US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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guns and explosives were fun

So they joined the Texans and the SS that day

to ensure the president was done.

Only things went wrong, so the driver stopped strong.

got his gun with one special round,


turned and fired past his fist, to the head So BANG! Jack's dead

while Oswald sipped on his coke after lunch.

Hoover had him sole killer sans hunch

which LBJ pushed on Warren, the goof,

who reports a Phil E. Buster spoof

with 4 feet of reading, cold and aloof.

Ford did magic in the final debate

by moving a wound from T-3 to C-8.

But Nobody noticed cause of no pics

til Zapruder appeared on Rivera's hot flicks

12 years later we get shots from front right

moving Jack's body rear & left tight.

While CBS Rather saw, 12 years back,

the body go forward on his news “act”

Now the first report of the president's death

was from Martin Kilduff, white house press,

who said what he heard from Jack's doctor

“it was a simple matter of a shot to the head”

as he pointed to his forehead instead.

Then military costs went up 240 Billion

during what would have been Kennedy's 2nd term,

while LBJ's war in Vietnam killed 55K, just for fun: one very close to home, and friends since age seven, Army Lt. Vincent Edward Duffy Jr. was sent to heaven; in what Nixon would call an honorable peace, later on.

RFK was killed by a CIA hit

for Nixon's climb to the top, and Sirhan Sirhan

is an old man, locked up where he doesn't belong, cause Bobbie's death blow came inches behind,

with Sirhan pinned to a cart, 4 feet in front.

L.A. Police, Coroner, and DA abetted this ruse,

and ignored the kill shot that couldn't have come from Sirhan pinned out of the kill zone.

But CIA programmed Sirhan's mind to be the patsy that day.

Now strangely enough Nixon was hired

by GHW's dad for answering his ad

for a malleable mouth, in law, & he was so glad.


Prescott Bush and his banking cronies backed Nixon for congress, their puppet phony

who won and pursued commie hunting for press.

Now Bush shot golf with Dwight and talked

about him running with Tricky Dick for fun

and the republican candidates for '52 won.

They won in a landslide of electoral votes.

With Dick riding high on Ike's coat.

Meanwhile LBJ rose to majority leader in the senate, so he and Ike ran the country for 6 years, together.

Big Oil owned LBJ for the money they paid him.

while CIA had their black Ops for fun

and pushed their Bay of Pigs on everyone.

Nixon was the white house lead for this and OP 40, to have killers on hand for use in special OPS

that Sturgis & Hunt would lead from close up Hoover had smut on Jack's chasing rut.

So his friend, LBJ, got the VP spot

to run with Camelot in his ‘60 election

to take over his spot before the end of his first term of work.

LBJ was way more powerful in the senate

so VP was a step down, that only Jack's death could avert.

LBJ and Bushes had friends who wanted Camelot out and both Howard Hughes and H.L. Hunt had the cash clout.

LBJ's voice, Ed Clark, and his man, Mac Wallace, would organize and plan it out.

while Dulles got Intel and SS ready and fit

So Allen could hit, with John Foster, at State;

2 brothers who'd do for themselves