US Truths and Remedies by John C. Dean - HTML preview

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First, White House Press Secretary, Martin Kilduff announces JFK’s death to the world. Parkland doctors in attendance at JFK’s arrival at Parkland Hospital and assisting nurses added up to 22 people in the emergency room used.

Doctors Carrico, Baxter, Perry, and McClelland started work to assist in oxygen provision to JFK. He had a ~4mm neat round entry bullet hole below his Adam’s apple that intersected with his trachea to the lungs. Shot from the 17

front, there was no exit. They performed a tracheotomy centered on the bullet hole and inserted a chest tube to help breathing. A rear shooter would then constitute a conspiracy. Oswald was the only patsy of the government cover-up. Doctors Peters and Kemp arrived and assisted in chest compression for circulation. Blood was administered, but pumping only made bleeding worse, according to Dr. Jenkins. No brain activity was there. He was dead.

Before completing reports on their work doctors each annotated body diagram forms with notes on defects that day. Copies were available when I started research in 2008, and I had them. They have since disappeared from my computer. I know that there is intrusion into my files and things missing. I remember the 4 X 7 mm defect (bullet hole) to the right of T-3 in his back, the neat narrow round neck wound in the front with no exit. And a small high right forehead entry wound presumably connected to the 2.5 X 4

inch exit wound in the right temporal occipital region in the back of the head.

I don’t recall seeing the right temple entry hole but JFK reacted to the hit by grabbing the left side of his head with his left hand before the fatal shot.

There was no rear neck wound, identified as the entry for the magic bullet by the Warren Commission/ Gerald Ford. That was an outright Ford lie that enabled the claim for a single shooter. Nor was any proof given of Oswald's ability to track a moving target and get 8 wounds counting James Tague's from an errant bullet while firing 3 shots with a bolt action rifle in 6.5

seconds. That seems impossible for any shooter. And, in fact, 3 NRA masters all failed to get a single head hit on fixed targets, given 2 tries each with 3

rounds a piece per try in a Warren Commission sponsored test. Only 1 of 3

met the time constraint. The results proved otherwise, especially with what was found on the rifle: a missing shim under one of the feet supporting the scope of the rifle . FBI tested the rifle without the shim and got 2” X 8” AZ n EL errors at 25 yds. The weapon as found represented no threat. and Oswald shot “Maggie’s Drawers” in his Marine Corp test by missing the board that the target was mounted on. He was not a master, expert, sharpshooter, nor a marksman. He was measured laughable with his rifle by the Marine Corp. The sights were fixed before the masters tested. What is worse, the Warren Commission threw out all missed shots (on the order of sixteen) so it began as a multi fraudulent investigation, dodging the truth from the start !


And LBJ, (a murderous traitor) chose its members from the radical right wing who lied to try to stop a real investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The voluminous report measured 45 inches thick with 26

volumes, and it is a filibuster of an investigation into the murder of a US

president. We The People deserve the truth. Unfortunately the covert worldwide conspiracy was in control of America and had the backing of our Nazi- like military, who frag to keep men and officers obedient to their illegal orders. This shocking truth causes all kinds of mental problems for veterans, and, I believe that my buddy from childhood and college roommate, Lt.

Vincent Edward Duffy Jr., was also fragged for refusing to kill women and children in villages in Vietnam. The military documented ~900 fragged in Vietnam between 1969 and 1972. He was possibly one of them in 1970.

But true to his faith, I believe, he lost his life to corruption in the military. I believe that Black OPS intelligence officers accompanying the troops cause these murders. I visited his plaque on the mall in Washington and wrote a note to the staff about Vince, approximately17 years ago. Years later I got a phone call from a man asking me if I wanted to know how Vince actually died. Not wanting to possibly turn into a vengeful killer, I responded, “no.”

For this mission it’s my life that may also be done. But I, too, am a man of God and a veteran, like Vince, and neither do I have protection from a covert foe. I do know the difference between good and evil. To me, God is Love and love seeks the truth, so I seek the truth, and not the crap we have been getting.

I’m a man of logic & know how to explain the JFK murder with truth (facts and logic), and that’s what this book is all about.

So let’s get into the business of tracking shots taken at JFK. I used the scaled map of Dealey Plaza created by Don Roberdeau , a JFK

assassination researcher. I found it on the internet in 2008. A condensed version of the top of that map shows the location where JFK was shot to death with Heights Above Sea Level (HASL) and a scaled drawing of all buildings and structures on the terrain below. Part of it is shown on page 21.

Roberdeau deduced the path of the limo from the Z film, but it was in error with a modified Limo group and a conspiratorial moving background scan, not Zapruder’s original. I benefited from fellow researchers who made sure I knew of the actual path (which was not straight). For most of my work, I made space on his map, keeping the HASLs, and used the 20’ scale to create 3 other scales for my work. I show my generic shot map on the page past Roberdeau’s condensed reference. I’ve added the location of Roy Truly, 19

TSBD Supt., who saw the limo pause/stop under his nose at the top of the street which set up JFK (see pg. 22). Please look up Roberdeau’s annotated map of Dealey Plaza on the internet. It overwhelmed this book. All bullet hits he identified I carried over to my work as red encircled big red dots. All of those bullet hits are referenced in other publications that trace back to multiple people who witnessed the hits in Dealey Plaza that day. I list 2 of those shown on my generic shot map. And I use these facts for tracking shots. So I got perfect agreement with the final order of 16-20 shots, and my process is scientifically sound. To my knowledge, I present the only scientifically verified story of the JFK assassination to date.

After Roberdeau’s partial map take a look at my shot map page 22. The first shots were fired from the Dal Tex Building just east of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). I contend that Supt. Roy Truly, and motorcycle Officer Baker found Oswald in the 2nd floor lunch room within 40 seconds after the 2

loud shots at the end. He couldn’t be on the 6th floor & in the lunch room, even a minute later. On page 23, I show the view of a shot on JFK from the Dal Tex that includes Tague in the background, That happened by accident when I tried to find where Tague would be and put him in on the separator between Main and Commerce. That makes him show up in the scope view on JFK’s head in the limo when the limo is at the island separator after Greer’s hard crank on the steering wheel to get onto Elm from his wide turn. I had no idea that my art would end up so real when I looked for a place to put Tague in the picture of the view of the Dal Tex shooters. It shows JFK’s need to be oriented this way on the road to make him a safe/slow target with clear street (except for Tague) beyond, so one of the Dal Tex west facing shooters got the curb that sent a concrete chip over to cut Tague’s face. No other shooters line up on JFK and Tague at the same time; same for the manhole cover shots. To view the Roberdeau and Dean Generic Shot maps, I recommend that you “Zoom” your view to 200 % or greater to be able to read all the detail that you may want. I included high bit count files for these maps that enable this magnification of view for comfort in analyzing my shot maps.

Roberdeau has provided a time table of sorts for how it went down. My generic map also has high resolution pictorials for reading in comfort. I show Roy Truly right next to the limo at that corner turn, so his testimony is golden.

The pause/stop at the road divider curb is when fire opened up. The West facing Dal Tex shooter view was set-up with the wide turn to make an easy kill on that turn;


Image 15

but, I believe that someone, perhaps Oswald, messed with their sights. And all 3 shots missed near the man hole cover as well (went left).

Part of Don Roberdeau’s scaled & annotated map of Dealey Plaza 21

Image 16

Image 17

Image 18

Image 19



TSBD building superintendent, Roy T.r.uly, testified to the'\1/arre.n C.omrnissi that the limo driver s,y1mg too \.yide ake'the tum·onto Ehn and was headed-for the fs1and that s tes ;-;; Ehn from the Elm St. extens1on"\\•here he Roy Truly "'"'''"ill"