US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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from all the frames removed.

Well it took 12 years to see, on Hiraldo's show, free, Only it doesn't look natural and the background scene is not synced to the limo insides.

The fact is that the movie shown in public

is not the Zapruder original in camera film.

A CIA lab remade the film using traveling mattes to separate the background from the limo entourage,

remove evidence shown with the occupants as needed and then rejoin the limo scenes kept, with another background shot behind the limo, showing a constant speed

in passing the background as if the limo was moving, and frame by frame, using an optical printer

concocting the new composite to look like a stroll through the park a Hollywood trick of the time.

The team even speed blurred images shot at a stand still to give them the in-motion look.

The Z frames do show a natural speed blur of the driver's head 62

at the same frame that Kennedy's head explodes as the abrupt recoil of Greer’s .45

forced Zapruder to capture a blur

in progress during the one fortieth of a second shutter speed of the kill frame and that frame alone.

This fact cinches the driver's guilt in the murder of JFK

if we can show the object he is pointing at Jack is a gun.

So what is that shiny flat topped pointy object, that he points at the president as he is killed?

Well it's 8 inches long and flat on top, unlike any head in the car.

And in photos by Muchmore and Moorman as well

with Light Room focus and sharpening swell

it's the driver's 45 in Moorman, and the muzzle of his 45

next to his head as the shiny Z object in Muchmore, besides!

So the driver did kill the president as Zapruder also shows And the three films from both sides of the street conclude.

Moorman shows the exit wound from his right rear occipital lobe that agrees with Parkland medical reports after the assassination and again in '75 hearings.

It's an exit wound with outward facing bone shards of his head, indicating a front shot, that came into his right forehead near the hairline, and points back to the driver.

The sharpening of Moorman also shows the president's left hand next to his head on the left side showing his reaction

to another head shot near the right temple

that penetrated and stuck in his skull on his left , where he felt pain. This came first,

with Bill Greer (the driver's) fatal shot, following close behind.

A vertical crack in the skull from the hit on the right served as a stop, to longitudinal cracks from the fatal shot, creating a triangular skull flap. It is shown in the gruesome photos

of Jack's head in the morgue in Bethesda that night.

This was created by 2 shots to the head.

But that is not in the Warren report, which shows only, the Oswald lie, n garbage to make one dose.

Moorman also shows his right fist up,

to block the fatal shot from Greer, to no avail.

He is brain dead in Moorman,

so his body flops to his left rear in response to these shots.

And his fist quickly flops with no motor prompts 63

left after the kill.

Counting the driver there are 4 shooters