Post mortem surgery on JFK 34 discussed in the presence of FBI
agents at Bethesda denied, denial of Mac Wallace fingerprint in TSBD
by FBI, Hoover’s claim on Oswald before he was identified as “in custody & with no evidence in hand”. False dead body print on Oswald from his mortuary, denounced by an FBI expert in latent finger print identification was still called “Oswald’s palm print on the rifle” in the Warren Report. CIA made badges for film collectors & gave false info re: Oswald & Mexico/Cuban connection before they helped kill JFK. And FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover/CIA David Atlee Philips were felons to get a fellow felon, LBJ, the VP spot under Kennedy and kill JFK. LBJ was a murderer (through orders to his hit man, Mac Wallace) to kill his sister, kill the federal agent for cotton allotments, kill JFK, the assassination scenario, give up a finger print in the TSBD and most likely fire 2 of the 3 loud shots in Dealey Plaza in an attempt to kill JFK on 22 November, 1963.
And what happened to the 3 poll workers at the voting site where 65-100 votes were added to LBJ’s senate primary contest with a senior senator from his state who lost by a close margin to LBJ in 1948 ?
LBJ’s ticket to Wash DC should never have been endorsed by the FBI/CIA. Hoover enabled murders of JFK and Martin Luther King Jr.
and participated in racism/advancement of the RAD RT. CIA/LAPD
killed Robert Kennedy, see next page. Hoover and LBJ need to be defamed and their names taken off any of the peoples’ buildings, r oads, highways, etc. a
nd illicit wealth returned by inheriting family and friends; the same with the Bush family threesome and their beneficiaries ad infinitum.
Make businesses of private armies/militias/forces of any type illegal everywhere except in the limited protection of money/valuables/and human transport protection in peacetime. Allow no use of private forces to support our military anywhere, because this allows the covert rulers to use these forces for their evil purposes. And one can think about homeland security as the conspiracy’s ability to screen any flight anywhere in the US, and to keep 35 forces, paid for by Uncle Sam,
while ready for conspiratorial use as directed. The dark acts passed by W, e.g. the “Patriot Act”, gets foreign or U.S. troops to attack neighborhoods in America for insurrection that may well be the liberation of “we the people” from world covert conspirators against them. Eliminate this “Traitors Act” This should include elimination of the threat of Trump’s armed political supporters against “we the people”. Racist and supremacist forces may revolt against all order and kill innocents in the cause of re-instating Trump as president, something that he’s predicted if he is arrested for real crimes and misdemeanors that he perpetrated pre-, during, and post- 6 Jan, 2021, including his theft of classified secrets for use at his private property, as if he owned these classified documents. These are essential for the protection of the US security, and now compromised by him, for not being protected in a vault like some of the documents required. He is, therefore a major traitor against our country! Arrest him and press charges in court to continue his incarceration. Remove judges who protect crooks.
And racism and supremacist philosophies need to be outlawed within our country and not allowed as part of free speech. Free speech should not include arousal of illegal actions against We the People.
Trump is an inciter of violence against our own government/people,
and should be jailed for the rest of his natural life. The armed forces
may be needed against his immoral and dangerous supporters.
Trump’s far right wing adventures are very reminiscent of Adolf
Hitler in the thirties when he became chancellor and the parliament
building, the old Reich Stag, burned, so he used martial law to
become “Der Fuhrer” to quell riots and beat back the communists
and other insurrectionists against him, while declaring Germany a
National Socialist country; only to kill millions of innocent Jews, to
amass treasures for himself, and to allude his killing/capture.
So after WWII, Truman instituted the Central Intelligence 37
Agency (CIA) and Allen Dulles was appointed as its first Director.
Dulles imported ex-Nazi intelligence officers to help train our new agency in covert operations and all kinds of dirty tricks and schemes to black mail people into continued evil service acts so as not to be prosecuted for their first evil acts. I suspect that a good president, Bill Clinton, was also blackmailed by GHW Bush after he may have approved some secret missions to assassinate foreigners during his terms as president. He ended up becoming apparent friends with GHW
Bush; Bush being a total Nazi from a Nazi supporting family. His dad, Prescott, was censored for his work to raise money in American investments using Nazi funding, perhaps gold, and support the huge industry run by the Nazis to crush opponents, usurp opponents’
economies and separate out the Jews to send to forced labor or death camps on captured soil. Prescott was censored many times repetitively for raising funds for the Nazis, who by the way had the support of international star, Charles Lindberg as well. Soon the Nazis were bombing England, so the US geared up industrially to help the world fight the Nazis and everybody knows the end of that story. Both Hitler and the Imperial Japanese were defeated by the US and its allies. The US became actively involved in the fighting after Pearl Harbor in December 1941. And thanks to women who joined the work force: Rosie the Riveter and millions of others who helped build the ships and airplanes and bombs and bullets plus the service they gave to win the war. So the idea of supremacist’s control of the world lived on in the minds of the Bushes and the new CIA with Nazi influences after they killed JFK. The combination of hard to locate covert operators with intelligence training offered a subversive force within the US that targeted our nation and the world for takeover, during peacetime. The influence that Washington DC congressmen and government employees at high levels had, must have fostered the idea of strengthening the covert grip on the US government, and with the freedom of executives in 38 government and the military to
appoint people to run their endeavors, this cult-like monster was born. And JFK was the first president that needed to be taken out to continue to allow stronger bonds with industry and a stock piling of wealth to grow the power structure of the covert conspiracy quickly.
Truman regretted forming the CIA after the JFK assassination.
Participants included Big Oil, Big Banking, defense industries (e.g.Smith brothers and Howard Hughes) far right wing billionaire H.L. Hunt; and politicians who would work in the far right wing like Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford got support. Prescott Bush owned Nixon for his willingness to be the maleable attorney interested in politics, so he integrated well with these very rich power mongers, and since Dwight Eisenhower (AKA Ike) golfed with Prescott Bush, Nixon (through his flamboyant Commie hunting in congress and becoming a senator from California), got the call to be Ike’s VP in ‘52.
- Ike would have won with Walt Disney as his VP. -
JFK was planning to cut Big Oil’s “Oil Depletion Allowance” and make a Central Bank for America and ditch the privately run Fed.
These intentions in Oil and Banking were needed to strengthen the
Federal Government and cut back private sucking on the Federal
money pipe. Both Big Oil and Banking would participate at the top level in the assassination of JFK. They both looked forward to even greater crippling power over countries with gas and money control.
The tripling of gas prices in the early-mid 70s came from a 3%
decrease in the supply of crude oil; whatever algorithm they were allowed to use implemented highway robbery. The banking scheme to make stock on real estate was bogus from the beginning so the crash of 2008 was to be expected and rich banks should never have been bailed out with $700,000,000,000 and without stipulations for use. Tha
t is id
iotic! And it proves national control by CIA murderers before Obama. Big Oil needs to be nationalized, among many supporting nations. CIA and Homeland Security need to be under presidential control. They 39 lie and cheat
and work for the worldwide Rad Right conspiracy.
In the 60s another scam was invented to suck rare natural resources from poor countries by bating them with economic improvements enabled by improved infrastructure to grow into major producers for the world with major industries springing from the new infrastructure.
Like all construction projects, problems occurred that required modifications in specifications to fix the problem. So costs went up and before you know it, the foreign nation has more costly infrastructure with larger monthly payments than expected. And the new businesses did not produce what was expected from the US
corporate estimates in their proposal. So sensing the nation’s frustrations the US Company that built the project offers to make payments to the International bank in exchange for the poor nation’s rare natural resources (at cheaper exchange rates). The foreign nation does not get the growth they expected and becomes stuck in debt while exchanging their valuable resources to make payments on that debt.
Complicating this relationship the government of the small nation gets involved in negotiations and bribes or threats are used by the US to get what it wants and, if not, to send in the “Jackals” (CIA covert killers), if the country reneges on any of its agreements. The book
“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins, copyright 2004, explains this business in much more detail than my brief summary, and the US Government has continued to do this around the globe, necessitating the placement of US troops into 130 foreign nations. Stop this crime and bring back our troops, and break up the international banks to create Co-ops for the world’s poor people and wild animals, while arresting the officers and managers of the international banks and trying them on conspiracy to defraud and threaten harm to these nations as can be demonstrated in court.
Speaking of court, we need a complete overhaul of the law to
enable justice in the first place. Facts and deductive& inductive logic
with these facts should be used to determine guilt, not a jury of peers
(who may be bought, or who are not logical enough to sort out the
facts from their biases or their momentary likes and dislikes, threats
or bribes. And precedence in law should not escape logic either. Stop
the current fairy tale justice system and institute one based on truth
with facts to support (and testimony), using logic with acceptable