Outline of US History by U.S. Department of State - HTML preview

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Menéndez, Pedro, 10

Dakota), 170-171

Merchant Marine, 208

Mount Vernon (Virginia),

Meredith, James, 277

Washington’s plantation home, 170-171

Methodists, 87, 88

Ms . (feminist magazine), 279

Mexican-Americans . See Latino

MTV, 297


Murray-Philip, 228

Mexican War, 134-135

Music, American


Beatles, 281

conquest of, 9

“hard rock,” 281

revolution, 185

Jazz Age (1920s), 210

Spanish colonization, 11

Jazz musicians, 211

Middle colonies, 25-26

rock and roll (1950s), 271, 281

Middle East

Rolling Stones, 271, 281

Palestinians, 329-330

Woodstock (outdoor rock concert,

peace negotiations, 329-330

1969), 249, 281

Persian Gulf War, 316-317

Muslims, 344, 345

U .S . policy, 264, 292, 313, 329-330

Mussolini, Benito, 219, 223

Millet, Kate, 248

Mutual Board of Defense (U .S .-

Mining industry strikes, 194-195

Canada), 220

Miranda, Francisco, 114

Missouri Compromise (1820), 90, 114, N

132, 135, 137

NAACP . See National Association for

Mohler, George, 177

the Advancement of Colored People

Molasses Act (England, 1733), 53


Molotov, Vyacheslav, 260

Nader, Ralph, 287, 332, 336

Mondale, Walter, 311

NAFTA . See North American Free

Monetary policy . See U .S . monetary

Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


Napoleon, 82, 83, 84

Monroe Doctrine, 114-116

National Association for the

Monroe, James, 113, 115, 116

Advancement of Colored People

Montgomery, Bernard, 222

(NAACP), 211, 244, 272, 273

Montoya, Joseph, 280

National health care system, 344-345

Monuments and memorials, 161-176

National Industrial Recovery Act

See also under names of individual

(NIRA), 217, 227


National Labor Relations Act (NLRA),

Moral Majority, 308

217, 218, 228, 280

Morgan, John Pierpoint (J .P .), 187

National Labor Relations Board

Morrill Land Grant College Act

(NLRB), 217

(1862), 152, 177

National Organization for Women



(NOW), 279

New Amsterdam . See under New York

National Recovery Administration

New Deal programs, 214-218

(NRA), 217

New England colonies, 17,

National Security Council (NSC),

24-25, 30-31

NSC-68 security report on Soviet

New England Confederation, 17

Union, 262-263, 265

New Mexico territory, 136

National Woman Suffrage Association New World exploration, 9-11

(NWSA), 123

New World settlements . See Colonial

National Youth Administration, 218


Native-American movement, 280-281

New York

American Indian Movement

colonial royal government, 31

(AIM), 281

Dutch settlers, 14, 15, 25-26

Wounded Knee (South Dakota)

Manhattan, early settlement, 14, 15,

incident, 180, 281


Native Americans

New Amsterdam/New Netherland

cultural groups, map of, 21

settlement, 14, 15, 26

demonstration in Washington

polyglot of early settlers, 25-26

(1978), 252

New York Weekly Journal, 28

effect of European disease on, 8

Ngo Dien Nu, 285

European contact, 9-10

Ngo Dinh Diem, 285

Great Serpent Mound, Ohio, 168

Nichols, Terry, 331

Indian uprisings, 16-17, 180-181

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 345

Mesa Verde cliff dwellings, 4-5, 8

NIRA . See National Industrial

migration across Beringia land

Recovery Act (NIRA)

bridge, 6

Nixon, Richard M .

mound builders of Ohio, 7

China-U .S . diplomatic relations,

Northwest Passage and, 9, 10


oral tradition, 8

at Great Wall of China, 250-251

Pacific Northwest potlatches, 8

impeachment and resignation, 290

population, 8

as president of U .S ., 288-290

Pueblo Indians, 8, 20

presidential elections (1960, 1968,

relations with European settlers,

1972), 283, 288, 290

15-17, 18, 39

Soviet Union détente policy, 289

religious beliefs, 8

Watergate affair, 290

slave trade, 18

NLRA . See National Labor Relations

Trail of Tears (Cherokee forced

Act (NLRA)

relocation), 125

No Child Left Behind Act, 333

U .S . policy, 181

Nobel Peace Prize, 344, 345

Westward expansion and, 178

Noble Order of the Knights of Labor

See also Indian Wars; and see under (1869), 193

names of individual tribes

Non-Intercourse Act (1809), 84

Nativists, 209

Noriega, Manuel Antonio, 317

Naturalization Act, 82

Norris, Frank, 196

Nebraska, territory, 137

North American Free Trade



Agreement (NAFTA), 317, 325

as presidential candidate, 341

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

presidential campaign (2008), 343

(NATO), 262

with George W . Bush, 339

North Carolina colony, 17, 30

with Michelle Obama, 295

Northern Securities Company, 187

The Octopus (Norris), 196

Northwest Ordinance (1787), 71, 73,

Office of Economic Opportunity, 286

113, 135

Oglethorpe, James, 18

Northwest Passage, 9, 10

Oklahoma Territory, City, homestead

Northwest Territory, 71, 113

claims, 101

NOW . See National Organization for

Oliver, King, 211

Women (NOW)

Olney, Richard, 194

Nuclear weapons

On the Road (Kerouac), 270

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Organization of American States

(INF) Treaty, 304-305, 314

( formerly Pan American Union), 185

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Organization of the Petroleum

(1963), 243, 284

Exporting Countries (OPEC), 290

Manhattan Project (atomic bomb

Organized labor . See Labor unions

development), 225

Orlando, Vittorio, 108

SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation

Talks), 289


SALT II agreement, 292

Pacific Railway Acts (1862-64), 152

Soviet atomic bomb testing, 266

Paine, Thomas, 60

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI),

Palin, Sarah, 342


Palmer, A . Mitchel , 206-207

test bans, 284

Panama, U .S . invasion, 317

U .S . attacks on Hiroshima and

Panama Canal

Nagasaki, 226

Gatun locks, 100-101

U .S . defense buildup, 314

treaties, 101, 184-185, 292

U .S . military defense buildup, 314

Paris Peace Conference (1919), 108

U .S . nuclear testing, 234

Paris, Treaty of (1783), 47, 64

U .S . policy during Cold War, 265

Parker, John, 59

Nullification doctrine, 83, 117-118

Parks, Rosa, 240, 273

Patroon system, 14-15


Peace Democrats or “Copperheads,” 152

Oath of office, presidential, 77

Peace of Paris (1763), 33

Obama, Barack H .

Penn, William, 18, 25, 30, 39

background, 342-343

Pennsylvania colony

at Cairo University, 345

colonial government, 30

on democracies, 342

cultural developments, 27-28

financial crisis, 343-344

German settlers, 25

health care, 344-345

population, 25

inaugural address, 343-344

Quakers as early settlers, 18, 25, 27

Nobel Peace Prize, 344-345

relations with Native Americans,

parents, 343

18, 39



schools and education, 27-28

Progressive, 318-319

state constitution, 69

Radical Republicans, 148-151

See also Philadelphia

Reform Party, 319

Pequot Indian War (1637), 16

Republicans (or Democratic-

Perkins, Frances, 227

Republicans), 78, 81, 138, 139,

Perot, H . Ross, 319, 323, 328

152, 153, 218

Perry, Oliver Hazard, 85

Socialists, 206, 318

Pershing, John J ., 205

Southern Democrats, 139

Persian Gulf War, 316-317

States Rights, 272

Desert Storm campaign, 252-253

third-party and independent


candidates, 318-319

American Philosophical Society, 28

Whigs, 119-121, 137-138, 152, 153

as “City of Brotherly Love,” 18

Polk, James K ., 134, 135

colonial period in, 18, 25

Ponce de Léon, Juan, 9

Friends Public School, 27

Population growth

Independence Hal , 164-165

in cities and towns, 159

Liberty Bel , 168

household composition, 307

private schools, 27

postwar migrations, 267-268

subscription libraries, 28

Population, U .S .

Philippine Islands

in 1690, 24

elections, 312

in 1775, 24

MacArthur’s return, 232

1790 census, 200

U .S . relations, 183, 184

1812 to 1852, 124

World War II battles, 224-225, 232

1860 census, 132

Pierce, Franklin, 137

Populist Party, 191-192

Pilgrims, 13, 22-23, 30, 65

Powel , Colin, 294-295

Pinckney, Charles, 81

Presidency, U .S .

The Pit (Norris), 196

Cabinet, 77-78, 280

Pitcairn, John, 59

impeachment, 149-150, 290,

Pizarro, Francisco, 9

328, 329

Plains Indians, 10, 98, 180-181

oath of office, 77

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), 178, 272

role of first lady, 324

Political parties

See also names of individual

American Independent, 319


Bull Moose Party, 318

Presidential elections

Constitutional Union Party, 139

1789 (Washington, first), 77

Democrats, 116, 137, 152, 153,

1797 (Adams), 82

192, 218-219

1800 (Jefferson), 83

Dixiecrats, 319

1824 (Jackson), 116

Federalists, 76, 78, 81, 82, 86, 116

1828 (Jackson), 117

Free Soil Party, 136, 137, 138

1860 (Lincoln), 139

Green Party, 332

1864 (Lincoln), 147, 153

Know-Nothings, 120

1868 (Grant), 150

Populists, 191-192

1884 (Cleveland), 159



1892 (Cleveland), 160

Public Works Administration

1896 (McKinley), 192

(PWA), 215

1900 (McKinley), 195

Pueblo Indians, 8, 20

1904 (Roosevelt), 197

Puerto Rico

1908 (Taft), 197-198

ceded to U .S ., 182-183

1912 (Wilson), 318, 328

as U .S . commonwealth, 184

1916 (Wilson), 205, 328

Pulitzer Prize, 347

1920 (Harding), 207

Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 197

1924 (Coolidge), 318-319

Puritans, 13-14, 40, 40, 65

1932 (Roosevelt), 211

1936 (Roosevelt), 218


1940 (Roosevelt), 220


1948 (Truman), 235, 269, 319

abolition movement and, 133

1960 (Kennedy), 283

and British government relations, 59

1964 (Johnson), 286, 308, 309

Pennsylvania settlements, 18, 25

1968 (Nixon), 288, 319

schools and education, 27

1972 (Nixon), 290

Quartering Act (England, 1765),

1976 (Carter), 291

53-54, 58

1980 (Reagan), 309

Quayle, Dan, 323

1984 (Reagan), 310-311

Quebec Act (England), 58

1988 (Bush), 314

Quotations, notable

1992 (Clinton), 319, 322-324

“Ask not what your country can do

1996 (Clinton), 328-329

for you — ask what you can do for

2000 (Bush), 332-333

your country” (Kennedy), 283

2004 (Bush), 336-337

“axis of evil” (Bush), 334

2008 (Obama), 342-343

“The Buck Stops Here,” 260

Presley, Elvis, 238, 271

“city upon a hil ” (Winthrop),


13, 309

Cable News Network (CNN), 297

“Damn the torpedoes! Full speed

first newspaper, 28

ahead” (Farragut), 143

first printing press in colonies, 27

“a day that will live in infamy”

freedom of the, 28-29

(Roosevelt), 221

Progressive Party, 318-319

“Give me liberty, or give me death”

Progressivism, 195, 196

(Henry), 42

Prohibition, 121, 210

“Go west, young man” (Greeley),

Protestant religion

112, 124

Baptists, 87, 88

“A house divided against itself

Great Awakening, 29

cannot stand” (Lincoln), 130, 138

Methodists, 87, 88

“I have a dream…” (King, Jr .), 276

revivals in “Burned-Over District,” 87

“I shall return” (MacArthur), 232

Second Great Awakening and, 87-88

“Ich bin ein Berliner” (I am a

See also Pilgrims; Puritans

Berliner) (Kennedy), 242

Public Utility Holding Company

“iron curtain” (Churchill), 260-261

Act, 218

“shot heard round the world”



(Emerson), 59

as “Great Communicator,” 309

“thousand points of light”

Grenada invasion, 312-313

(Bush), 315

Iran-Contra affair, 312-313

“tyranny over the mind of man”

with Mikhail Gorbachev, 304-305

(Jefferson), 161

Reconstruction Act (1867), 148

“With malice towards none”

Reconstruction Era, 148-151

(Lincoln), 147

African-American members in

Congress during, 96


Lincoln’s program, 147-148

Race riots, 152, 206

Reconstruction Finance Corporation,

Racial discrimination


bus segregation, 240, 273

Red Cloud (Sioux chief), 180

color barrier broken by Jackie

Reform Party, 319

Robinson, 237, 271

Refugee Act (1980), 201

in federal government employment, Religion

269, 272

camp meetings and revivals, 87-88

“Jim Crow” laws (segregation), 151,

Christian Coalition, 308

272, 319

Christian evangelicals, 332, 336

lynchings and violence against

circuit riders, 88

African Americans, 150, 178, 271

fundamentalism, 209, 210, 308

military segregation, 269, 272

Great Awakening, 29

school segregation, 240, 244

Moral Majority, 308

separate but equal

Salem witch trials, 35

accommodations, 178, 240, 272

Second Great Awakening, 87-88

South African apartheid, 312

Religious freedom

white supremacy and belief in black

Coercive or Intolerable Acts and, 58

inferiority, 178

freedom of worship, 32

Radical Republicans, 148-151

and tolerance, 17, 29, 32

Railroad industry, 131-132

“Remaking America,” 344

Great Rail Strike (1877), 194

Republicanism, 65, 68

nationalization of, 192

Republicans (or Democratic-

Pullman Company, 194

Republicans), 78, 81, 138, 139, 152,

regulation, 159, 197

153, 218

transcontinental link at

Reuther, Walter, 228

Promontory Point (1869), 179

Revels, H .R ., 96

transcontinental railroad, 154-155

Revolution . See American Revolution;

westward expansion and, 179

French Revolution; Latin American

workers’ hours, 199


workers’ strikes, 193, 194

Revolutionary War . See American

Raleigh, Walter, 10


Reagan, Ronald

Rhode Island colony, 14, 31, 41

conservatism and, 307-309

Rice, Condoleeza, 295

economic policy, 309-311

Ridgway, Matthew B ., 264

foreign policy, 311-313

Riesman, David, 270



“Roaring Twenties,” 109, 210

Royal Proclamation (England, 1763), 53

Robertson, Pat, 308

Rural Electrification Administration, 218

Robinson, Jackie, 237, 271

Russian Revolution (1917), 206, 259

Rochambeau, Comte Jean de, 64

Russo-Japanese War (1904-05), 186

Rockefeller, John D ., 158

Roe v. Wade (1973), 279, 308, 324


Rogers, William, 251

Sadat, Anwar al-, 292

Rolfe, John, 12

Saddam Hussein, 316, 317, 329,

Rommel, Erwin, 222


Roosevelt, Eleanor, 324

San Martin, José de, 114

Roosevelt, Franklin D .

Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 134

death of, 224

Scopes, John, 209

on democracy, 214, 219

Scopes trial, 209-210

foreign policy, 185

Scott, Dred, 138

Good Neighbor Policy, 185

Scott, Winfield, 135

labor unions and, 227

Seamen’s Act (1915), 199

New Deal programs, 214-218

Second Treatise on Government

presidential elections (1932, 1936,

(Locke), 32, 61

1940), 207, 211, 218, 220

Sectionalism, and slavery issue,

Social Security Act, signing of, 230


Social Security program, 218, 230

Sedition Act, 82, 117

World War II and, 219-220

Seminole Indians, 125

World War II peace

Separation of church and state, 14

negotiations, 224

Separation of powers principle, 74

at Yalta (1945), 224, 234

Separatists, 13

Roosevelt, Theodore

Seven Years’ War, 33, 63, 83

accession to the presidency, 195

Seventh Day Adventists, 87

on democracy, 190

Seward, William, 138, 182

face of (Mount Rushmore),

Seymour, Horatio, 152


The Shame of the Cities (Steffens), 196

foreign policy, 181, 184, 186

Sharon, Ariel, 330

Nobel Peace Prize recipient

Shays, Daniel, 70

(1906), 186

Shays’s Rebellion (1787), 70, 73

Panama Canal treaty, 184-185

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890),

presidential election (1912), 318

160, 187

“Rough Riders” in the Spanish-

Sherman, Roger, 72, 73

American War, 183

Sherman, William T ., 146

“Square Deal,” 196

Silent Spring (Carson), 282

as “trust-buster” and antitrust laws, Sinclair, Upton, 196

160, 187, 196-197

Sioux Indians, 98, 180, 281

Root, Elihu, 181

Sitting Bull (Sioux chief), 98

Rose, Ernestine, 122

Slave family, 128-129

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 266

Slave owners, 132

“Rosie the Riveter,” 222

Slave population, 132



Slave trade, 19, 25, 133, 136



War on Poverty, 286

African slaves, 19, 24

welfare state and, 219

constitutional amendment (13th)

Social Security Act (1935), 218, 230

abolishing, 148

Socialist Party, 206, 318

Dred Scott decision, 138, 149

Society for the Promotion of

Emancipation Proclamation,

Temperance, 87, 121


Soil Conservation Service, 216

equal rights and, 69

Somalia, 331

extension of, 113-114

Sons of Liberty, 54

free vs . slave states, 114, 123


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