JFK Assassination The Last Book by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Now Bush shot golf with Dwight and talked about him running with Tricky Dick for fun

as the republican candidates for '52.

They won in a landslide of electoral votes.

With Dick riding high on Ike's coat.

Meanwhile LBJ rose to majority leader in the senate, so he and Ike ran the country for 6 years, together.

Big Oil owned LBJ for the money they paid him.

while CIA had their black Ops for fun

and pushed their Bay of Pigs on everyone.

Nixon was the white house lead for this and OP 40, to have killers on hand for use in special OPS

that Sturgis & Hunt would lead from close up Hoover had smut on Jack's chasing rut.

So his friend, LBJ, got the VP spot

to run with Camelot in his ‘60 election

to take over his spot before the end of his first term of work.

LBJ was way more powerful in the senate

so VP was a step down, that only Jack's death could avert.

LBJ and Bushes had friends who wanted Camelot out and both Howard Hughes and H.L. Hunt had the cash clout.

LBJ's voice, Ed Clark, and his man, Mac Wallace, would organize and plan the hit

while Dulles got Intel and SS ready and fit So Allen could hit, with John Foster, at State; 2 brothers who'd do for themselves