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The Transformation of America,

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American History


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The Race Beat: The Press,

the Civil Rights Struggle, and

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the Awakening of a Nation

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Polio: An American Story

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Page references in boldface type

African Americans

refer to illustrations.

bus boycott (Montgomery,

Alabama), 240


civil rights movement, 240, 258,

Abolition of slavery


Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry

color barrier broken in sports, 237,

(1859), 139


constitutional amendment

Colored Farmers National Alliance,

(13th), 148


Democratic Party and, 152

culture, 210-211

Douglass as abolitionist leader, 91

Freedmen’s Bureau and, 148, 151

Emancipation Proclamation, 144-

“Harlem Renaissance,” 211


jazz musicians, 211

Freedmen’s Bureau, 148, 151

labor unions and, 193

Garrison and The Liberator on, 91,

lynchings and violence against,

122, 133-134

150, 178, 271

Missouri Compromise (1820), 80,

members of Congress, 96

114, 132, 135, 137

as sharecroppers and tenant

Northwest Ordinance slavery ban,

farmers, 190-191

71, 73, 113, 135

U .S . Colored Troops in Union

religious social activism and, 87

Army, 145

as a sectional conflict/divided

See also Abolition of slavery;

nation, 128-139

Civil rights; Racial discrimination;

as sharecroppers and tenant


farmers, 190-191

Agnew, Spiro, 290

southern statesmen on, 113

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Underground Railroad, 91, 134, 136 (AAA), 216

See also Slavery


Adams, John, 52, 64, 72, 82-83

farm-relief act, 216

Adams, John Quincy, 115, 116, 134

Farmers’ Alliances, 191

Adams, Samuel, 56-57

Grange movement, 191

Adamson Act, 199

land grant and technical colleges,

Addams, Jane, 196

152, 177

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

New Deal programs, 216-217

(Twain), 97

Patrons of Husbandry (Grange), 191

Afghanistan, U .S . relations, 294,

plantation settlements, 26, 28,

334, 345

113-114, 128-129

AFL . See American Federation of

post-Revolutionary period, 70

Labor (AFL)

Republican policy, 79, 208

scientific research, 177



sharecroppers and tenant farmers,

significance of, 65


Treaty of Paris (1783), 47, 64

small farmers and agricultural

Yorktown, British surrender at,

consolidation, 267

47-48, 64

technological revolution, 110-111,

American Sugar Refining Company,

160, 177


westward expansion and, 125

American Telephone and Telegraph

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency

(AT&T), 158


American Temperance Union, 121

epidemic, 307

Amity and Commerce, Treaty of

quilt (Washington, D .C .), 299

(France-American colonies), 63

AIM . See American Indian Movement Amnesty Act (1872), 150


Anasazi, 8, 20

gold rush, 192

Andros, Sir Edmund, 31

purchase, known as “Seward’s

Anthony, Susan B ., 90, 122

Fol y,” 182

Antifederalists, 76

Albany Plan of Union, 33, 69

Antitrust legislation, 160, 187,

Albright, Madeleine, 329

196-197, 199

Alien Act, 82, 117

Apache Indians, 180, 181

Amalgamated Association of Iron,

Aquino, Corazon, 312

Steel, and Tin Workers, 194

Arafat, Yasser, 330

American Bible Society, 87

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 330

American Civil Liberties Union, 209

Arlington Cemetery (Virginia), 174

American Federation of Labor (AFL),

Armour, Philip, 158

194, 209, 227

Arms control . See Nuclear weapons

American Independent Party, 319

Armstrong, Louis, 211

American Indian Movement (AIM), 281 Armstrong, Neil, 285

American Philosophical Society, 28

Arnaz, Desi, 239

American Railway Union, 194

Arnold, Benedict, 62

American Revolution, 50-65

Articles of the Confederation, 69-70

Boston Tea Party (1773), 50-51, 57

Asia, Cold War, 263-264

British move through the South,

Atlantic Charter (U .S .-Britain), 220


Automobile industry

colonial declaration of war, 60

auto worker strikes, 228, 230

Concord and Lexington battles

automobile safety crusade, 287

(1775), 59-60

environmental issues/traffic

economic aftermath, 70

congestion, 282, 300-301

factors leading to, 50-59

unemployment, 227

first shots fired at Lexington,

44-45, 59


Franco-American alliance, 62-63

Babcock, Stephen, 177

Long Island, battle of (1776), 61

Bal , Lucille, 239

Loyalists and, 60, 65

Banking Act, 218

Olive Branch Petition, 60



Banking and finance

Brown v. Board of Education (1954),

currency question and gold

240, 244, 272

standard, 192

Bryan, William Jennings, 192, 195,

Federal Reserve Board, 199, 218

198, 209-210

Federal Reserve System, 119, 187,

Buchanan, Pat, 332


Buckley, William F ., 308

financial panic (1893), 192

Bull Moose Party, 318

First Bank of the United States, 79

Burbank, Luther, 177

insured savings (FDIC), 215

Burgoyne, John, 62

national bank, 79-80

Bush, George Herbert Walker, 255

New Deal program reforms, 214-215

budgets and deficits, 315

regional and local bank charters, 119

domestic policy, 314-315

Second Bank of the United States,

end of Cold War, 315-316


foreign policy, 312, 316-317

state banking system, 119

presidential election (1998), 314;

stock market crash (1929), 211

(1992), 322, 324

Baptists, 87, 88

“war on drugs,” 317

Barak, Ehud, 330

Bush, George W .

Beard, Charles, 75

Afghanistan invasion, 334

“Beat Generation” (1950s), 270

with Barack Obama, 339

Begin, Menachim, 292

as a “compassionate conservative,”

Bel , Alexander Graham, 107, 156


Bel , John C ., 139

domestic and foreign policy, 332-

Bell Telephone System, 158


Bel amy, Edward, 160

on freedom, 322

Biddle, Nicholas, 119

Iraq War, 334-336

Biden, Joseph, 343

on peace, 322

Bill of Rights, 77

presidential elections (2000), 333;

bin Laden, Osama, 331, 332, 334

(2004), 336-337

Blaine, James G ., 185

with Tony Blair, 294-295

Blair, Tony, 294-295, 330

Blix, Hans, 335


Bolívar, Simon, 114

Cable News Network, 297

Booth, John Wilkes, 147

Cabot, John, 9

Borglum, Gutzon, 171

Cady Stanton, Elizabeth, 90, 122-123

Bosnia, 330

Calhoun, John C ., 112, 116, 117, 125

Boston Massacre (1770), 56


Boston Tea Party (1773), 50-51, 57

as a free state, 136

Breckenridge, John C ., 139

gold rush, 131, 136, 179

Brezhnev, Leonid, 289

migrant farm workers’ unions,

British colonization . See English



territory, 135

Brooks, David, 322

Calvinism, 13, 29, 34, 65

Brown, John, 139

Campbel , Ben Nighthorse, 281



Capitalism, 187, 193, 214

Coalition,” 253

Carleton, Mark, 177

Truman 10-point civil rights

Carmichael, Stokely, 278

program, 271-272

Carnegie, Andrew, 97, 156-157,

See also Civil rights movement;

187, 194

Individual rights; Racial

Carson, Rachel, 282


Carter, Jimmy, 291-292

Civil Rights Act (1957), 273

Cartier, Jacques, 10

Civil Rights Act (1960), 273

Carver, George Washington, 177

Civil Rights Act (1964), 277, 286

Cattle ranching, 179-180

Civil rights movement (1960-80),

Central Pacific Railroad, 179


A Century of Dishonor (Jackson), 181

“black power” activists, 277-278

Chambers, Whittaker, 266

“freedom rides,” 277

Charles I (British king), 12, 13, 15

“March on Washington” (1963), 277

Charles II (British king), 17, 18, 31

origins of the, 271-272

Chase, Salmon P ., 138

riots (1960s), 278

Chávez, César, 250, 280

sit-ins, 277

Cherokee Indians, 125

Civil Service Commission, 307

Chiang Kai-shek, 224, 263, 264

Civil War (1861-65)

Chicanos . See Latino movement

African Americans in U .S . Colored

Child labor, 102-103, 177, 193, 196

Troops in Union Army, 145

China, People’s Republic of

Alexandria, Union troop

Boxer Rebellion (1900), 186

encampment, 94

Taiwan relations, 263, 265, 289

Antietam campaign (1862), 141, 144

U .S . diplomatic relations, 186,

Bull Run (First Manassas), 143

289, 292

Bull Run (Second Manassas), 144

Christian Coalition, 308

casualties, 92, 144, 145

Churchil , Winston

Chancellorsville campaign (1863),

on the “iron curtain,” 260-261

92-93, 145

U .S . support for war effort, 220

Chattanooga and Lookout

at Yalta, 224, 234

Mountain campaigns (1863), 146

CIO . See Committee for Industrial

Gettysburg address, by Lincoln,

Organization (CIO); Congress of

142, 145

Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Gettysburg campaign (1863), 92,

Citizenship, 82, 148-149, 178

145, 146

Civil rights

Petersburg campaign (1865), 146

bus boycott (Montgomery,

postwar politics, 152-153

Alabama), 240, 273

secession from the Union, 142-143

desegregation, 272-273

Sherman’s march through the

desegregation of schools, 240, 241,

South, 146

244, 272-273, 277

Shiloh campaign, 144

desegregation of the military,

Spotsylvania (Battle of the

269, 272

Wilderness, 1864), 146

Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow

surrender at Appomattox



Courthouse, 146

origins of, 260-261

Vicksburg campaign (1863), 145, 146

Truman Administration, 261, 265

See also Reconstruction Era

College of William and Mary, 27

Civil Works Administration

Colonial period

(CWA), 215-216

cultural developments, 27-29

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 215

Dutch colonies, 14, 15, 17, 24

Clark, William, 47

early settlements, 10-12, 24

Clay, Henry

English settlers, 10-12, 13-15, 17, 24

compromise agreements, 114, 136

French and Indian Wars, 32-33

portrait of, 90

German settlers, 24, 25, 26

presidential elections, 116, 119

government of the colonies, 29-32

protective tariffs, 112, 117, 118

Jamestown colony (Virginia), 10,

Whig Party statesman, 120, 152

12-13, 16

Clayton Antitrust Act, 199

Massachusetts colonies, 13-14, 24-25

Clean Air Act (1967), 282

middle colonies, 25-26

Clemenceau, Georges, 108

Native American relations, 15-17,

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 97, 196

18, 39

Cleveland, Grover, 159, 182, 183,

New Amsterdam, 14, 15, 26

192, 194

New England colonies, 24-25

Clinton, Hil ary Rodham, 324, 325,

New England Confederation, 17

328, 342

Pennsylvania colony, 18, 25, 27-28,

Clinton, William “Bil ”

30, 39, 69

Arkansas real estate

rural country daily life, 26-27

investigation, 326

Scots and Scots-Irish settlers, 24,

Cabinet appointments, 280

25, 26

domestic policy, 324-326

southern colonies, 26-27

foreign policy, 329-331

Swedish colonies, 15, 24

impeachment hearings/trial,

Virginia colonies, 10, 12-13, 16, 26,

328, 329

28-30, 68-69

presidential election (1992),

Colored Farmers National Alliance,

322-324; (1996), 328


presidential inaugural address

Columbus, Christopher, 9

(1993), 255

Commission on Civil Rights, 280

sexual impropriety/intern scandal,

Committee for Industrial Organization

326, 328

(CIO), 228

Coercive or Intolerable Acts (England), Committees of Correspondence,



Cold War, 258-267

Commodity Credit Corporation, 216

in Asia, 263-264

Common Sense (Paine), 60

Eisenhower Administration,

Communism, 206-207


Cold War and, 258-267, 315-316

end of, 255, 315-316, 324

Eisenhower containment policy,

in the Middle East, 264


Kennedy Administration, 284-285

Federal Employee Loyalty



Program, 266

ratification, 75-76

House Committee on

separation of powers principle, 74

Un-American Activities, 266

signing of, at Constitution Hal

McCarthy Senate hearings on,

(Philadelphia), 164

236, 266

Constitutional Convention

Red Scare (1919-20), 207, 265

(Philadelphia, 1787), 66-67, 71-77

spread of, 263

Constitutional Union Party, 139

Truman Doctrine of containment,

Continental Association, 58-59


Continental Congress, First (1774), 58

Communist Party, 206, 263, 265, 266

Continental Congress, Second (1775),

Compromise of 1850, 90, 135-136

60, 61, 69, 71

Confederation Congress, 71

Coolidge, Calvin, 204, 207

Congress of Industrial Organizations

Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 46-47, 64

(CIO), 228

Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de, 9

Congress, U .S .

Corporations, 158-159

African-American members, 96

Coughlin, Charles, 217

first Native American member, 281 Counterculture (1960s), 281-282

Hispanic members, 280

New Leftists, 281-282

power to make laws, 75

Vietnam War demonstrations, 281

representation in House and

“Woodstock Generation,” 249, 281

Senate, 73

Cox, James M ., 207

Conservatism, 307-309

Crawford, William, 116

Constitution, state constitutions, 68-69 Crazy Horse (Sioux chief), 180

Constitution, U .S .

Creek Indians, 125


Cromwel , Oliver, 12, 17, 31

1st thru 12th, 77

Cuba, Spanish-American War and,

13th (abolishing slavery), 148


14th (citizenship rights), 148-

Cuban missile crisis (1962), 284

149, 178

Cullen, Countee, 211

15th (voting rights), 149, 273


16th (federal income tax), 198

of the 1950s, 270-271

17th (direct election of

in the colonies, 27-29

senators), 198

counterculture of the 1960s, 281-282

18th (prohibition), 210

See also Libraries; Literary works;

19th (voting rights for women),

Music, American


Currency Act (England, 1764), 53

amendments process, 74

Custer, George, 98-99, 180

Bill of Rights, 77
