Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Fr. Abel suddenly jumped out of his bed. He was sweating profusely. He knew he has had a horrendous daydream. He tried to remember but wasn’t able to recollect anything. Something was obscuring his memory. He slowly rubbed his salt and pepper beard.

Something is after him. His life is in danger. I need to meet him immediately.

He slipped out of the bed and turned the lights on. The clock said 4.38 pm. He draws a cross on his forehead. O father, who art in heaven, holy be thy name… He started praying.

He was forty years, an elegant looking man with broad chests and a fit athletic body. He used to work out when he was young and has managed to keep his physique enviable, courtesy of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

He quickly made some calls and arranged a deacon to take over the church duties from tomorrow and informed the bishop’s house that he won’t be available for next few days. He didn’t give a conveying reply to where he was going but his words appeared to be of high significance.


Lights flickered rapidly and he saw two hands like structures approaching him fast. There was no time to panic but yet he was terrified of the sight.

A lot of thoughts ran into his head and Arun’s mangled body came before his eyes.

He guessed it right. Some ghost is behind them and it took his friend’s life. Now it is after him. He had only read in stories and watched in movies about ghosts and demons but this was entirely different. The smoke assembled together at a corner of the room and formed into a fetus. It was unbearable sight to see a bloody fetus with life. Its small hands and legs were moving and he saw its chest pumping. The scream was penetrating through his ears. It still hadn’t a full human form as it was in a developing stage. Mohan has never seen a living fetus before in his life. His throat went dry. His eyes were blinded. He wished he was seeing a dream. Two small hands lengthened towards his neck and a deafening cry of babies filled the atmosphere.

His only choice was to run and he ran for his life. Within seconds he opened the door and ran towards the kitchen. The fetus again turned into smoke and it followed him swiftly. Mohan saw someone standing in the kitchen. He could see only the backside of the person. It was a man and Mohan felt he was familiar.

“Who are you?” His words stuttered out of his mouth. He looked back but no smoke was following him. It has disappeared. Was it some delusion?

There was no answer and the man didn't turned too. He asked again in a louder and bold voice. “Who are you and what are you doing in my home?”

The man turned his head towards him and smiled. “Did you forget me?” His voice was sinister and smile was demonic.

He recognized the person. He has seen him. This meeting has already been anticipated. But he never expected him in his home, not an untimely visit. Is he behind Arun’s death? Is he who takes revenge?

“Why are you here?” Mohan stuttered again.

“I was waiting for this meeting for a long time.” His smile grew more maleficent.

Fear filled every cell of his body. What is he up to? He knew the answer but wished otherwise.

“Why?” Mohan was shivering and sweating profusely.

“I want an answer. Why did you kill me?”

His eyes shrunk with fear but he found a ray of hope. I didn't. His voice was stuck and he had to say again after clearing his throat. “I didn't kill you. No one did. You are very much alive.”

 His laughter was aloud. “You killed me.”

The voice was angry and Mohan saw fire in his eyes.

“You crushed my head with a stone. How can you forget that? You burned me alive.”

His dread multiplied hearing those last words. He remembered hitting someone but it wasn’t this man. He was never there. There was no way he would know that unless... His heart beat faster. …unless he is already dead and he is a ghost. Black fumes made a wing like structure behind him which further strengthened his thoughts and doubled his fear.

Mohan clearly remembered that night, that godforsaken night at that ground where Arun had a horrible death. He knew whom he hit that night and what they did after that. He started it by hitting the person behind the head and making unconscious. They ensured that there was no one at that ground as it was abandoned long way back. They were waiting for that moment for a long time and they would never forget that night, it was equally delicious and horrible. They chose an unusual end to the night and it eventually erased all the deliciousness of the moments they had earlier. They were unable to savour the pleasure.

But not even a worm would have known what happened there that night.

Mohan stared at the person standing in front of him. He looked very much human. But the smoky wings were unearthly. How did he know? That question roamed over his head, like a wandering demon. Fright filled his heart but survival instinct rose over. He wanted to live. He didn’t want a horrible death like his friend. He had just a single option remaining. Plea for mercy!

“I am sorry, it was a mistake.” He pleaded. “You killed Arun, please spare me. I will do anything for you.” He looked hopefully into his eyes.

The man in front of him smiled and it grew sinistrously wide. “I know you will do anything I want.”

"Yes, anything you say. I am sorry I was involved in all that but I am innocent." He was trying to make a mental rapport between them.

"I hope you remember everything that even the night also witnessed. It was a horrific night." He secretly looked at his face to see his sentiments. But it was emotionless.

"And you are claiming to be innocent. Aren't you ashamed to betray your friends when death knocks at your door? You don't even deserve to use that word. Even innocence will get filthy. I remember that night when we were together at that ground. You gave me the worst death anyone could ever have." His voice was calm as if it was the silence before the storm.

"I am sincerely apologizing to you. I already told you I will do anything for you."

 “Yes you will. You will die like you killed me. You will smash your head, crack it open and scatter your brain all around this place and I will watch.”

He looked deeply into Mohan’s eyes and as in a dream he moved closer towards the wall. He bends his back and with full force slammed his head onto the wall. His forehead was ruptured and blood started flowing down. He repeatedly banged his head till he was unable to move his head. His head was worsely cracked, the skull broke, red fluid flowing down like a stream. The wall cracked and blood splattered in the gaps.

The man in black enjoyed the sight and he definitely liked the sound of the thuds. A deafening silence filled the kitchen. Mohan was struggling to stand erect. He was shaking, his legs were wobbling, and his sight was blinded by blood flowing from the big wound on his forehead. Flesh was torn off and the skin was hanging yet he smiled as if he has fulfilled his master’s wish. He was really a mess but this wasn’t going to stop any soon.

The man made a growl and Mohan walked towards the kitchen closet. He took out a knife and started scratching all over his body. He torn away his clothes and stood completely naked. In a few minutes he was just a blood covered flesh. There wasn’t an inch of his body from where blood was flowing. Groans and growls came out of his mouth. His breath was fading and his legs were fragile. Knife fell down from his hands and his whole body followed. A thousand fetuses lay around him and a million cries filled the atmosphere. The room was full of blood and the sight was horrendous.

The dark man walked towards him. He caught hold of his legs and effortlessly raised him and smashed him hardly onto the ground. His head exploded and his brain splattered onto the wall and the tiled floor.

“You smashed my head and I have destroyed it.” An evil echo filled the room.

He then kept his right leg over his head and with full force pressed it down. He heard the bones cracking and soft flesh crushing under his foot.

He looked at the shattered pieces with satisfaction and walked out through the kitchen door.


Shah was approaching Mohan’s house and he saw the silhouette of a man walking out of the gate. He couldn’t recognize the shadow. An uninvited guest. He whispered. What the hell he is doing here?

