Below are Zapruder frames 303-316 with a shiny object coming into the scene opposed to the top of Roy Kellerman’s head and then moving forward with its angle flattening out to point in the direction of the president while becoming flat above the top of Kellerman’s head as a flat topped shiny object. All human
beings have rounded domes in the shape
of their skulls. This includes Kellerman as
shown in frame Z285, for instance, when
all occupants looked at JFK, saw a
bloody president holding his throat and
didn’t rush off to the hospital in a
hurry! He would have survived the neck and back shots easily, but all in the limo
and most in the SS car following knew
of the assassination plan for
the day, so Greer and
Kellerman looked at each
other at Z290 and Greer
brought the limo to a stand
still for a few seconds. Dallas
Police Officer Roscoe White
hit JFK in the right temple
from behind a stub wall on the
grassy knoll 75 feet away. Bill
Nelson witnessed the hit.
Proof’s on the next page. Witness testimony is at the top, left to right.
Then the Mary Moorman scene reprocessed by me in Light Room with NIK Pro Sharpener 3, and color enhanced by me. Marie Muchmore’s film also had segments that showed Greer pointing his 45 at JFK and again with Pro Sharpener 3 it disclosed the muzzle of the 45 indicating that the flat topped shiny object was a 45 automatic (Greer’s personal fire arm, shiny 45 automatic). Moorman captured the 45 being retrieved by Greer while Kellerman is shielding his face with the blue trip folder to avoid being burnt by the hot gases of the discharge of Greer’s kill shot. So we have two views identifying the weapon that killed JFK from ~4 feet away showing the muzzle of the flat topped shiny weapon pointed at JFK. Also the horizontal blur in Greer's head at Z313 is caused by the jolt of his 45 moving his head back to make it copy wider in that frame only while JFK’s head explodes in the same (1/40 second exposure of) frame Z313. This is due to the kick of his 45 expanding the apparent width of his head, and the time coincidence nails Greer as JFK’s assassin. Why else would a grievously injured Kennedy raise his fist in front of his face before the frame? He saw his killer, his driver, who shot him like a rat who was trapped in a corner. Many frames were removed to speed up the 8
action, and create a new scene for it, then pasting the new limo group on the alternate “moving” background, from photo conspirators scanning the background behind the limo group at the kill site in Dealey Plaza to have a moving background available to print the new limo revised group, (with lots of “edit outs”) onto this alternate
“moving” background scene This new background would show people looking where the president was ahead of them since the conspiratorial background scans could not include the limo group, as that would be pasted in with the “evidence removed” edited limo group later. This creates a very real looking fraudulent “moving” drive thru the plaza.
Such is the extant Zapruder film available to the public. The real original “in camera film” would run longer with the slow speed and pauses and stops and shot evidence that happened during the live action of the kill. Proof of this is in frames where the background people and limo group people are both in perfect focus. In a moving parade the limo group should remain in focus while the people in the background are slightly blurred due to the relative velocity of the limo to the crowd when the camera is trained on the moving limo. When the limo pauses or stops both the limo group and most of the people in the crowd are in clear focus as eg Zapruder momentarily stops his scan.
Most of the stop/pause film evidence shows a frame or two with this coincidental good focus evidence. But the majority of these frames were removed and trashed to eliminate evidence (e.g. stops) of all that happened and how long it took. While the limo slowed or stopped, clusters of shots occurred; for instance at the wide turn at the top of the street when JFK was aligned for safe shots from West facing windows in the Dal Tex Building. At least 3 shooters were there since they are the only shooters who might possibly cross JFK’s path to the manhole cover for the 3 missed shots that hit there. All other suspect shooter sites would be way over JFK’s head or have no coincidence of a JFK
hit with the view of the manhole
cover. I reproduced the view that these Dal Tex shooters had for shots at JFK on the street below. He was stopped on the right with clear street beyond at short range at the first shots. The street view shows witnesses, shot flurries, and his path down Elm on the next page. It features the location of most key spectators and their movie cameras with respect to the wavy path taken to best accommodate the shooters for the kill. A loyal researcher Don Roberdeau prepared a detailed plot plan of Dealey Plaza with range scaling and elevation (Height Above Sea Level- HASL) and notes of great value to enable the creation of a forensic ballistic shooting analysis. He wasn’t well advised for the limo path he shows. I had more recent counsel to show it the way it happened. But I have not been able to locate any other researchers’
possible use of Roberdeau’s work with the correct path or any other detailed shot analysis on the assassination so; I created my own regimen for this work that I 11 believe is very accurate in
tracking shots through Dealey Plaza that day, 22 November, 1963.
I published a summary of my shot data to account for all shots that hit or missed the president that day in my autobiography 1. In preparation for that document I had to redo my shot analysis to be more complete than it had been in previous works of mine. I studied and incorporated the shots at the top of the street: the “firecrackers” that were really silenced rifles shooting subsonic rounds that could be disguised in the term “firecrackers” with silencers on those rifles. The plan was to kill JFK with a combination of multiple subsonic/silenced rounds with 3
loud, full strength, high velocity rounds spaced apart to mimic a single shooter having to reload for each shot. The single shooter patsy was 1. “Seeing The Big Picture” John C. Dean, 2019
A free download on free-ebooks.net with registration and author search John C. Dean or on my website https://peaceandprosperitypath.com 12
Lee Harvey Oswald, who was incidental to the plan and knew at least 1 (non-FBI) participant, Jack Ruby. He was operating with an FBI manager and had a pay code from the CIA, plus he had a background in Black OPS in the Marine Corp where he was a radar tech in the U-2
spy plane program, and part of a program that developed “doubles”, Look alikes, who had parallel lives but didn’t know each other in the FBI, so the FBI could use one to create evidence on the other. The
“Hiddell” name used to buy a mail order Mannlicher Carcano was on an id card with a picture of the look-alike to Lee Harvey Oswald. It was planted with Lee Harvey Oswald’s personal effects when he was arrested so he could be identified as the owner of the Mannlicher Carcano, that was chosen as the murder weapon the next morning.
This left all of Italy laughing as they knew that that rifle was insurance that the other side won the war. It would have never been chosen as the weapon to kill JFK. Besides existing ammo was 20+ years old and therefore unreliable. Besides, all of Japan astutely backed JFK’s driver as the assassin from the Z film alone Anybody with any sense could tell that something fishy was going on when the rear shoot ing Oswald suspect was put forth in the media as the killer on day 2.
What started that confusion was the White House press Secretary who 30 minutes after the shooting told the nation and the world, for the first time, that JFK had been killed. He said the doctors told him it was a simple matter of a shot to the head, where he coincidentally pointed to his own right forehead on film released with this statement on day 1. The CIA/FBI/rotten government conspirators have said that the pointing didn’t indicate where the bullet went in. But it did identify precisely where the kill shot hit JFK at the hair line on the right forehead. Furthermore, Roy Kellerman testified that the last two loud shots were back to back in a split second, bang-bang and no rifle existed that could back this performance at that time. That being the case, the Warren commission ,while being bound to tell the truth, lied in fact to the world to close the case, quickly. At least two shooters were needed to reproduce what Roy Kellerman and the rest of the crowd heard. So direct rebuttal to a lone assassin remains, from day one by an extremely close witness, Roy Kellerman, front right seat in the limo and JFK’s personal body guard. Furthermore LBJ told Judge Warren that Cubans were on site and if that became known, he would be forced to attack the Soviet Union (not true). Cubans who left Cuba were for Bautista and not communists. Irrespective, Warren got the message and found per J. Edgar Hoover’s assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. Then the government cloaked the kill and all evidence into classified information to be held for 60+
years in the interest of national security. This may have baffled congress. But no single low level person represents a threat to National Security with a single rifle kill, especially after he's dead 2 days later. The whole government case is a bumbling lie that has tried to cover-up a Banana Republic type hit, that I'm shining light on while proving with forensic ballistic analysis the actual shot sequence.
I present scientific proof of a 16-20 shot coup, which is the true story of the A c t u a l JFK Assassination.
First, White House Press Secretary, Martin Kilduff announces JFK’s death to the world. Parkland doctors in attendance at JFK’s arrival at Parkland Hospital and assisting nurses added up to 22 people in the emergency room used. Doctors Carrico, Baxter, Perry, and McClelland started work to assist in oxygen provision to JFK. He had a ~4mm neat round entry bullet hole below his Adam’s apple that intersected with his trachea to the lungs. Shot from the front, there was no exit. They performed a tracheotomy centered on the bullet hole and inserted a chest tube to help breathing. A rear shooter would then constitute a conspiracy. Oswald was the only patsy of the government cover-up.
Doctors Peters and Kemp arrived and assisted in chest compression for circulation. Blood was administered, but pumping only made bleeding worse, according to Dr. Jenkins. No brain activity was there. Before completing formal reports on their work doctors were each required to annotate body diagram forms with notes on defects that day. Copies were available when I started research in 2008, and I had them. They have since disappeared from my computer. I know that there is intrusion into my files and things missing. I remember the 4 X 7 mm defect (bullet hole) to the right of T-3 in his back, the neat 4mm round neck wound in the front with no exit. And a small high right forehead entry wound presumably connected to the 2.5 X 4 inch exit wound in the temporal occipital region in the back of the head.
There was no rear neck wound, identified as the entry for the magic bullet by the Warren Commission/ Gerald Ford. That was an outright Ford lie that enabled the claim of a lone assassin .
Nor was any proof presented of Oswald’s ability to track a moving target and get 8 wounds, counting James Tague’s wound from an errant bullet while firing 3 rounds in 6.5 seconds with a bolt action rifle. That seems impossible for any shooter. & 13 is the 4th hit on JFK beyond Oswald's allotment of 3 shots; magic bullet is dead!
In fact, 3 NRA masters all failed to get a single head hit on fixed targets, given 2 tries each with 3 rounds a piece per try in a Warren Commission sponsored test. Only 1 of 3 met the time constraint. The results proved otherwise, especially with what was found on the rifle: a missing shim under one of the feet supporting the scope of the rifle .
FBI tested the rifle without the shim and got 2” X 8” AZ n EL errors at 25 yds. The weapon as found represented no threat. AND Oswald shot
“Maggie’s Drawers” in his Marine Corp test by missing the board that the target was mounted on. He was not a master, expert, sharpshooter, nor a marksman. He was measured laughable with his rifle by the Marine Corp. The sights were fixed before the masters tested. The Warren commission threw out all missed shots (which eliminated tens of actual shots and a larger conspiracy). It was a multi - fraudulent investigation. And LBJ (a murderous traitor) chose its members from radical right wing and some traitorous (G. Ford and A. Dulles) members who lied to try to stop a real investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The voluminous report measured 45 inches thick with 26 volumes, and it is a filibuster of an investigation into the murder of a US president.
We The People deserve a real investigation. Unfortunately the covert worldwide conspiracy was in control of America and had the backing of our Nazi-like military, who frag to keep quiet, men and officers who refuse to commit war crimes, This shocking truth causes all kinds of mental 16
problems for veterans, and, I believe that my buddy from childhood and college roommate, Lt. Vincent Edward Duffy Jr.,was also fragged for refusing to kill women and children in villages in Vietnam. The military documented ~900 fragged in Vietnam between 1969 and 1972. He was possibly one of them in 1970. But true to his faith, I believe, he lost his life to corruption in the military. I believe that Black OPS intelligence officers accompanying the troops cause these murders. I visited his plaque on the mall in Washington and wrote a note to the staff about Vince, about 17 years ago. Years later I got a phone call from a man asking me if I wanted to know how Vince actually died. Not wanting to possibly turn into a vengeful killer, I responded, “no.” For this mission it’s my life that may also be done.
But I, too, am a man of God, like Vince, and have no protection from a covert foe. I do know the difference between good and evil. To me, God is Love and love seeks the truth, so I seek the truth, and not the crap we have been getting. I’m a man of logic & know how to explain the JFK murder with facts and logic, and that’s what this book is all about.
So let’s get into the business of tracking shots taken at JFK. I used the scaled map of Dealey Plaza created by Don Roberdeau of the JFK
assassination. I found it on the internet in 2008. A miniature replica of the top of that map shows the location where JFK was shot to death with Heights Above Sea Level (HASL) and a scaled drawing of all the terrain below. It is shown 2 pages over. Roberdeau deduced the path of the limo from the Z film, but it was in error with a modified Limo group and a conspiratorial moving background not Zapruder.’s original. I benefited by continued research of David Lifton who made sure I knew of the actual path (which was not straight). For most of my work I erased Roberdeau’s notes to give me space on the map, keeping the HASLs. I used the 20’ scale to create a 100’ scale, a 200’scale and a 300’ scales to facilitate my shot work. I show my generic shot map on the page past Roberdeau’s incredible reference.
I’ve added the location of Roy Truly, TSBD Supt., who saw the limo pause/stop under his nose at the top of the street which set up JFK (see pgs 11,21). I learned a lot from Roberdeau’s work and comments I found on the internet. All bullet hits he identified I carried over to my work as red encircled big red dots. All of those bullet hits are referenced in other publications that trace back to multiple people who witnessed the hits in Dealey Plaza that day. I list 2 of those ref.s and use these facts for tracking shots. So I got perfect agreement with the final order of 16-20 shots, and my process is scientifically sound. To my knowledge, I present the only scientifically verified story of the JFK assassination to date.
After time with Roberdeau’s partial map take a look at my shot map/pg. after. The first shots were fired from the Dal Tex Building just east of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). Supt. Roy Truly and motorcycle Officer Baker found Oswald in the 2nd floor lunch room within 40 seconds after the 2 loud shots at the end. He couldn’t be on the 6th floor & in the lunch room, even a minute later. Three pages over, I show the view of a shot on JFK from the Dal Tex that includes Tague in the background, That happened by accident when I tried to find where Tague would be and put him in on the separator between Main and Commerce. That makes him show up in the scope view on JFK’s head in the limo when the limo is at the island separator after Greer’s hard crank on the steering wheel to get onto Elm from his wide turn. I had no idea that my art would end up so real when I looked for a place to put Tague in the picture of the view of the Dal Tex shooters. It shows JFK’s need to be oriented this way on the road to make him a safe/slow target with clear street (except for Tague) beyond, so one of the Dal Tex west facing shooters got the curb that made a chip fly over to cut Tague’s face. That's why Greer took an unusually wide turn onto a dog-leg left with 3-4 shooters waiting. It set up JFK. And no other shooters line up on JFK and Tague at the same time; same for the manhole 18 cover shots.
Part of Don Roberdeau’s scaled & annotated map of Dealey Plaza JFK 19
I’ll lay out the map segment that includes the first shot, so I can demonstrate the sequence of calculations needed to accurately track the bullet for a typical shot. One can get the best accuracy by expanding the digital representation of the street making a large image on the computer screen. Then I used a cm scale to measure horizontal distance to bullet hit point from the rifle on my computer screen to the nearest millimeter. Then I used the scales on the same screen to get the number of feet this represented on the map. This gives us the suspected horizontal distance rh from the suspected shooter to the bullet hit point. Then we take the difference between the HASL of the rifle to the HASL of the hit point. That gives us the fall f, how much the bullet fell in vertical height from the shooter to the hit point.
The declination angle for the shooter A dcl is the inverse tangent or tan -1
f/ r h or the inverse tangent of the fall over the horizontal range to hit point. This is trigonometric nomenclature to describe the fall on a bullet and the aim angle (if the bullet followed a straight line with no gravity effects, to the hit point). The straight line range, or slant range
In reality, gravity will bring the bullet
lower at the hit point as a function of the time it took for it to get there.
The fall of a bullet in feet due to gravity fg is 16.1 t 2 where t is the flight time of the bullet to the hit point in seconds. The time t is the distance of the bullet’s path divided by the average velocity of the bullet on that path or t= r sl / v avg. And the average velocity is the muzzle velocity of the shot minus the percentage loss on the path due to air resistance, which is a factor of distance of the shot. The chart on the next page is what I used for nominal 1100fps subsonic rounds. The first shot calculation is shown on a pictorial of the plot map titled first shot ,
after the air
resistance information above. The horizontal range to JFK is 130 feet.
JFK’s head is 4 feet above the street under him which looks to be at 429.0 ft, so his head is at 433ft with a drop of 446.5- 433 = 13.5 feet.
The shooter’s declination should be tan-1 13.5/130 = 5.9o below the 23
horizon. So where does it strike the road if he misses JFK? The road is descending in height at a 3o down slope rate, so the bullet will hit the road when the difference angle of 2.9o accumulates 4 feet at the bullet hit point on the street. The horizontal distance further down the road of rhit X tangent 2.9o = 4feet or rhit= 4/tan 2.9o = 78’ So at 130 +
78= 208 feet the bullet should hit the ground if it barely missed JFK.
But the mark is noted at 202 feet. fg at 202 is 16.1 X (202/1097)2
=.54ft. or 6 inches. A fall of 6” requires.5ft/tan 3 = 9 ft of range on the street to fall 6 inches or 208- 9’ =199 is the reduced range due to gravity fall and 202 was measured. The 1s t shot checks. Note that JFK jerks his hand back at this shot as it nearly hits his hand as he’s starting to wave to people at the divider. So he starts moving left toward his wife.
The second shot (next page) has a horizontal range of 179 feet from the shooter. The roof top is at 540.2’ on the DAL TEX. The street on the SW corner is at 424.5’. With a 6” curb the sidewalk is at 425’.
The height to the top is 540.2 – 425 = 115.2’. This accommodates 7
floors. So the average floor separation is 115.2/ 7 = 16.5feet Using this separation the 3rd floor window sill would be at 16.5 + 446.5 (the 2nd fl open window on the west facing) or 463 feet. I’ll use this new number for the open 3rd floor window on the South facing of the building near the east end and since Jim Braden (mafioso) was arrested after the shooting on the 3rd floor of that building, he is the suspect shooter.
The rh to JFK for this shot is 179feet. The fall is 463-433= 30 ft.
The down angle to JFK is tan-1 (30/179) = 9.5o. The slant range is 179/cos(9.5) = 181 feet. The bullet speed will be 1097 fps. The time of the bullet flight is 181/1097 =.16 seconds. The fall due to gravity is then 16.1 X (.16)2 =.44 feet (5inches). So the shooter ideally would aim 5 inches high from the center of JFK’s head and lead him as necessary for cross track velocity and fire. If the bullet missed it 24
should hit close to the rhit = 4/tan(6.5o) = 35 feet past JFK’s head on the road, which is right on the center of the big red dot circled.
or slightly off right at JFK. This would be the hit near the door of the TSBD, as written on the map above the red dot. The 2nd shot agrees with the hit point. The 3rd shot I give to the cupola shooter who comes to the wall to the left of the stub wall shooter (next pg map).
He misses left forcing JFK to jerk his head to his right @Z155 and hits in the direction of LBJ’s limo. So his SS agent pushes LBJ to the floor and lays on him. 4 is a loud shot that also goes by JFK’s right at Z170 and hits per Roberdeau 25 (1-4 next.) Expand map.
I have the ability to envision in three dimensions and with models draw what I imagine accurately. That plus high school science and math enable the analysis accurately of bullet paths. All shots follow the same set of calculations.
The previous page showed the first 4 shots, all showing agreement for the physical layout, best shooter for that shot and witnessed hit point for both people hits and background hits. A small red circled number refers to the shot number. When it’s next to a shooter shown by a black T it indicates that that shooter fired that numbered shot.
The same number next to the rear segment of the limo with a red line thru JFK’s seat position (rear right tiny black dot) indicates that’s where that shooter aimed his shot to kill JFK. A small red number with a small red circle may also be put next to a bullet hit position for that shot. Following the red line from a shooter leads to a big red circled dot which is where the bullet hit if it missed JFK. The big red circled dots are based upon multiple reports from people at the parade who witnessed where bullets hit the street (3+), sidewalk (1), manhole (3) cover, concrete pad of manhole cover, grass near manhole cover; limo (3+), windshield frame(1), limo windshield(1), curbs (2+?), JFK (4+), post mortem 3-4?), Connolly(2), Tague (1), freeway sign (1), grass south of Elm (3+?), innocent bystanders (1?) = 18 shots for sure,
plus a few more in the limo, on the grass, bystanders(?), & post mortem, plus what I may have overlooked. There is no doubt about this being a major conspiracy that framed Oswald.
On later multiple shot diagrams I include a picture and name of the shooters I became aware of through my personal communications
with Dr. James Fetzer, a major leader in JFK assassination
research for many years, and I reviewed some of his publications
together with many other authors. I did art projects and gave radar info to David Lifton free for a year +,then got back to my own research.
I was trained as an Air Force Radar Officer at Radar technical school in Biloxi Mississippi, in 1969. I was made class leader for a group of young officers with EE degrees who completed the 1 year course in 6 months and all graduated with honors. Then they assigned me to the Air Force Communications Service HQ at Scott AFB, Ill. in Satellite Systems Division of the Requirements Directorate under Col. (General elect) Iannicito. There I joined in monitoring the end of the TACSAT-1 test program and made plans for utilization of the satellites(TACSAT-1 and LES 6) in a joint service program, TACSATCOM IOC, using joint service developed terminal equipment (plus procurements) to create the first Joint Service UHF and SHF
SATCOM system for very high priority military requirements. I learned all terminal specs to be able to specify the power levels of any terminal talking to any other terminal with voice or teletype in a matrix of power settings that would maximize utilization of the power limited satellite assets across all users in the presence of non linear small signal suppression. For that the JCS
picked the Air Force as the lead service responsible for creating a control center to monitor satellite operations to ensure planned performance enabled maximum utilization of the spacecraft (using the power tables). For that the Air Force sent me to the control site to help in it’s development and bringing it on line for operations. The new Commander was Major Ralph Maruca of the detachment. He made me the OPS officer to insure that things ran correctly. I got my staff educated on the subject of power control and helped overcome problems early on, so that it all ran well and OPS/Maintenance men were promoted as deserved for their fine performance. We ran 24/7. Two men were referred to OTS. My Master Sgt got his Senior Master Sgt stripe and my chief scheduler (a man of color) got his Master Sgt stripe, for their great work at minimizing conflicts and meeting all user’ requirements. My Officer Performance Ratings were outstanding. For more about me, see my autobiography, referenced on page 12. The JFK summary in that document discusses the errors in the government remake of the Tina Towner movie at the top of the street. Of particular note is the fact that her remake uses a
conspiratorial background scan that followed the limo so it shows
the shooters shooting at her where a big crowd was on the SW
corner of Elm and Houston for the JFK big jerk of his hand into a
fist. Didn’t happen. Shots 5 28 thru 9 on next page.
The Tina Towner remake by the government edited the limo group to appear the size appropriate for a normal turn onto Elm, by changing the size of the people in the limo group and the limo to make it as big as it should be if they were in the middle left lane going onto Elm. And the conspiratorial follow up pan around that corner was swept by the camera person to simulate the moving of the background with respect to the limo to make the limo appear to be turning left smoothly at a constant velocity. Then with mattes for the edited limo group they could expose their final background the conspiratorial moving scan of the background behind the actual limo long enough after the real pauses and stops to get a mostly disinterested crowd who already saw the president pass (with lots of faces crossed out for follow-on reactions to what they saw in the actual wide slow turn. It had to be clear to those people on the periphery of that turn, both inside the turn and around the outside that an attack was on the president while turning onto Elm. A segment was cut out as well (that probably couldn’t be sanitized). The president started to wave and suddenly jerked back his hand extremely fast (.22 second). I ran a test with my wife timing the 5 seconds, while I did as many cycles as I possibly could of quickly opening and closing my fist. I achieved 14 full cycles or 28 half cycles of either opening or closing my fist, so my average time was 5/28 = .178= .18 seconds, slightly faster than the president in his response to something obviously startling to him. A near miss of a bullet would induce such a response. My hand was a blur during my performance, which I reproduced for a radio broadcast from Brookings, OR, that the hosts commented about the blur of my fingers during my demonstration to them, to inform their listeners that I moved extremely fast. To me that indicated JFK’s startling reaction to a shot very near his right hand during an attempted wave to fans on the corner of Elm and Houston, when they passed very slowly on the wide turn onto Elm at the road divider curb. Another key point is that one 30
frame of JFK’s right hand shown in the frames was half the size of all the other frames of that hand, in the wave. This suggests to me that the photolab forgot to double the size of that hand in the transfer of the edited limo group to the new background scan to create the image of a tight turn of the limo onto Elm as the government edited film shows. They had to double the size of the images that show the limo group on the “real wide turn” in the original Towner movie to add them back against the conspiratorial moving background scan for their final print, showing a tight turn up close, which is what they almost spoofed perfectly. But I caught the error that shows their mistake. Other errors, e.g. felt pen cross outs of faces in the crowd, 4 frames missing, show their shoddy work.
Actually, 3/4ths of their frames had to be thrown out because of the slow movement around that corner gave them far too many limo group frames to be reduplicated for the 10mph turn of the new background scan to fit in. The jerk of the president’s hand still shows in the fabricated segment but the background shows where the shooters were, inferring that they fired in Tina’s direction to hit the president she had in the same frames on that corner. Her corner was packed with people and scores would have been wounded if the government remake of Towner was accurate in where they show the president’s frightful hand withdrawal reaction to a bullet while Tina captures both the shooters locations and JFK on that turn. That implies that the shooters were shooting toward Tina Towner when JFK jerked his hand while Tina saw the Dal Tex building and JFK in the scene at the same time that the hand jerk occurred. Tracing lines from a known shooter position (2nd floor west facing~25 feet north of the Dal Tex SW corner) thru JFK brings the shots toward where she was filming. That could not have happened without injuring people near her at that crowded SW corner of Elm and Houston. So my account of the remake of the Towner movie proves the conspiratorial remake with bigger limo & 31
occupants and a moving scan by a conspiratorial background photographer panning the scene right to left near (but not including) Tina towner and after the limo is out of the scene. Then a sanitized and enlarged limo group is added to that scene that is panned, using mattes of the new large sanitized limo group to block transfer of the group from the copying of the new background in a bipack while optics perfectly align the running of the new limo group positive image to fill in where the limo group needs to be exposed while blocking the background on the second pass. I forget whether this required two passes thru the bipack. First laying in the panned delayed background Minus the new limo group (in mattes). Then rewinding to the start frame and adding the positive image of the new enlarged limo sync’d to the new background in time, plus the background mattes to expose only the limo group’s part of the film in the combo scene. I know that they accomplished this in those days in Hollywood and I’m sure the CIA photolab had the equipment and know how to achieve this overlay, perhaps, one frame at a time using an optical recorder.
I mention in my notes that I believe that Mac Wallace may have had the supersonic rifle, as that gave him control of the timing of the 3
loud shots, which needed to be spaced apart long enough to simulate a single rifleman kill, where time to eject a shell casing and reload another round plus aim for the next shot needs to be implemented between shots. But Mac didn’t have real time control for coordination of shots with Bill Greer for plan B, where the driver takes over the kill shot. So they accidentally fell on each other with the loud bang-bang for the last two shots, too close together for one bolt action shooter to achieve. This ruined the plan to make it sound like a single shooter assassination. So it had to be a conspiracy (2 or more shooters). Not recognizing this error in the JFK assassination research community has given the government 59 years of grace for it’s complicity in JFK’s murder. And the complicity of 5 future presidents for their knowledge 32
and participation (minus G.W. Bush) in JFK’s murder and cover-up: LBJ, Nixon, Ford, GHW Bush & his son (knowledge).
The chiefs of staff of all the armed forces (minus, perhaps the
commandante of the Marine Corp) consented to JFK’s removal by
force. The Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer introduced
the military tactic of shooting one’s self in the foot and blaming it on
another country to force war upon them. George W. Bush brought that plan into fruition on 911 with his demolition of the (pg86) twin towers, Bldg7, and the Pentagon missile attack which led him on a hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan War for their harboring of this international terrorist. This 21 year long evil war in Afghanistan is just part of the covert takeover of the world as discussed in the beginning of this book. And the way that the nazi-like radical right took over is by appointments into government of civilians in private industry who in the right numbers and locations can channel borrowed money of the government into private hands (by over contracting with private industry) and bankrupt the federal government with a debt the same size as their cash contracts into private contractor’s hands in the economy. They appoint and swear in all help to do this and use black Ops killers and torturers to enforce it against the lives of their employees’ treasured friends and family. They’ve been writing checks to themselves for about 40 years since the disgraceful Reagan tripled our historic debt.
The 3 generation Bush family: Prescott- GHW- “W” are the premier family, all bonesmen, who dreamt up all sorts of horror for this organization. They helped kill JFK. They demolished the towers, killing ~3000. If no debris gets in the way the buildings can come down in as little as 10 seconds, AND THEY DID!, -all covert activities. Pretty amazing and very horrific. Wars: Vietnam, Iraq 1, Iraq2/Afghanistan, 31 years worth waged by Bushes. They frag those in their way and are richer than Croesus. 33 May all the seed of Prescott
Bush perish from the Earth. May Big Oil become Humongous Solar & Wind and be owned by We the people. May we shrink armies and use black ops for black hardware development and spy capture only!
May we share in the celebration of life by implementing wealth and income controls? Love neighbor AS SELF so we may all celebrate life! Clean up the oceans and fresh water sources, and diminish human population by natural attrition while increasing wild animal habitat?
Stop land fills of poison (e.g. rotting plastics)? Crush supremacists and racist behaviors! Liberate sports from gambling interests! Do more Peace work. Above all, make all improvements SUSTAINABLE !
Make all organized faiths mutually compatible or tax self serving and evil doing religious activities (any activity against peoples rights in the subject state).
Crush organized crime! Allow citizens (or store personnel) to-shoot to kill in gang thefts (of 3 or more violent thieves)? Customer disputes don’t qualify as violent gang thefts.
Let women’s concern for their own health govern abortions!
Keep the CIA out of domestic affairs: of controlling news sources or destroying private property; out of creating news, forcing news to shut down, any leverage/force against news operations or civil matters of the people at large, no murders, no removal from or hiding of data in private computers, no interfering in research by individuals into government crimes and misdemeanors, Use no phone taps, no computer taps, nor any surveillance. Same for the FBI unless they present their complaint and evidence supporting it to their suspects in advance of any action by 2 days to enable a preparation of a defense or counter argument by the suspect to clear that action in court. No FBI removal of any records from suspects computer, only copy them if the appropriate warrant is signed by a judge with the jurisdiction/authority over the FBI action and the suspect. Distrust of the FBI/CIA has to be rampant with their complicity i n the JFK assassination
/ cove