Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Rajeev looked at himself in the mirror. He has changed.

That decimated man who came to the village has now transformed into a lively man. His grafted cheeks fluttered. Eyes had a new spark. His skinny body was full with a new energy. He could fell his heart pounding with a new rhythm of life. He could see the old Rajeev reeling with strength five years ago standing across the mirror and smiling at him. The old man with vigor and glory grinned at the new man who was rediscovering himself. 

You are doing well. He congratulated. Soon you will become what you were five years ago. 

Rajeev smiled back at his mirror image. I will. Now I have my Mridula back.

He remembered that evening when he lost her; he lost all the essence of his life. It was their second wedding anniversary. As usual she went to her office. He took a leave for the surprise arrangements. No one was invited; he wanted to keep it for them. The interior was decorated and a thousand candles illuminated the room. No light bulbs were switched on other than in the verandah. A cake was set on the table in the hall which had an image inscribed of their wedding day, Rajeev and Mridula looking at each other into their eyes. He opened a small rectangular case and saw a new gold necklace which he was to present her today. Time crawled slowly and he felt like eternity. Unexpectedly rain showered down. He wore a cream dhoti with thick silk lining and white cotton shirt. He dialed her when her office time ended.

She said. "I left the office and will soon join you. I want to be in your arms tonight." He could feel the snicker tugged between her lips. But she never reached.

After half an hour he tried her number again but it went to the operator who said, the subscriber you are reaching is either out of coverage area or switched off.

Hours snaked off and she was never in coverage area. Candles burned out and the room was engulfed by darkness. He didn't know what to do, where to search but waited in the void of blackness. Where are you?

“Rajeev, I love you.” Mridula said with all the passion she could have. She stood behind him admiring his looks in the mirror.

“I love you Mridula. I don’t want to lose you again.”

Even before he could complete the sentence her lips crashed into his. He holds her tight as if he doesn’t want to let her go. He wanted her to be with him till the end of life. He wanted to get old with her and see their future generations. He wanted to be happy with her and their kids.

The thuds in their chests grew louder and single in rhythm. Sweet moans escaped her lips as his tongue crawled into her mouth and intertwined with her tongue.

She left out a heavy sigh of desperation as he released her lips.

“How long I waited for this moment?” He said.

She could understand that. She too was waiting, unknowing what happened to her.

Once again they realized that their lips were sealed in the ecstasy of a passionate kiss. He pressed her head towards him and the kiss was long and ardent. Their eyes were closed, goose bumps filling up their skin and heartbeats getting into the sequence of synchronization.

“Today our new life starts.” He muttered in her ears.

“Don’t forget our past. We need, I need to know what I missed and how I missed.”

Rajeev didn’t respond.

“It wasn’t fate that we were away from each other, but we were forced to be separated. I can feel that.”

“I don’t understand what you are implying.”

“I didn’t die a natural death. I think I was killed. And my reason of demise shouldn’t go uninvestigated.” She growled.

“Tomorrow we will start looking for answers. But tonight…” He tried to calm her. He waited five years; he could not wait any longer.

“Yes love, tonight we start afresh.” She moaned. “We have to settle our five years of drought.” She squealed with lust. She was longing to be with him. She waited in her spirit all these years.

He too has ached for her. He missed both his home and his love.

They started again with locking their lips and allowed the sensation to entwine themselves together turning into wild passion. It was just a matter of minutes for them to surrender themselves to the sensation of love and the unquenchable thirst of lust took over. They both unveiled themselves to each other and stared at with pleasure and satisfaction. Submission was the only thing that enveloped them and they found themselves in the sweetest union as their torsos intertwined like serpents. Groans moans and whimpers squeezed out of them till the pleasure splattered out of them.


Adam woke up early. He looked at the luminescent dials of the clock. It said 4 am. He took the bottle of water from the table and gulped a few mouthfuls. He could see the gore and blood of the dead man in front of his eyes. He had seen worse accidents but this was unnerving. Some maniacs must be behind this. He thought as he stretched his muscles. He looked at the folder kept at the table. It was details about Arun,

Arun, twenty nine years old had black hair and green eyes. He had achieved black belt in karate. He can easily face three or four men on his own. A businessman by profession, he is mostly into real estate and construction. He had his chain of restaurants and was running successfully. Illegal land dealings and property disputes have been reported against him but most of the cases had been compromised. He is no saint. Maybe he deserved it.

Adam closed the file. We are lucky that the media doesn’t know about this murder. He thought scratching his head. But when we hand over the body to the family, questions arise. How can that situation be handled?

His mobile phone buzzed and he saw there was an incoming text. He read it. ‘Come at once. I have the postmortem reports.’

 I’m coming. Let me hear what you have to say.

He stood up and walked into the bathroom when the lights started buzzing. Brightness increased unexpectedly and he thought the bulbs were going to explode. He was blinded by the light. A white silhouette moved alongside him silently but he couldn’t see.

He took a quick shower and dressed in pale blue shirt and black denims. He decided to take him motorbike instead of the jeep.

He didn’t notice a white cloud formation above his cloud. It followed him all the way he travelled along the quiet road.

