US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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To Find the Background Photographer

I will demonstrate how to find the back-up camera man for these phony panned scenes. The pictorial below shows Z frame 386 inserted over the Dealey Plaza plot plan in the upper left hand position. A red line connects Zapruder’s position on the plot plan to the top of the man hole cover across the street. Mary Moorman’s view of the knoll is shown in the golden box just to the right of the Z-386 above. It shows Roscoe White, the Police shooter on the right. Mary’s in line with that shot that hit JFK in the right temple. Also in Mary’s view is 12

an army soldier, Gordon Arnold, who witnesses the shot while filming the scene. Another Camera man is shown to the right and beside Gordon Arnold, and he’s circled in white behind the picket fence in the parking lot above the knoll. Arnold is about 15 feet behind White and the parking lot camera man about 10 ft to the right of Arnold and they’re all oblivious to each other’s positions as they focus on JFK. But the background conspiratorial camera man is this guy behind the picket fence. His view is the background shown in Z-386. The upper light blue line from the left side of the manhole cover pad, to its parallel line below it, would represent the locus of points perpendicular to the background scene shown in Z-386. The background camera man has to be within this range to produce Z frame 386’s background appearance (as shown previous pg.). The red line connecting the pad on the manhole cover to Zapruder goes thru JFK’s seat position in the limo and on the plot plan, and the little limo symbol is in scale and the tiny right rear black dot in that limo precisely represents JFK’s position on the street by the altered Z film. This demonstrates that the remake of the Z film used a background scan taken by a man behind the picket fence. Zapruder’s view of the limo seems consistent with that shown in Z-386 with mostly the right side of the limo captured through Zapruder’s camera.

The real original “in camera film” would run longer with the slow speed and pauses and stops and shot evidence that happened during the live action of the kill. Proof of this is in frames where the background people and limo group people are both in perfect focus. In a moving parade the limo group should remain in focus while the people in the background are slightly blurred due to the relative velocity of the limo to the crowd when the camera is trained on the moving limo. When the limo pauses or stops both the limo group and most of the people in the crowd are in clear focus as eg Zapruder momentarily stops his scan. Most of the stop/pause film evidence shows a frame or two with this coincidental good focus evidence. But the majority of these frames were removed and trashed to eliminate evidence (e.g. stops) of all that happened and how long it took. While stopped, clusters of shots occurred; for instance pg. 14 and pg.15 show the wide turn at the top of the street when JFK was delayed and aligned for safe shots down Elm with no collateral damage, and while the limo was at a dead stop (~4seconds) for the fatal shot, page 7 (magnified 2-300%) , when the limo was between Mary Moorman and Zapruder or the Newmans and Mary Moorman. So Mary 13

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Moorman, Jean Hill, and Mr. and Mrs Newman on the other side of the street were within 20 feet of the limo for the fatal head shots 13 and 15, right temple and right forehead. And don’t forget back and neck hits, shots 7 and 9, pg 28.

So the 3 shot scenario Oswald only, is totally bogus; there were 16-20 shots with 4 wounds minimum on JFK.

There’s a pause/stop at the island separator & 3-4 shooters in the Dal Tex are the only shooters who might possibly cross JFK’s path to the manhole cover for the 3 missed shots that hit there plus the sidewalk hit in front of Zapruder.

All other suspect shooter sites would be way over JFK’s head or have no coincidence of a JFK hit with the view of the manhole cover. I reproduced the view that these Dal Tex shooters had for shots at JFK above. He was stopped with clear street beyond at short range for the first shots. The overhead view, next page, shows witnesses, shot flurries, and his path down Elm below. It features the location of most key spectators and their movie cameras with respect to the wavy path taken to best accommodate the shooters for the kill.

A loyal researcher Don Roberdeau prepared a detailed plot plan of Dealey Plaza with range scaling and elevation (Height Above Sea Level - HASL) and notes of great value to enable the creation of a forensic ballistic shooting analysis. He wasn’t well advised for the limo path he shows. I was told how it 14

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happened. But I still couldn’t find any other researchers’ use of Roberdeau’s work with the correct path so I created my own regimen for this work that I believe is extremely accurate in tracking shots that day.

I published a summary of my shot data to account for all shots that hit or missed the president in my autobiography1 . In preparation for that document I redid my shot analysis to be more complete than my previous works. I studied and incorporated the shots at the top of the street: the “firecrackers”

that were really silenced rifles shooting subsonic rounds that could be disguised in the term “firecrackers” with silencers on those rifles. The plan was to kill JFK with a combination of multiple subsonic/silenced rounds with 3 loud, full strength, high velocity rounds spaced apart to mimic a single shooter having to reload for each shot. The single shooter patsy was Lee Harvey Oswald, who was incidental to the plan. He had a FBI manager and a CIA pay code and knew at least 1 (non-FBI) participant, Jack Ruby.

1. "Seeing The Big Picture” John C. Dean, 2019 free download on with registration and author search John C. Dean or on my website


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He was in Black OPS in the Marine Corp where he was a radar tech in the U-2

spy plane program, and part of a program that developed “doubles”,or Look alikes, who had parallel lives but didn’t know each other in the FBI, ( so the FBI could use one to create evidence on the other). The “Hiddell” name used to buy a mail order Mannlicher Carcano was on an id card with a picture of a look-alike to Lee Harvey Oswald. It was planted with Lee Harvey Oswald’s personal effects when he was arrested so he could be identified as the owner of the Mannlicher Carcano, that was chosen as the murder weapon the next morning.

This left all of Italy laughing as they knew that that rifle was insurance that the other side won the war. It would have never been chosen as the weapon to kill JFK. Besides existing ammo was 20+ years old and unreliable. And, all of Japan astutely backed JFK’s driver as the assassin from the Z film alone.

Anybody with any sense could tell that something fishy was going on when the rear shooting Oswald suspect was put forth in the media as the killer on day 2. What started that confusion was the White House press secretary who 30 minutes after the shooting told the nation and the world, for the first time, that JFK had been killed. He said the doctors told him it was a simple matter of a shot to the head, where he coincidentally pointed to his own right forehead on film released with this statement on day 1. The government contended that the pointing didn’t indicate where the bullet went in. But it did 16

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identify precisely where the kill shot hit JFK at the hair line on the right forehead. Furthermore, Roy Kellerman testified that the last two loud shots were back to back in a split second, bang-bang and no rifle existed that could back this performance at that time. That being the case, the Warren commission , bound to telling the truth, lied, in fact, to the world to close the case, quickly. At least two shooters were needed to reproduce what Roy Kellerman and the rest of the crowd heard. So direct rebuttal to a lone assassin remains, from day one by an extremely close witness, Roy Kellerman, front right seat in the limo and JFK’s personal body guard.

Furthermore LBJ told Judge Warren that Cubans were on site and if that became known, he would be forced to attack the Soviet Union ( not true).

Cubans who left Cuba were for Bautista and not communists. Irrespective, Warren got the message and found per J. Edgar Hoover’s assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. Then the government cloaked the kill and all evidence into classified information to be held for 60+ years in the interest of “national security”? This may have baffled congress. But no single person is a threat to national security with a single kill, especially when he's dead 2 days later. The whole case is bungled. Our government covers-up or lies on the facts. I present scientific proof of a 16-20 shot coup, which is the True Story of the JFK Assassination.