JFK Assassination The Last Book by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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and ignoring mountains of debt.

If God loves our neighbor as much as ourselves, God loves all kids the same. And we all deserve equal shares of what God made: Earth's bounty by name.

So trace the bad, their appointments and promotions, and the trees of hires and promotions thereafter and you shall find those to remove from power.

Break the links in government that make it run for the rich few instead of running for We the people, and make all take an oath to serve the people of the nation,

With one worker family supporting wages.

And tax the high end to move the funds to benefit the low end with jobs in green energy areas.

with decent money the low end drives the economy best.

cause this is where the market multiplier has zest and it’s good for private industry as well

when regulations stop their cheap sucks

on federal and state money chunks

meant to serve: We the People of the nation 77

Summary of 9 JFK books JCD read and recommends 1. Best Evidence by David S. Lifton , 1980: Complete documentation of the change in body evidence of John F. Kennedy’s corpse in the first 24 hours following the shooting of the president. I recommend getting the movie “Best Evidence” where David interviews key witnesses to the story to allow the viewers to come to their own conclusions. Very well done. It’s shocking what the military and Secret Service did with the body of JFK that day. A must read.

2. Rush to Judgment by Mark Lane, 1966: Excellent review of the ineptness of the Warren Report. Lane interviews witnesses in the early years after Kennedy’s death. He documents the Oswald negative result of the parafin test for the alleged murder weapon and shows that a lie was perpetuated in the media about it being positive. ( In other words, Oswald did not fire a rifle that day by the evidence). The test positive for a pistol (nitrates on both hands is inconclusive and likely the result of printers ink from his work) He documents the false trail of finger print evidence that the FBI fingerprint supervisor, with 32 years of experience, refuted when Lt Day of the Dallas Police shows up with a latent print 4 days later (when the expert saw none the day after the killing on the same weapon). He documents the test of the 3 master riflemen from the NRA who had the Mannlicher-Carcano, allegedly used by Oswald, first rebuilt so that it could be sited as Oswald’s rifle lacked one shim to align the sites. Then with 6 shots a piece at non moving targets none of the Masters

shots hit the neck or head on the target and only one master met the timing constraint. This was sponsored by the Warren Commission. All were given unlimited time for their first shot. The Warren Commission still affirmed that Oswald, who barely qualified with a rifle in the Marine Corp got 2 out of three shots to count with no alignment on his scope to correctly determine aim, and while the target was moving. That is preposterous! The Commission committed treason in the identification of a Oswald as the shooter as he did not fire a rifle that day, the rifle (that showed up the next day as the murder weapon) was out of alignment with the scope, and the alleged shooter was a below average shot, while masters, the highest experts in the NRA, failed to prove feasibility with the same weapon (after alignment) on a fixed set of

targets in 6 tries each (18shots). Mr. Lane also documented the false i.d. of a German Mauser 7.65 on 22 Nov by three Dallas officers on the sixth floor, which became a Mannlicher-Carcano the next day. ( They flubbed the weapons plant). He documented the need for 20 year old ammunition for the Carcano as ammunition fabrication had ceased 20 years previous. Such ammunition would be unreliable. He documented the near blind fearful man, Mr. Brennan, as the key witness against Oswald for the Kennedy shooting who didn’t identify Oswald at first and needed to be talked into it. And it goes on and on and on. The preponderance of witnesses thought the fatal shot came from the grassy knoll and that’s where everybody ran after the shooting, including people in the book depository. He identifies these witnesses painstakingly.

This book refutes the Warren Commission findings. Excellent first read 3. Plausible Denial by Mark Lane, 1991: Documents Counselor Lane’s defense of a magazine sued for slander by E. Howard Hunt, an alleged CIA conspirator in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Lane located an inside witness to a major part of the murder conspiracy, Marita Lorenz, a past girl friend of Fidel Castro who was lured into the CIA by Frank Sturgis in a plot to try to kill Castro. Because Sturgis was a mid level honcho for the recruitment of “Bay of Pigs” volunteers, and he and his men hated Kennedy and when given the order to assemble a caravan to head for Dallas, took Marita along with them. She testified by written deposition of her witnessing of E. Howard Hunt as a paymaster for the slaying of John F. Kennedy. Hunt was a superior to Sturgis in the hierarchy. Marita, Sturgis, and several Cuban counter revolutionaries traveled to Dallas with a separate car full of weapons and arrived on 21 November, 1963. They stayed at a Motel where Hunt was located and Marita witnessed him paying off Sturgis and Jack Ruby. Riders in the caravan included Gerry Patrick Hemming, the Novo brothers, and a pilot named Pedro Diaz Lanz (and possibly more that she didn’t identify).

The jury believed her testimony and found for the defendant. Past CIA Director Richard Helm is also identified as having initialed a memo identifying Hunt’s presence in Dallas on 22 November, 1963. Marita did not take part and left town on a flight to New York on 21 November, 1963. She reported to the FBI in New York the next day the whole story when she heard of the assassination of the president. But the FBI was forced to get in line behind its Director on 22November, who disregarded every bit of truth 79

and forced the Oswald conclusion, which everybody has trouble swallowing to this day.

4. The Great Zapruder Film Hoax by James Fetzer, et al, 2003. This is a book that scientifically details the corruption of visual evidence presented in the Zapruder film. It says that the film available today is a copy of the original with the deletion of frames, blurring of frames, use of traveling mattes to offset the foreground (limo party) from the background (with possible artistic overlays), and reconstitution through the use of an optical printer to provide a seamless copy with dubious content. A simple test to prove the use of an optical printer which requires Kodachrome film (rather than the daytime Kodacolor film) is to subject a small piece of the “Zapruder film” to a destructive chemical test to see what type of film it is: Kodacolor (daylight film) as in the original, or Kodachrome (night time and lab film under non-sunlight conditions) as in any edited seamless copies. The House Committee on Assassinations refused to allow this test even though it could be done on the Zapruder family section of the film without affecting the historical Kennedy part. I call that an obstruction of justice in the investigation of a murder case of a US president and treasonous behavior. The analysis includes a phony remake of Mary Moorman that shows her on the grass rather than the street (where she was) when she took her photo. Dr. John Costella, David Lifton, and numerous other major researchers joined forces for this project with Fetzer. This book presents irrefutable evidence as to the alteration of

the Zapruder film, handled by both the Secret Service and the CIA on the