US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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in the Moorman print shown.

I enhanced the print with color to enable one to see That there could have even been more.

There are 8 other shooters elsewhere:

4 in the Dal Tex building,

Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford on the Records building with a shot to JFK's back at T-3 and a bit later

to Connolly's wrist and thigh.

A shooter on the County Building hit Connolly in the right armpit from behind that came out his chest,

while barely missing the first pair in line.

Jack Lawrence, on the south end of the overpass

got JFK in the throat through the windshield

to his right of the rear view mirror.

And Frank Sturgis, a Nixon goon missed

from the north side of the overpass,

while Nixon's CIA man, E. Howard Hunt,

was paymaster for the team that day.

Nixon man, Ruby, with mafia ties, hit Oswald

in a couple of days, who was an agent for us

that Hoover set-up, to take the fall that day.

Cause Oswald's story would ruin the day for LBJ, et al.

Lt. Day, from the Dallas police took the Mannlicher rifle to the holding site of Oswald's corpse,

inked his dead palm, and impressed it on the rifle, and lifted the print which couldn't be read

and showed it as Oswald's palm print,

where it was accepted as evidence in the Warren report, despite bad clarity in the print.

Over the years I worked and reworked the shooting scenario to try to make sense of the facts,

of missed bullet hits, sequence of wounds,

slow limo path, shooter spots, and recently got

perfect agreement of all facts in the scene.

This is part of my story of 2019,


available for download free on

My master of science and art skill reliance

gives me the edge on the rest in research,

my scientific mind helps me unwind

the big picture in all its detail

and show the calcs that have to agree

with a picture perfect view I draw

by sharpening of shots, enhancing with art

and using my logic, all day.

In 13 years of research, I've refined my understanding along, and now success, I've unwound this mess

and everything fits tight and strong.

It's the best scientific proof of the true history of our nation and the whole world, when

you wake up and smell the coffee, my friends,

cause I make the brew that is true.

So why was he killed you might ask?

He would've deprived how Big Oil thrived

on a depletion allowance, ….. jus' for them,

by evening the tax that all businesses pay

on net profit, alone, after costs.

But free billions kept with JFK dead

seemed worth this change in course

cause money and lies in murder they thrive

and Black Cloud has no remorse.

With overtime work for our booty call jerk

and respect for Ms Jackie it's thought

that SS agents ducked what he got

as his marital pay back was wrought,