Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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A dark cloud hovered over that house. It moved towards the blackboard tree (also called devil’s tree) close by and a dark figure slowly enveloped the tree. The tree shook vigorously as if it was possessed. A pair of flaming eyes watched the house inquisitively. It clearly knew whom to target and was ready to strike. Tonight we have something to do. Be ready. A clandestine whisper echoed around the tree and once again it shook robustly.

She was busy cleaning the house. A new bliss filled the house. Rajeev stared at her with unblinked eyes. For him she was Mridula. Only Mridula. She doesn’t even allowed any other thoughts to enter in his head.

The house was filled with her aroma. His eyes were filled with her. He only heard her. All his senses felt only her.

After five years that old house has finally awaken. Only he and his Mridula.

She walked towards him. A cold breeze enveloped them. Her lips sketched on his forehead. A kiss rhymed on his closed eyelids. A thousand kisses made music on his lips. Their bodies intertwined and not even breeze had a space between them.

They kissed like never before and a zephyr passed chills through their spine. A divine lust embraced them to deepen their hold and they couldn’t free their lips from the most celestial union. Their veins were filled with unquenchable thirst. It was their moments. Finally an amalgamation of their desire filled souls. But the final union had to wait. She had to get rid of Joyce completely. The body was not yet hers to the whole.

When Rajeev opened his eyes, Mridula was getting ready. He was surprised.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to attend a friend’s marriage. I promised I won’t miss it.” She hid her sinister smile.

His thoughts didn’t warn him that she is not human.

“I will join you.” He sighed.

“No, my love. I want to give a surprise and that won’t be possible if you come with me.” She chuckled at some thought.

“But what will I do here all alone.” He looked desperate.

“Please.” She kissed on his forehead.

“On my lips too.” He demanded.

She pressed herself onto his chest and kissed his lips. “Wait for me here. I will come as soon as possible. We have a long day ahead.” She smiled wickedly.

“Are you planning to finish all the debts of five years tonight itself.” He replied with a naughty grin.

“Yes.” She winked. “Tomorrow is our fresh start. But this night will be a night to remember.” She promised.

“This night won’t be a night anymore.”

“It won’t. We are not going to sleep this night.” A playful smile twinkled between her lips.

“Don’t forget me when you meet your friend.” He teased her.

“It won’t take much long. I just have to pass a message, wish the couple and I will be on my way to you.” She stood up from his body.

“I will be waiting.”

“I know my dear. Haven’t I given that promise I would definitely not leave you for even a minute. Five years were long wait and I don’t want to miss you for a second. But promises are promises and should not be broken.” She kissed on his bare chest.

A vague memory rushed into his mind.

It was a rainy day. A woman said; I will be back soon. I want to be in your arms tonight.

But she didn’t keep her promise. She disappeared from his life.

She read his mind. “I don’t know what happened that day, but I promise it won’t happen again.  In an hour I will be back and this evening and night we will be together. I will keep you busy all night.” She bit her lower lips and he pulled her onto his body again.

Their lips met again and their tongue coiled like snakes. She didn’t want him to stop and he wasn’t in a hurry to let her go.

The cold zephyr once again surrounded them with an aura of lust and they felt it was irresistible.

“I will have to freshen up again.” She whispered.

“I will help you.” He replied while kissing the back of her ears.

“Just wait for an hour and you will be rewarded.” She pouted her lips.

“That’s not fair.” He puckered his eyebrows.

“Love you.” She didn’t look back but she knew his eyes were following her. I have some debts to pay.

They both had a dirty smile tugged between their lips.


As she walked inside the premises through the open gate, all the eyes were affixed on her. She was looking gorgeous in a sky blue chiffon sari with matching adornments.

Mridula decided to awaken Joyce inside her partially. She didn't want to give her full control as it could lead to lose the body. Joyce still has a tendency of suicide and once she retains her body she may go that extreme path.

Joyce. She whispered inside.

What are you doing with my body? She responded immediately.

That's irrelevant. We are here, at your boyfriend's house.

What, why are we here?

You said that you wanted revenge, remember?

I don't know what kind of revenge I want.

Leave that to me, I will take over when it is necessary.

What are you going to do?

Whatever is needed, you just wait and watch.

Joyce didn't reply. She had no idea what the spirit inside her could do. It has sucked into her body and now she has no power over her own outer shell. Ever her own mind and thoughts are been controlled.

Joyce, everyone is looking at us.

Not us, me. This is my body. Joyce wished to have her body back. She wanted to run away from here but unfortunately the control wasn't with her. She was helpless. I have been here couple of times. I know every member of his family.

Mridula could know every thoughts Joyce had. She smiled inside. Yes, this is your body. They are looking at you. It is because you are looking impeccable.

She walked towards the house guided by the ghoul and whispers arouse around her. Naresh's family members wondered what she is up to. Will she create a ruckus? Relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbours and many other people looked at her as if she is the bride. Auspicious moments for the marriage ceremony were getting closer. Naresh's parents were thinking about how to get rid of her silently.

As she entered inside the house a hand stopped her.


Mohan sat at a corner of his room. He locked the room from inside and switched off all the lights. He preferred the dark and expected the darkness would save him. He didn’t know he was drastically wrong. A dark cloud slowly moved down from the sky over his house. Two spheres glowed in the dark. The dark fumes slowly entered inside the room and shaped into a human form. The lights started flickering and he saw the fumes spreading inside the room and two hands like structures coming towards him.

