JFK Assassination The Last Book by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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Ford did magic in the final debate by moving a wound from T-3 to C-8.

But Nobody noticed cause of no pics

til Zapruder appeared on Rivera's hot flicks 12 years later we get shots from front right moving Jack's body rear & left tight.

While CBS Rather saw, 12 years back,

the body go forward on his news act.

Now the first report of the president's death was from Martin Kilduff, white house press, who said what he heard from Jack's doctor

“it was a simple matter of a shot to the head”

as he pointed to his forehead instead.

Then military costs went up 240 Billion

during what would have been Kennedy's 2nd term, while LBJ's war in Vietnam killed 55K, just for fun: one very close to home, and friends since age seven, Army Lt. Vincent Edward Duffy Jr. was sent to heaven; in what Nixon would call an honorable peace, later on.

RFK was killed by a CIA hit

for Nixon's climb to the top, and Sirhan Sirhan is an old man, locked up where he doesn't belong, cause Bobbie's death blow came inches behind, with Sirhan pinned to a cart, 4 feet in front.

L.A. Police, Coroner, and DA abetted the ruse, and ignored the kill shot that couldn't have come from Sirhan pinned out of the kill zone.

And CIA programmed Sirhan's mind to be the patsy that day.

Now strangely enough Nixon was hired

by GHW's dad for answering his ad

for a malleable mouth, in law, & he was so glad.

Prescott Bush and his banking cronies

backed Nixon for congress, their puppet phony who won and pursued commie hunting for press.