Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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As she entered inside the house a hand stopped her. It was Naresh’s mother.

“Come with me. I have to talk with you.” She dragged her.

Joyce walked with her into a bedroom. Janaki, Naresh’s mother quickly locked the door from inside and turned towards her.

"Why are you here?" Janaki glared at her.

"I... I want..." She stuttered. Mridula decided to take over. "I want to see Naresh and talk with him." Her voice was stubborn and Janaki was surprised.

"You already know he stopped every bonding he had with you. Today is his marriage. So you should leave now without creating any scene." Her voice said she was worried and she didn’t want her here.

"Aunty…I..." Joyce stuttered again. "I told you I just want to talk with him and I will leave." Mridula spoke arrogantly.

Janaki was taken aback. In one moment Joyce was pathetic and out of words and in the next moment she became bold and persistent. She noticed the change in voice, it felt like she suddenly becoming another person.

Please don't interfere. Joyce warned Mridula.

You are unable to speak properly.

Can't you see I am trying?

You are only showing her your weaker side. It was the main reason you were thrown out.

"You can talk with him later, not now. The bride's people will be here anytime."

Joyce waited but didn't reply. She thought Mridula will answer. Do it your way. She willingly gave her the authority. I will be a spectator. Let me see how strong a woman can be.

Joyce did felt Mridula smiling inside. She knew the heat of vengeance starting to boil inside her heart.

"I will finish it before they come or else ..."

Janaki raised her eyebrows. "Or else?" She stared at her, frowning.

"It is better you don't know." She walked towards the door and unlocked it. Janaki wanted to stop her but she couldn’t move as if an unseen hand has wrapped her in its grasp. Joyce climbed the stairs ignoring all the stares of the crowd. After entering Naresh's room she locked it from inside. Two of his friends were with him. They looked at her anxiously. Joyce was even more nervous to see Naresh again.

"Today is your last day." Mridula laughed with an evil tone.

She was someone else. She wasn't the Joyce he knew all these years. Joyce never talked aloud; she was soft like a kitten. Not even a stare of anger comes from her. Even her devilish grin was alien to him. Naresh couldn't stop staring at her eyes. There was anger, rage and all the malicious emotions inside her irises. But she was flawlessly beautiful.

You are not the Joyce I once loved. He said to himself. His friends were also in similar shock. But you are such a beauty I wouldn’t want to miss.

Joyce was terrified inside. She never heard such a malicious laugh. And now that has come from within her. She is going to kill him. The lover side of her never wished that to happen but a novel secret side of her wanted to see him hurt but not dead.

Are you going to kill him?

Don't weaken me with your emotions.

I said I don't want this marriage to happen. I don't want to kill him.

Shut up Joyce. Just wait for his reaction.

Promise me you won’t kill him.

I can’t promise now. Situations can change anytime. Let him save himself.

"Joyce I still love you." He started.

Did you hear that?

"But this marriage is already fixed and I can’t change that."

His parents put him in this situation. He is helpless. Joyce defended him.

Keep quiet and listen.

“Let's be together secretly.” He smiled wickedly. “Look at you; I am not blind to see how beautiful you are.”

Joyce heard Mridula smirking inside her.

He wants you to be his whore. He has just lust for your body. He doesn't love your soul.

“I still love you. I don't want you to be away from me. I will give you all the happiness.” He said while adjusting his dhoti.

“What will be the name of this relationship?”  She scoffed.

“Not all beautiful relationships bear a name. But I am sure ours will be bound by love.”

“Or only lust?”

“It doesn’t matter as long as we are together.”

“I don't want to be a subject of fulfilling your thirst.” Fire lit up inside Mridula.

 Joyce didn't say a word. She knew she can't. He broke her heart again. She remembered how eagerly he wanted to have a physical relationship. He wanted to use her before he leaves her. But somehow she resisted his provocations.

Naresh looked at his friends and some messages have been transmitted through stares.

“Let’s not waste these precious moments. I want you Joyce. I have a longing desire. This will be my marriage gift from you.” He smiled wickedly and advanced towards her.

Mridula smiled back and waited. He got closer to her and kept his hands on her shoulders.

“If you cooperate we all can enjoy.” He leaned to kiss her. But a hefty blow landed on his left cheek and what he saw were only stars revolving and rotating around his eyes. It wasn't a woman’s weak hit but it felt like a sledge hammer. As he covered his face in his palms he tasted blood in his mouth.

“I think you didn't hear me clearly when I entered this room.”

 His friends were running towards her but halted to hear her words.

“Today is your last day.”

 I support you. Joyce whispered. He doesn't deserve to live.

I know you will finally say that. Mridula chuckled.

“Are you threatening us? We are three, men and you alone. You think you can walk out of this room.”

 One of the friends stared at her chest and wetted his lips.

I am not alone. Joyce whispered. Can we survive? She shared her concern with Mridula.

Don't worry. I can handle this.

The lights in the room started flickering. Air moved violently around her. The ambience slowly changed vehemently.

She saw a hand flashing hard at her. She stood unmoved but raised her elbow to stop the blow. He screamed aloud as if he has been stopped by an iron rod. He felt his bone cracked, flesh damaged and pain scorched through his nerves. The other one kicked her hips but was stopped in midair. She twisted his leg and he lost his balance. Even after he fell she didn't let go of the hold but twisted even more. Naresh saw her hand also twisting along.

She is inhuman.

“Leave me.” The guy cried.

 Naresh took a flower vase and threw at her. It hit her and broke into pieces as if it was hit against a concrete wall. She smiled at him and then twisted the leg sharply. His calf bone shattered and protruded out of his flesh. Blood squirted out.

Joyce closed her eyes as she couldn't watch the blood.

You can't close your eyes.

I don't want to see.

I am taking over completely.

They are all yours. Leave me out of this.

With pleasure, but you will watch. I will make you watch and give you the satisfaction of revenge.

Her fist moved fast and crashed into the other friend’s chest. His ribs were broken and the blow did heavy damage to his heart. His heart beats decreased and he collapsed unconsciously to the ground.

Naresh stood up trembling. “Who are you?”

 Mridula smiled in return.

“Joyce I am sorry I tried to hurt you.”

“She's gone.” A different voice answered.

Gone? He stood confused.

“She is never coming back. Joyce has left you with me and my time begins.” A sinister laughter followed the words.

She walked towards him and grabbed his throat and thrown him upwards onto the rotating fan.

His body was scattered. The flesh and blood were strewn over the walls.

Bye Joyce, this body is now mine. 

