move forward, they thought, smoothing a bump in the road.
From Nixon came Ford who pardoned his lord
and chose Bush # 1 for CIA gun
for national fame at no cost.
Then the GOP found their winning ticket with Reagan and spoiled Carter's Iranian hostage save
helping Reagan to be the star of the day Then Black Cloud with CIA Bush scared Reagan out loud with the son of his primary sponsor firing at Reagan as he got in the car So Bush could threaten some more if Reagan didn’t follow his plan to start the debt demise to enrich the private business sector with cash contracts for these private pirates.
The hit failed, but it's clear from the details
GHW could run the country from behind the scenes on fear, with the ego driven actor out front,
helping business to squish workers, with lopsided pay all day.
And down sizing has continued to this day
with their protector governments broke, in disarray.
I still say A Beautiful Mind can make it better for all without depriving the lives of the rich.
But there has to be trickle down of the wealth and income to enable a celebration of life below
While human population is reduced through natural attrition while preserving DNA and increasing habitat size with extinction avoidance by animal population increase.
And energy production must become non-polluting: solar and wind and water electric with storage cells proliferating while fossils fuels are left in the ground, unless used in the air The world's water sources need to be cleaned up, of poisonous chemical rot, like plastic and oil and fish nets caught.
We need balanced budgets that include debt pay down amounts for every country with a debt, by constitutional clout.
We need recall by the people of any government worker.
By a Peoples’ Representative in congress who has 20% of the vote, while staffing the government with its workers who profess support of “We the People” first, then bolster fewer above.
We need government press and TV to introduce
candidates to present their platforms and become known.
We need to eliminate lobbies and restrict private donations to modest amounts, with no donations in behalf of; so election to government positions is not
influenced by businesses, pacts, or big donor dollars.
Non partisan Volunteer Election Committees could have detailed guidelines for each position that require real answers to every item.
before a candidate is allowed on television.
These are just some of the goals I see,
many more are in :“A Beautiful Mind (With a Big Mouth?)”, free on my website above.
I hope you're energized to check this out,
to see how it makes sense to you.
Cause I believe we're all goin' down,
if we stick with the boss men above,
who murder and rob, threaten n extort
lie and deceive and act without love,
to deny us a share of their claims on Earth
while killing the planet itself