person who questions my claim of a gradual relinquishment of individual liberty, may simply just examine the decade of the late fifties and nineteen sixties. This generation was called the “counter culture generation.” These young people, who were known as the baby boom generation, were the first generation at large who questioned all areas of American life. This generation was also known as the “idealist generation,” since most of their ideas held no base root in practical, workable reality. The Vietnam War spurred on this cultural revolt. The young people, who were sick of seeing family and friends dying and returning home maimed, rightfully questioned every area that led to the call for war in the first place.
The first huge question was one of the necessity for capitalism itself, since that generation had correctly surmised that the war effort served only the interests of an unchecked corporate war machine and oil conglomerates, although the principle of checked capitalism lay at the very heart of American constitutional foundation and it's future rise into supreme power. The war was viewed as being one initiated to further the interests of corporations, but yet, in the end, corporate restrictions were only levied upon the interests of individual enterprise. By the middle years of the Reagan administration, the corporations had more liberty and the interests of individual enterprise and individual people at large had more regulations than ever before in American history, for the duration of “The Modern Era,” or {the time period following WW11}. Most individual citizens if questioned, may have guessed differently, but just ask any time honored tax preparer if taxes have improved over the years or thirty five year veteran, self employed business person about repressive regulations for proof otherwise. To replace the law of capitalism, the counter culture generation dreamed of a utopian, egalitarian society, free from the law of supply and demand. The US government then saw it's chance to move, imposing what amounted to a socialist rule of law beginning during the Kennedy administration. Kennedy began speaking out, realizing the true intent of the government. Evidence of this is very clear in some of his last public speeches {32}. Once Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon Banes Johnson then publicly embraced the new socialist order with wide open arms, though being careful to euphemistically label it “The War On Poverty.”
Like I have intimated before, Socialism appeals to the eye, with it's programs to assist the so-called disadvantaged, which is also a euphemism for non-productive, but the kind programs demand financing unfortunately... and money just doesn't grow on trees. Thus as a result, there is only one place that this financing can come from, and that is by extorting it out of the resource base accumulated by the productive elements in the population, with the lion's share going to the elitist who run the State and Federal system. This extortion is also euphemistically labeled as taxes, to make an appeal to the population’s sense of civil duty and national obligation. Once these excessive taxes {33} are imposed, they demand rigid inflexible regulation, since it is natural for productive, freedom loving, industrious elements to desire holding on to their hard earned all cost.
The problem with it all is that there exists a fine line between inflexible regulation and suspension of incentive to produce. In most cases, there will exist some flexibility in the regulation until the system pushes any at all in the direction of insolvency, then threat of force or literal force is applied to hold up the production rate, with the magisterial hope being to save face both at home among the population and abroad, among allies. Saving face also commands continual respect from ones enemies abroad, holding back wolves who would only move in to finish the kill upon a diseased, corrupted, dying national body.
Lords of Individual Enterprise
In my life time, I have witnessed farming communities who not only farmed the cash crops and vegetable crops, but also engaged in ventures of individual enterprise on the side. My great aunt's husband was a big time tobacco farmer when I was growing up. In her own home she operated a locally renowned beauty parlor, for example, that was known for the high quality end results that she became so famous for. She even had a few real life, famous people drop by to have their hair shaped according to their fashion, as I was later to become informed. If I recall rightly in the passage of so many years, one famous customer was an instrumental player in the Marshall Tucker band, another was a guitarist in the B.J. Thomas band, a few of whom actually grew up not all that far away. Unfortunately, I never made note of the names, since I was somewhat young when these tales were told.
Another lady in the very heart of the community that I grew up in, had a husband who farmed five hundred acres of tobacco, but ran a side business selling peas and butter beans, as well as raising pigs and cows. He and his wife owned a fenced in pool and an adjacent wooden pool house shed. Any person who dropped by could purchase a year supply of food stored in freezer packs of both vegetables and freshly cut, home processed meat. Meat was also salt cured, hung and smoke cured for a final preservation. When combined with a local salt marinade, the end result was a luscious, hickory or peach smoked local delicacy of renown among the neighbors.
Also during the week in the spring and summer, people could drop off their children at the pool for two dollars a day. With three more dollars they could go underneath the shed and purchase potato chips, hamburgers iron cooked from freshly ground, pastured grass fed meat and a fountain soda, with spoon dipped homemade ice cream in nine tree harvested, fruity flavors for desert! The ladies sixteen year old grand daughters {back in those days, children grew up with a much greater sense of responsibility and obligation than those of this day and time} helped her manage and supervise the kids in the pool area. Needless to say, nearly every mother dropped off her kids at the local pool during the swimming season, especially during the months of late May, June, July and August, when school was out for the summer. There was never an accident, that I can recall. All locals were well pleased with the quality in the owner's services rendered.
In my local community people farmed, but were also backyard mechanics; tradesmen, such as carpenters, plumbers, owned backyard welding shops, heat and air people, concrete workers, wood cutters, owner operators of second hand back yard general stores and the list goes on and on. Many of these people had held these side ventures as family occupations for a hundred years or even more. General stores were once common place in my community during my own lifetime, but now seem to have faded away due to the loss of liberty to operate. This precious liberty to manage one's own resources is what made America great and the individual property owning people prosperous beyond imagination..... Then, the year nineteen eighty six arrived..., and everything along those lines mentioned changed for the worst, but the imposed change was another suggestion of a future horror still yet to come.
The Year The Repression Began
I will never forget that year, since I had already moved from home and was living in another State at the time. I dropped back into my home area for a casual visit, around the month of May and another enterprising great aunt along with a number of cousins met me to inform me of the shocking negative changes. Both the local and State governments had sent undercover zoning and health department officials snooping around, speaking with people, even greasing their palms I was informed, to help locate or identify all of the independent business enterprises. Most arrived at least twice to the same scene, except on the second time the local police accompanied them, though dressed in plain clothes with the badge located on the belt and out of easy view.
The orders rendered from the zoning and health officials were inflexible and firm..., either spend thousands on unnecessary, expensive upgrades, local, State and Federal permits and pay the hefty, vastly overpriced processing fee to the local clerk of court...., or suffer a long list of charges, up to and including tax evasion, right along with running an illegal business enterprise among a number of others; the charges always being labeled with huge broad dysphemism that made the crass accusations sound like these honest, hard working business people were demon possessed, Mafioso monsters, only to be feared to the unknowing casual ear.
This order, which appeared to be right off the top papers in the central office of the KGB, also bore the weight of heavy fines for many honest, hard working business people. The experience really hit home when a number of my next door neighbors were fined a thousand dollars for innocently running a bed and breakfast or cutting finger and toenails, as their families had done for well over fifty years. The lady with the pool business, Mrs Hester, was fined over two thousand dollars without any prior warning, for legally running a business operation that her family had owned and operated since the nineteen thirties. The sin that she had committed was simply not knowing that regulatory laws had abruptly been changed, since the magisterial forces imposing them are not required to alert the public to the changes. Their favorite statement to hide behind is “that ignorance of legal changes is not an excuse for non-compliance.” I can only guess that this is so because some of the largest law firms have perverted the system to their own benefit at the expense of law abiding people, in a practical sense. Another person who suffered during this time of persecution in the United States, was my own Grand Father. My Grand Father was a big time tobacco farmer, as was his father before him who was also a land speculator, among other things. He owned a thousand acres of his own tobacco and farmed hundreds more for other people. He also owned a small roadside general store, which opted as a service station dispensing gas, with a small deli bar in the center of the store serving the local favorites; being butter beans, peas, fried chicken, corn bread, hamburgers, french fries and hot dogs topped with succulent homemade chili, slaw and crushed potato chips. All of this fine food was washed down with the best in ice tea, soda fountain soda, fresh hand squeezed lemonade or coffee.
In the back of the general store, he owned and operated a fertilizer distribution center that combined as a farm equipment parts delivery, that also done on-site repairs in the field; the only one of it's kind in the area, as far as I can recall. He had owned and operated this affair for sixty years or more, borrowing the idea from his enterprising Father before him, if I recall the story in exact detail. Other services that he offered were to loan money to those who possessed real-estate or jewelry, which he allowed one third debt ratio to two thirds value in collateral, no questions ever asked. Everyone both far and wide, knew him to be both hard working, fair and very understanding, claiming himself that he only had to take his collateral three times in forty years. He also allowed people to place their vehicles by the roadside in-front of his business, for ten dollars a day and a ten percent addition to the asking price and everything was all done up front. There again, everyone concerned was happy with the arrangements. Grand Father had it going on back in those days as I can merrily recall, was very happy and contented with his accomplishments, as were all of his customers and surrounding neighbors.
Back in nineteen eighty six, the year that true unsuppressed individual enterprise legally died in America....; as I vividly recall him telling my Father...., two strangers arrived into his store at the same time other business people were being heavily fined during this time of the persecution and repression in the States. The lady running the inside deli was under careful instructions not to serve strangers. She did so mistakenly, however, and Grand Father was definitely not happy about the matter. According to his telling, the second time that strangers arrived, the two were recognized and were accompanied by four more strangers, cavalierly walking up to the cashier counter and requesting a shot of local moonshine, since according to their telling, rumor was that they could get some really fine drink there. When the clerk sternly informed them that none was served in this establishment, they casually walked over to the deli and requested the days special dish, since the food deli was very obvious sitting there in the center of the store and the agents knew well that the owner of the establishment could never refuse them and save face. On that day as I can so vividly recall hearing, the special was fried chicken, freshly harvested squash and rice cooked in new chicken stock, served with generous rounds of sweet tea. The six men sat quietly on the local bar stools before the deli counter, patiently awaiting for the dish to be prepared. After enjoying the meal, one of them approached the lady running the deli, complimenting the food and asking her if he could speak with the manager. The lady{a family member} who oversaw the establishment arrived on the scene, the remaining five then approached her, carefully showing her their badges and giving her their ultimatum orders....; either close the deli and the money lending operation down within the week or suffer a long list of charges that would have basically bankrupted my Grand Father, as far as the income generated from the store was concerned, as well as subjecting the store property to outright authoritarian confiscation.
When word arrived to my Grand Father, he called the local zoning board, negotiated at best, only a cut throat deal in which he was forced to spend more than ten thousand dollars... and then he could serve food, but could not do anything to continue legally lending money out or allowing people to place their automobiles out front for sale at the stores profit. The frustrated response returned from my Grand Father was to huff brazenly about it, then simply close down his deli, choosing to serve prepackaged foods in the store instead, to the understandable disappointment of his customer base. Later on his brother purchased the deli, spent the demanded loads of money on unnecessarily upgrading the food preparation equipment to the imposed standard and purchasing the overpriced permits, then begrudgingly paying the extortionist fees; he proceeded to run the business until the day that he died, always complaining that he questioned if purchasing the deli was really worth the effort to save it in the long run, since the profit incentive to do so had basically been removed.
The point in this story here is that Grand Father's deli equipment was working just fine as it was, and was both safe as well as sanitary. The real problem that the authorities had with it was that all of it had been paid off years before, and that Grand Father had generated thousands of dollars in hard cash off the books. In all honesty, the money lending business was probably the highest paying part of his entire enterprise, but the authorities did not care for the fact that there were no records of it alone. They also felt like they were entitled to at least one half of what Grand Father took in, but once half was gone, then where was the incentive to engage in the business at all?
As many readers may recall, this crass persecution of independent individual enterprise came about at the same time Ronald Reagan signed away the law put into place at the close of WW11 {34} {35}, that forced large corporations to remain inside of US boarders with the largest part of their business enterprise, since outsourcing the employment base had then been determined to be a major cause of the Great Depression of 1929, after millions of dollars were spent in researching the issue. This same law also outlawed corporate importation of foreign labor to subvert the US wage base. {36}
My personal thoughts at the time were that with the sending off shore of US corporate business, that regulations would lax on individual enterprise, since people need to work for wages just to survive..., but I was terribly wrong. Regulations only increased dramatically, as I have noted earlier, to the point of crossing the boarder between upgrading the standard of quality, as the authorities always euphemistically claim, and out-right persecution with the intent of stamping out all individual enterprise to accommodate the corporations who chose to remain in US boarders, just like the Russians and the Chinese did back in the nineteen fifties and sixties.
The Great Scam
The corporations that remained stateside, as many may recall from the time period of the early eighties, began complaining to the US government, declaring that they could not compete with those companies relocating offshore to avoid the US wage base, exploiting what amounted to outright slave labor in many cases or conditions barely above the line of being slave {37}{38}. Their statements in response to what was occurring were, that they would either be forced to dramatically cut wages down to minimum wage level or even lower, eliminate all benefits or lay off in drastic numbers, up to and including closing down the enterprise all together in lieu of the reduction in the company profit margin. At the same time, heads of the US college system who depended on young Americans