JFK Assassination The Last Book by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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night of the assassination.

5. Blood Money & Power by Barr McClellan, 2003: tells the experiences of one of Lyndon Johnson’s attorneys over the 5 years he served as counsel to Johnson while employed by Ed Clark, Johnson’s principal attorney and business partner during his career. Convincing hear say evidence is presented by Attorney McClellan who lost his license to practice as a result of his betrayal of confidential client information when he wrote this book. So here’s a man, late in life, willing to give up his profession and face criticism (and possibly death) to set the record straight. This book covers the disappearance of 3 poll volunteers who witnessed a change in the books at one polling site that threw the election to Johnson in the ’48 Democratic primary for the 80

senate. He knew the attorney who cooked the books, and later when the heat was turned up the book was burnt and the poll workers were never found. Barr also explains the money shuffle and business appointments made possible by having a seat in congress. Johnson appointed cronies or people he could leverage for later assistance and became very rich from kick-backs and laundering. Ed Clark got Mack Wallace off with probation for first degree murder because he controlled the judge. It is my contention that this money siphoning business has been taking place ever since and grown to include borrowing money against the US to steal for private use by the crooks who run the country. This crime would be of enormous proportions starting with the Reagan Administration (who tripled our national debt). The crooks are not satisfied with skimming what the US buys for cash; they went into borrowing money (to up the cash available) and stealing that against the credit of the people of the United States. Barr accounts for the thinking of men in this generation in Texas, where murder is just another business tool, and probably still is. Johnson was an angry tough Texas politician who could also coo.

He’d do anything to get what he wanted, and he wanted the presidency. This is an inside view of the real Lyndon Johnson and the scummy business he perpetrated. He was a mental and emotional wreck in his final years and it would be interesting to see his psychiatrist’s notes. He had a grand jury indictment for murder, posthumously.

6. JFK and the Unspeakable James W. Douglass, 2008: This book details the Presidency of JFK in a way to help the reader understand why he wasn’t liked within the government and exactly what happened to make it that way. He wasn’t there to play a “give and take” game; he was there to do what he thought was right for the nation as a whole and the people who he represented, only greedy angry minority elements in government and industry didn’t agree with him, and he became a doomed man. Other witnesses are detailed beautifully to add to the proof of conspiracy. There’s a soldier on leave (Gordon Arnold) who felt two shots whiz by his head on the knoll during the assassination, shot from behind the picket fence, who gave up his film and got out of town quickly out of fear. Movie interview avail. A deaf man witnessed two men behind the picket fence and a rifle torn down quickly after the shooting and stuffed into a railroad workers tool bag. Other assassination attempts prior to Dallas include Chicago September, ’63: JFK cancels under 81

advice. Florida, another try........then Dallas. The book had a background spiritual tone (which I accepted as the leaning of the author), but was otherwise very informative and sensible.

7. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, 2004: This book is a tell all on U.S. Foreign Policy (muscle around the world to control natural resources and markets and governments). The author confesses to have been a high level set up man for leveraged control of foreign nations. He explains the idea like this: A high level study team arranges to meet with high level government officials from a foreign nation (that is of interest). They propose to study how a major infrastructure change to the less developed nation can lead to great progress and great profits for that nation. Their study is abnormally optimistic leading the host nation to bite on proposals to do the work. It is always over the head of the nation a bit so that they need to borrow money to get the work done. Arrangements are made with the World Bank to provide the funds. The development runs into typical engineering changes and cost increases and delays and when it is complete the nation is way over its head in debt, and performance is not as good as they expected. So the U.S.

Company offers to help pay the debt for concessions on their resources. That’s

how we interact with third world countries. They also offer huge money up front to the leaders to become business partners or to just outright use their resources or get concessions to drill. And sometimes they offer huge money or death right up front. Be with us and get rich, or we’ll kill you. If business arrangements cannot be made they call in the “jackals” to kill the obstructing leader. These are CIA hit men or their contractors. If, as in the case of Saddam Hussein, neither of the first two options work, we send in the armed forces of the U.S. for some B.S. reason, like we fear their use of weapons of mass destruction against us; they have them and we don’t trust them. Or, it doesn’t matter; it was right to attack an evil dictator and liberate the people (set-up a phony democracy that we run remotely). This is what we did. We did it to establish an oil pipeline to the gulf to permit international shipping of Iraqi oil (that Saddam would not allow). And my opinion is that the Bushes are founding fathers of this treacherous corporatocracy which started before Kennedy became president and kills America’s children in their wars. The author also documents the bad effect on the economy of the populations so subjugated.


8. Crossfire by Jim Marrs 1989: This book documents it all. It shows a detailed, multiple witness supported conspiracy to kill John Kennedy.

Excellent reference.

9.Treachery In Dallas by Walt Brown 1995: documents the lack of law enforcement in the JFK murder case in Dallas and the complicity of the Dallas Police, who knew Jack Ruby real well. There was no sealing of the area after the crime with retention of possible witnesses/conspirators. Normal street traffic was resumed in 5 minutes. Nobody knows how many souvenirs were taken. Pieces of the president’s skull and flesh stuck to tires that cruised by within minutes after his execution. People came and left freely. Oswald took his time leaving (about 5 minutes) and took a bus. Evidence disappeared and was created (bullets gone and Oswald fingerprints created by a bad cop, Lt Day). Nobody carefully swept the 6th floor nest for 45 minutes. But enough eyes were watching to swoop down and pick up people’s film. By evening all exhibits were being sent to Washington where Johnson ordered FBI sovereignty in the case and called the Dallas police to have them turn over all evidence. Brown noted that in the time (1963) a prerequisite to becoming a Dallas police officer was to have membership in either the KKK or the John Birch Society. A few of them were worse. The first witness up the knoll was Beverly Oliver and she saw only cops and train worker(s), and thought they had it under control (not thinking until later that one or more of them might be assassins). It was Sgt Patrick Dean and Officer Roscoe White. Roscoe White is suspected as the cop shooter on the knoll (that shows up in Mary Moorman’s photo, under special analysis) and being the killer of officer Tippit. And evidence suggests there were 2 shooters behind the picket fence.

He shows Oswald’s involvement with the CIA and FBI which both services deny. Johnson and Hoover were under the control of big oil.