Getting back to the JFK Assassination we need to complete the shot calculations for the remaining 7+ shots. The next page shows shots 10, 11 and 12. 10 is the set of shots (10, 10’, and 10”) that hit the manhole cover, the concrete pad south of the cover, and the grass north of the cover. These 3 shots required 3 shooters on the west facing Dal Tex building as they are the only shooters who have a bead on JFK in that direction. The misses were either due to lack of compensation for gravity fall or scope misalignment.11 and 12 were vulnerable to cross track velocity errors while the bullets were in flight. These errors for 11 and 12 are easy to understand when one looks from the shooter’s perspective at the target, JFK. I provide the art that shows the view of the County building shooter when he accidentally hits Connolly in the back. I suggest that he panned left to allow for JFK forward motion (from limo movement) and saw Jackie in his scope but figured he could hit the president with the correct elevation lead. He probably led JFK by ~2 inches and caught the governor in the right armpit from the rear that was at a down angle appropriate for his position, 28 degrees down, causing a 28 degree down wound that blew out a Connolly rib before exiting below his right nipple to hit the floor right front from his seat; where, coincidentally, bullet fragments were found in the limo the next morning in the White House garage. The attending doctor measured the path of the shot at 28 degrees down, the correct angle for a shot from the County building roof. Connolly showed intense pain with his open mouth yell at Z 297 as he faced Zapruder and was then 41
hauled back by his wife onto the floor near her. The wrist shot was almost simultaneous from Harry Weatherford on the Records building roof, and the geometry is shown artistically how that error occurred due to cross track velocity of the limo while the bullet was in flight.
The amount of limo motion at 4mph would move the shot over JFK’s right shoulder and hit connolly’s wrist as shown in the art of the side view of the wrist shot right side of the previous page. Harry compensated for fall due to gravity pretty well on this shot, after hitting JFK in the back earlier while ignoring fall due to gravity. In his defense, he was used to firing 2850’/second full load rounds that would have killed JFK on his back shot #7 with less fall and earlier arrival to his head where he aimed. But he was a full 4 mph off on limo velocity that moved the limo 4” left so his bullet went over JFK’s right shoulder near his neck when it reached the limo and hit Connolly again by mistake. Connolly was definitely not a target. He was LBJ’s best friend. But you can appreciate this analysis for its thoroughness and accuracy in showing what was the probable shot sequence on JFK
that day that produced the results witnessed. My work on this is painstaking and I haven’t found any errors to negate it. I’m only writing what I believe to be the truth. So far I haven’t made any errors that I’m aware of, that bias the rest of the shots in anyway. I’m going in sequence of where shooters could have crossed the path of JFK’s head (in the limo) as it progressed through the Plaza one shot at a time as he forwardly passed through the Plaza from the top of Elm Street to the underpass ahead, while minimizing any collateral damage to spectators. It’s obvious, though, that subsonic rounds were more susceptible to error with limo motion than the high speed bullets. JFK
also slid right to left toward his wife on the rear bench seat as if to avoid being hit near the top of the street where a big flurry of shots assaulted him from the Dal Tex Building to begin the siege to kill him.
He may have gestured angrily to his wife right after the neck shot as if 43
to say “all of your BS about firecrackers and ignoring my back hit shows total limo group complicity in this”! I created a cartoon to show 44
this possibility. I don’t blame the First Lady for assistance in making her future more respectable to her and offer an opportunity to marry someone else who would not publicly embarrass her like JFK did. He had the weakness of his father who defiled his marriage with Jack’s mother so Jack was ill directed in his youth to think that this continued to be acceptable behavior for him. Jackie’s agreement to support the murder in a kindly sort of way, seemed not as bad They were going to kill Jack regardless of her actions and mysteriously she survived the barrage of bullets and got her wish. This’d make an incredible movie, especially with sympathy to Jackie’s situation I also found in my research that slightly different pictures of events existed on the internet. I suspect that loyal patriots working as techs in the CIA photo lab would sneak out basically clobbered photos of the president at his final moments. But they gave sneak views in different photos with bits of evidence as shown in Cover Up and Release on the previous page. I show the sequence of right temple hit in shot 13, smoky loud shot that missed and hit the curb on the south side of Elm near Jean Hill in 14, and the fatal shot from his driver that he saw coming 15, and put up his right fist, his only defense against this brutal attack to try to block the fatal shot. The temple shot came from police officer Roscoe White, who became active at the Dallas police station about 2 months before the assassination. He was a braggart and claimed that he fired the fatal shot. It might have been over time but
#15 caught JFK in the right forehead near the hair line as Kennedy was slightly cowering down left while looking at Greer when hit and the bullet, a special low caliber sabot round backed by the full 45 load of gunpowder caused a concussion wave that blew out the lower back of JFK’s head 2.5 inches wide by ~4 inches vertically and killed him instantly, The narrower, lighter bullet would have greater muzzle velocity than one of his 45 rounds out of the same gun, and it’s this higher velocity (squared) that creates much greater energy to blow his brains out. Lower caliber, higher 45 velocity rounds have more kill power.
At the autopsy a triangular flap in his skull is bared on the right side. It didn’t show in the Z film but a lot of his skull was shattered by the fatal sabot round. The Army doctors at Walter Reed did a quick brain removal on the right side by cutting open face flesh to expose the shattered skull and then working the 3/4th brain out of their entry post mortem wound, because when the body reached Bethesda in an army ambulance, Paul O’Connor, the Navy corpsman responsible for doing the craniotomy saw that JFK had no brain. JFK was brought over separately from Walter Reed in a plain gray shipping casket after doctors there removed his brain and, perhaps, some bullet fragments from the corpse as well. Navy Doctors at Bethesda noticed post mortem surgery and commented about it in front of the 2 FBI agents present at the autopsy, who reported this fact in their reports to their superiors in the FBI. This immediately smelled of wound alterations to make the body seem to be a result of one devastating bullet to the rear of his skull that blew the gigantic hole, where they removed the brain at Walter Reed. A helicopter landed on the right side of AF-1 at Andrews AFB while the bronze casket was taken off the left side for transport by ambulance to Bethesda. JFK’s body, which was stored in a forward right compartment on AF-1 was picked up by the helicopter and flown to Walter Reed to start the cover-up work on the corpse, while Jackie accompanied an empty bronze coffin to Bethesda. X-ray techs were taking the 3rd set of JFK head x rays to the lab to process when Jackie arrived at Bethesda. David Lifton, author of “Best Evidence”, copyright 1980, figured all of this out with his interviews years later of techs Paul O’Connor, and the x ray techs, and mortuary rep who helped place the body of JFK in the bronze casket at Parkland hospital in Dallas. See his “Best Evidence Movie” of these interviews.
I believe that the limo driver Bill Greer and his sidekick right front seat, Roy Kellerman, who requested 10 minutes alone with JFK’s body at Parkland to “pay their respects,” pulled the body out of the coffin 46
and put it in a shipping casket and sent it to AF-1 for storage up front right as “some anonymous Air Force Lt Colonel’s body to Andrews as well as the presidents body“, to enable the spoof at Andrews to fool people into believing that the body was still in the bronze casket. This gave service doctors, both Army and Navy time, with nobody the wiser, to do what they were ordered to do from their superiors: alter the head wound and remove bullet fragments. At least 2 bullets penetrated JFK’s head: the temple shot from the right and the fatal shot to the right forehead near the hair line from the front. But a cupola shooter had the same shot as Roscoe White had and Frank Sturgis thought he hit Kennedy in the head as well, from JFK’s front right. A photo of the head at the autopsy shows the skull flap. I composed a view of the skull to show how the flap may have been formed on the next page.
The CIA operates an Air Force of its own with dispersed airfields around the world, for covert transportation unknown to the public.
While being necessary for placement of specialists with particular skills anywhere they want to, I believe that the CIA controls the international drug markets serving the US. This would be a very lucrative business in raising private funds undocumented by the government, but strictly for their use. So they have safe houses all over the world, where agents may seek rest and recreation. I believe that they also sponsor human traffic for slave/prostitute work for safe houses. On top of this they get their government pay, which, considering their risks, is probably in the James Bond range to enable socializing at any level. They have ways to invite themselves to parties so they may conduct business there as well. When I worked at the Naval Oceans Systems Center in San Diego in the 1970s I thought I was friends with a covert agent who had different female companions at the parties, and may have flaunted them in front of me to make me jealous. I am more of a loner for my peace and comfort and modest life to my liking.
The only x-ray expert who has been allowed into the National Archives to study the x-rays of JFK’s head is Dr. David Mantik., a friend of Dr. Fetzer. I was honored when Dr. Fetzer brought Dr Mantik into a discussion that we were having in emails. I never got any comments from Dr. Mantik, but I looked up a few references on his JFK radiology work and was delighted to find his discovery that the bigger of minute bullet particles were found in his head toward the rear and the tiniest were in the front of his skull at post mortem. (JFK Assassination Paradoxes David Mantik) He concluded that JFK’s fatal shot was fired into his head from his front, as the bigger particles have more energy due to their greater mass so they travel deeper into the brain for the same muzzle velocity. Resistence goes with the square of the particle radius, while mass goes with the cube of the particle radius. Mass
grows quicker than resistance. But it’s velocity (squared) that dominates in energy so it goes deeper despite resistance.
Oswald could not have shot JFK from JFK’s front as he was back in the Book Depository, behind JFK. So it was a conspiracy of 2 or more and Oswald was not a shooter. He was buying a coke in the lunch room on the 2nd floor and taking a break. Officer Baker, in a test, stopped his motorcycle and ran into the Depository in 15 seconds. Roy Truly escorted him to the elevator (out of service) and ran upstairs to the 2nd floor landing, a total distance of ~160feet (about 50yards) in what? slightly more than 25 seconds at a slow jog? He saw Oswald through the window in the door of the lunch room from that landing by 40 seconds total; not what conspiratorial law men harassed him to report: 90 seconds to 2 minutes. This is time past the last loud shot. And JFK was not even shot from behind in the fatal shot.
So the whole 6th floor business is a pipe dream, probably set up to enable blame of Oswald if body alteration could make it look like JFK
may have been shot from behind. JFK died from the concussion that put his brain out of service instantly at the third loud shot. His heart was getting no signal from his brain to keep beating. The unit of blood, breathing assistance, chest compression were necessary precautions until his EKG was established as a flat line.
Finally in presentation of my shot calculations for shots 13 thru 16; please see the multiple shot diagram on the next page. All the shots are when the limo is stopped by the driver. For shot 13 Roscoe White shoots from the stub wall on the right side of the Pergola as one is looking S and hits JFK in the right temple. Bill Nelson and his wife were 30 feet from the limo; see the overhead view on page 12. The Nelsons were close to an 50
imaginary line between Zapruder and Mary Moorman on the north sidewalk of the street. He 51 heard the back shot up the street
toward Houston and saw JFK pop up and then he saw the temple shot, right in front of him, hit JFK from a blast from the knoll (to Nelson’s right and behind him for that shot). Nelson shows up on the right end of the full Moorman photo across the street on the northeast side (right side). Google it. He and his wife and Mary Moorman and Jean Hill all have intimate views of the temple and fatal shots from south and north of the limo. Charles Brehm, to Mary’s right, saw JFK’s hair lift up at the fatal shot and throw head matter from JFK to behind the limo in front of him. That has to be a front shot. Shot 13 was an easy shot for Roscoe White 70-75 feet away while the limo was stopped. The shooter in the Cupola had the same shot but I believe doctors at Parkland and Bethesda were skimpy on the number of bullet hits on JFK that they reported, and
the official autopsy report
describes JFK’s head as torn
open on the right side per the
picture composed in the
Bethesda Morgue , at left.
The gaping wound would
suggest that Moorman should
look like the right photo of the
2 at left or worse, but it
doesn’t; false report! The head
was altered at Walter Reed
Hospital, (Army).
Therefore Bethesda got the open skull as shown on the previous page and would report it as the autopsy fatal wound. For the 13, 14, and 15
shots, I realized that the limo had been moving in the Z film. But, in reality, it was at a dead stop for these shots and the map shows the hits as if the limo is moving (by the altered Z film with the conspiratorial moving background dubbed in before the edited limo group is added back, to spread out these hits. What becomes impossible is the bang bang between 14 and 15, the last two loud shots. The map shows 14
hit the curb near Jean Hill. Roberdeau shows a region about 10 feet long within which the curb was hit. This is near to where Connolly was hit. Then 15 is shown to have happened at the spot where street HASL is identified as 418.6’ They are too far apart! In fact the allowed position of the curb shot makes 14 occur before 13 as we know that 13 and 15 caused the skull flap. The 14 bullet crosses where the limo is at the Connolly back (big red circle/ red dot) and we are led to believe by the Zapruder film that Connolly was hit before 13 hit Kennedy. Perhaps the direction of the 14 shot may have hit east of Jean Hill after Kennedy took the temple shot, also closer to the Connolly hit points with the kill shot there as well. The limo was stopped for about 4 seconds according to the Dallas Mayor’s wife and Senator Yarborough, riding together back in the parade, and a stop would be a good time for all of the last shots. Both the Mayor’s wife and the senator smelled burnt gunpowder when they passed the spot where the limo had been for the last shots, indicating a shooter in the limo, who left his smell there in the still air for any closely following cars afterwards to smell. That’s consistent with the limo being stopped for these last shots Many smelled the smoke as they passed where the limo had been for the kill shot, a Greer remnant. The smoke would linger for a fatal shot from a stopped limo, as in the still air.
And all of the last shots except perhaps #16 were fired while the limo was stopped in front of Mary Moorman and Bill Nelson. Muchmore captured the kill shot from 53 the south side (next pg).
Her capture of the kill shot is authentic for viewers on the Southeast Elm lawn; Orville Nix in the vicinity of Main St on the south side took a similar movie of the limo at the same time. Frames were removed by the CIA/ government or altered in appearance as it and the Muchmore film should have showed Greer shooting the president clear as day, while the limo was stopped, but the limo group was altered to fuzz out Greer and JFK to protect the radical right wing worldwide takeover in progress at JFK’s assassination. And the background moving model 54 was used to print the edited limo
group onto a moving background for Muchmore and Nix and many others. I looked up the Nix film on Youtube and noted their versions had the hashtag “New World Order” like they’re the Bush family/conspiracy leadership side of documenting the Oswald kill. So they are cloaked in white and black smudges to hide Greer’s kill of JFK, and seem to show that action, but with clarity lacking and against a phony moving background. But the red blood haze around JFK
shows up after the driver blobs out and elevates himself slightly. Then the red blob around JFK shows up and then the blob of the driver turns back to his job of driving as soon as the red blood blob is seen well by the driver. Time coincidence suggests the driver caused the red blood blob. I’ll bet that the elevation of the driver was done quickly to maneuver past JFK’s defensive fist to get a clear shot at his forehead while aiming slightly down for the lower right exit of the fatal shot.
You’ve seen the re-processing I did for clarification to show the gun in the hand of the driver, pointed at JFK before and during the attack on him with no elevation shown in the Z film, and the exact time coincidence of the speed blur on the drivers head during the same 1/40
second open aperture of frame Z313 on JFK during the one frame of the kill shot that Zapruder shows the red explosion of JFK’s head in his film (in one frame with the other 20-40 frames of the same removed). One does not need to be a rocket scientist to catch the inference of the driver killing JFK with that or the Nix blob views of the same thing. The moving blobs are known to be the driver as they morphed from the driver to become blobs and morphed back into the driver after the red blob on JFK shows up, & and heads for the underpass. The driver rising up for the shot indicates his effort to evade JFK’s fist on the fatal shot and makes it come out low back of JFK’s head as it did. I revised my cover art for that instant of the fatal kill. Many frames are removed for the 4 second pause for the kill and for the whole long slow wide turn business at the top of the street 55
with another pause besides: maybe 10-15 seconds total. Real time responses from the crowd are also removed of any horror shown by the crowd to what’s happening in front of them. All films together seem to lack the reality of this horrid event. I’d bet there was a fair amount. And Police and FBI questioning and false statement preparations that many witnesses were hassled to sign but wouldn’t sign at the police station: what about them?
I also decided to study the strange sparkly gun return from Greer back to Kellerman of the murder weapon that Kellerman put into the glove box after the hand off at Z 318. That one frame cannot even be seen in the running of the Z film, but was left in by patriotic techs So I got an accurate picture of the dashboard of the Lincoln they were in and studied it for
placement of
shadows caused by
obstructions inside
the limo of the
light from the sun
and reflection
points in the limo
of that sun in
Dealey Plaza that
day. Roberdeau
gives us the sun
angles on his map.
So I modeled a 45
in the left hand of
the driver being passed to Kellerman and ran it thru a speed blur in Paint.net and sure enough got the same shape as the object shown in frame Z- 318 during that time after the kill. The 45 was in the slide 56
locked position after firing the last (only) round in the 45, the sabot of a low caliber, (narrower and lighter) killer bullet designed to blow a huge hole through his head with its supersonic speed. I show the shadowed region of the area near the opening of the glove box which shows how much of the 45 was in shade vs light (next page).
At this writing I found the left hand of Kellerman holding the glove box open while Greer passes his 45 over in his left hand so Kellerman can cradle it with his right hand and put it straight into the glove box.
The lower edge of the glove box has some shiny metal trim in the limo photo, and that strip is caught by the sun when the glove box is opened by Kellerman, with his left hand outline showing as I drew it (next page), holding the glove box open with the extra line of sparkle from that trim, to put the 45 into the box quickly with the pass from Greer. I figured that the pass was at about 10mph and that should show ~3
frames to get to Kellerman, but only one frame survived the Limo group edit outs, so one doesn’t see the motion of it. But I studied the Z
film one frame at a time for stuff like that. And the patriotic photo tech who left it in is a hero who defied his superiors to preserve the truth of what happened in more detail, even if it was just 1 frame. God bless that patriot. I’ll bet ~10 or more frames were removed to try to bypass this “ hide the weapon scene”, preserved by Z 318.
Over the years with communications very infrequent with anyone from the JFK research community, I remain friends with John Costella, and presumably, David Lifton, and Dr. James Fetzer. And they all have one thing in common. None of them have supported my study of the shots nor my conclusions therein. The community came around on my contention that Connolly’s chest wound was fired from the roof of the County Building and both my visual and the measured 28 degree bullet down angle agree with the facts of his wound angle measured by his doctor at Parkland. So I’ve developed a theory. You know how people seem to be familiar with stories about thugs coming 57
to someone’s door and getting a commitment from the people who live there to remain silent on what they know about certain things that the thugs threaten them not to talk about. So the people pretty much shut up. I have a suspicion that that group of people in the JFK
research area who have figured out the conspiracy and know some names of bad guys, have indeed been threatened to shut up. So in the process if a new researcher figures out certain facts and wants to coordinate them, most researchers, who have also been threatened won’t agree with something truthful that the new guy presents for coordination. And their reason is two fold. They don’t want to rile the killers who have threatened them, so they stonewall the new guy for his safety and to meet the silence requirement that was imposed on them and is what they live by. This fear, I believe, is rampant in the US. People are just too afraid to openly discuss the failures in the government to fully tell the truth on JFK and the unseen forces from the conspiracy that may decide to kill them in order to stop the spread of the evil truth.
The problem with this fear is that a small group of extremely greedy and evil controllers can steal from the government all day long while the debt keeps going up. They’ll keep doing it until they are killed themselves. I believe in pursuing this conspiracy with gusto and to play their game against them to put them under as quickly as possible and to recover the trillions to pay off government debt, while removing the people responsible and jailing them. In the process pressures may be applied to suspects to get them to give up names of connections and any proof of their bad doings. One might start this campaign by capturing G.W. Bush and putting him under truth drugs and torture as needed to start filling in the top structure of this horrendously evil system. I would round up his entire family and do the same with them, perhaps under his nose for him to watch their mental and physical suffering. Have no mercy on these people. As 59
word gets out on these people’ discomfort, start a new program of enticement to cooperate in pay back and filling in names for minimum jail sentences, with a short time limit on the offer. People in the Black World who are known to be patriots with impeccable records might assist in the round up of executioners and bad judges for the same treatment. Trace the money and cut off the flow to the bad guys and Follow the job appointments and follow-on job appointments of the appointees ad-infinitum. Whistle blowing should not be against the law. It enables justice to happen. Government laws against it allow crooks to skate justice due them. Allow it and with it, clean house, and put the crooks in jail, where they belong. Those opposed are for the collapse of our government and are traitors. Deals for less time are used all the time to entice those who won’t talk, to talk and make things clear, with truth and justice as the motivations. We should expect the bad people in government to want “Whistle Blowing to be a crime” to freeze out the “goody two shoes” in government so the crooks and traitors may stay in power within the government. We need the true patriots who support the truth to be loyal to “We the People”
of the Constitution. The people have been suffering for 42 years with the collection of US debt that they are not responsible for. The crooked people in positions of control within the government are responsible with the forces outside of government who benefit from government debt. We the People need a People’s Representative in congress with
~20 % of the vote on bills who mans the government for the people so no appointments are made by the “Croney System” to ever favor management over the people in our nation again, nor run deficit financing ever again and to operate on moral principals of truth and fair play and to tax only those who can afford to be taxed to fully fund our programs each year. I believe I’ve proven scientifically how JFK
was killed so with a few notes, a poem, my connections, my list of books reviewed, and the debt pile shown, let’s wind this thing down.
The final Coordination The evening of the 21st of November, Clint Murcheson hosted a party at his ranch for key individuals in the management of the assassination planning. Guests in attendance included Richard Nixon, GHW Bush and father, J. Edgar Hoover, and LBJ. After dinner a meeting was held where the “go ahead” was given for the assassination the next day.
LBJ, who brought his longtime mistress. Madeleine Brown, came out of that meeting and announced to Madeleine in a loud voice: “ Well, after tomorrow those SOBs won’t embarass me anymore”. She took that as possibly threatening, but on the next afternoon, she was convinced that LBJ had something to do with the Kennedy murder; and over the years since, she was filmed in interviews (probably after LBJ’s death), and at the time of the kill she got him to respond to her accusation that he was involved. He said the CIA did it; which has quite a bit of truth to it as they knew JFK was planning on reducing them to intelligence gathering only with no more military type operations. This is a result of the Bay of Pigs debacle hosted by the CIA. JFK fired Allen Dulles the 1st Director of the CIA and the general in charge of their “Air Force” for the invasion, whose brother was the mayor of Dallas who sanctioned JFK’s assassination. JFK was hated in Dallas for his racial equality/integration stand. All law enforcement officers in Dallas were required to have membership in the KKK or the John Birch Society. They were committed to racial killing support.
Both officers in the assassination, Dep Sheriff Harry Weatherford and officer Roscoe White of the Dallas Police Dept. got hits on JFK
that day. CIA alone wouldn’t stand for him to have another term. The Murchesons partied for a week after JFK was killed. It was their maid and chauffeur who vouched for the attendees in later interviews.
Roscoe White bragged openly that he killed JFK which is close to the truth, and he wrote it in a personal diary and shared that with his son. The son called the FBI and they came and made it disappear.
Bad Guy Witness on 11-22-63
A photo was taken on the 22nd showing a man who resembled GHW
Bush on the steps of the Book Depository front door. See pictures below. On a trip to Dallas in 2011 We visited Dealey Plaza my wife took pictures of me on the steps of what used to be the TSBD. It showed
the man
to be 6’
2” which
is a
match to
He was
on JFK
per the
on the
it. But
the only
Bush on CIA records was support. But to become Director one needs a lot of experience, and he had it.
Somebody’s lying. GHW Bush is my call. His sponsor for the 63
presidential primaries in 1980 was John Hinkley Sr. When Reagan got the nomination, it was 6 weeks after his inauguration that John Hinkley Jr., GHW’s sponsor’s namesake son, got a security pass to be there on the street and shoot at Ronald Reagan as he departed the building by his Secret Service secured path. I wonder how he was able to do that? This Bush dynasty: Prescott, GHW and W have to be senior devils in the worldwide Rad Right Wing takeover. Nowadays Hinkley Jr.’s a free man despite his horrific shooting spree. He got well from his insanity and somehow lost his criminal guilt too. And Sirhan Sirhan, who was hynotized (by CIA MK-Ultra mind control experts) into doing and forgetting his attempt on Bobbie Kennedy, still rots in prison. And he didn’t even fire the fatal shot. Hinkley got a better deal. This is prejudiced justice under the law, not equal justice.
There is no equal justice under the law when money or power buys better outcomes in the US and elsewhere. Make Sirhan Sirhan a free and rich man for recompense on this inequality.
I believe that we’re all equal in God’s eyes and loving neighbor AS
SELF, the second commandment of God, should rule in society, which would respect the first inhabitants and not allow their removal from the land. God would not order love of neighbor AS self unless God meant it.. The might business enables slavery which is detestable.
And all people who have been abused by might, may get their 100
fold recompense in heaven hopefully provided by the tamed evil brute forces that caused their distress on Earth; 100 times the pay back. I’ll bet that God doesn’t provide this as there is no lesson for the ruling Brutes in society. They may need to get the 2nd commandment “treat AS SELF” burned into their hides by making amends X (100). It is this mutual respect and lack of push that a peaceful community strives for. It sort of follows the FHB (family holds back) rule for when unexpected guests arrive at dinner time. I’ve experienced this treatment at home as a boy when unexpected guests showed up and joined us for dinner. I believe 64 my daughters have too.
As an engineer and an artist I decided to study the US economy, medical care, and the JFK assassination in 2008 and take an early Social Security retirement with less pay. I consolidated my information into books and movies. My JFK movies and lots of my music are on my YouTube channel at
videos - Browse and have fun-Download my books on free-ebooks.net after registration free. Do author search, John C. Dean, 3 books and soon this one may be down loaded. US economy:“Beautiful...”, Autobio: “Seeing the Big Picture”; US covert conspiracy: Common Sense Revisited pamphlet.
Visit my website to read articles, watch segments of my JFK
movies, and download books/movies/radio broadcast
https://peaceandprosperitypath.com The warning is bogus unless my enemies have tricked me and can keep people away.
The Inertia of Money and Lies
John C. Dean 5-2-20
The system, you know, changes so slow
that runs your and my life.
And it's not to improve the lives of us all but to push us toward fear and to strife.
Cause money n greed force the poor seed
to be strange fruit up in the tree
as it was sung, by Lady Day