Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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“I don't think it is a ghost. There should be a better explanation to this.” Adam couldn’t digest that a ghost attacked him. Someone played a cheap trick. Whoever he is, he didn’t want him to reach his destination.

“Since when did you become an atheist?” Adam didn't reply. Abel continued. “You should turn to God. You need him badly.”

“Don't worry brother; I can take care of myself.” Though Adam's inner self doubted that. You are the God of your life. That was his motto. The body or the outer shell is the holy shrine and the heart is the sanctum sanctorum. The soul is the power source and is divine, the true god.

Abel is Adam’s older brother. He is three years elder but they were friends since childhood. Abel decided to become a priest even though Adam didn't want that to happen. He didn't want to be away from him. He didn't want to miss his best friend. Abel was adamant in his decision. He wanted Adam to be strong without him.

He remembered they were religious and never missed a mass together. They always came first in the church and stood in front. A lot has changed. Abel thought.

He prayed silently. God, forgive him for he doesn't know what he is saying. Enlighten him with divine knowledge and save him from all the darkness.

“Adam, Christ is the true god and you can’t deny that.”

“I am not questioning your faith, but my belief is not like yours.”

Abel gazed at his younger brother.

“Look I am not saying Christ is fake, I follow his teachings too. I accept his words, especially about belief.”

“Yet, you do not believe in him. Why?”

“I now know the difference between facts and fiction.” Adam sneered.

“Excuse me.” His eyes narrowed.

“Leave it, Abel.” Adam was in no mood to argue with his brother.

“No, I want to know what is in your mind.” 

“I believe in a supreme power that's unexplainable by words.” Adam said matter of factly.

“We call it god.” Abel replied, his voice firm.

“Yes, you call it god but I don't. I prefer to call it just a supreme power. And it is always inside you.”

“Are you claiming you are god?”

“No, each individual has limitless powers deep within. Even all the religions say to look within you to find God.”

“Do you even realize what you are saying?”

“I am sane and full of senses.” Adam gazed at him. You have eyes yet you won’t see.

“So according to you all humans are gods.”

“Human being is just an outer shell. The divine matter of man is buried fathoms inside him.”

They both didn’t know where the conversation was going and how it is going to end.

“I don't know how to explain this but people are blinded by religion. When something unexpected happens they need something to hold on and you guys gave them irrational explanations of gods. You say God loves you but he always favours the rich and corrupted but troubles the poor and innocent. I don’t know what kind of God is that and why humans should respect those God. For me all the good and evil is inside human heart and all the power is within him. He needs to utilize it well so he can be a better being.”

“You are insulting the lifelong beliefs and blaming the Gods for sorrows and poverty.”

“Man worshipped the forces of nature all over the world. Because those forces were beyond their knowledge and understanding. But the true power was lying inside him. Few understood and they created, invented machines to acquire power over others. The good and evil came out of him. People created religions to group themselves for good and then gods were made. Some evil minds used the religion to create blind faith for their personal benefits. There is a saying, all the fights were made for God, and no one ever waged a war for devil. There is only one god and that is love. Every religion created on earth is based on one principle, humanity. Unfortunately humans lack humanity. They never understand their true worth and the god they are seeking is buried within them.” 

“What has gotten inside you? This is blasphemy. You will go to hell for this.”

“I am not afraid of hell. Both hell and heaven is here. Right now I am having a hell like situation here. I will find out what stopped me.”

“You are fighting against some powerful evil forces. It came in my dream. I think it has now conquered your heart and soul.”

“What?” Adam was surprised. You are now making up stories.

“Yes, that's why I started early and luckily I found you. I saw the dark cloud enveloping you and seeing me just in a nick of time it left you. You are lucky that a messenger of god came to your rescue. You need Christ, Adam. Only he can save you.”

“I do believe in miracles father.” He smiled. “I will find it and make it answer for the murders it committed. I know it is some human minds playing some gimmicks.”

They both heard a snarl. It came from the hall. They looked through the door and saw a thickened mist slowly coming through. Abel started reciting prayers but it made no effect on the dark fog. Fumes spread out widely and they could hear whispering and rustling sounds and it echoed inside the room.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Abel’s panicked tone escaped his lips. He did sense a presence of something obscure.

A heavy sigh was the reply. They heard muffled screams around them. A pungent smell of flesh along with fresh blood filled their nostrils.

The priest took out his rosary and a holy cross and showed it towards the voice.

They are impuissant. A dark malevolent voice whispered. They felt it was coming from abyss. Muffled screams of babies surrounded them.

A rumbling sound followed and they could hear a small wind generating inside the room. It slowly became turbulent and shattered everything around. It threw them hardly towards the wall. Adam felt his bones breaking and Abel was lucky to fall on Adam.

Slowly the wind seized. The room was a total mess. There wasn’t a single thing that hasn’t been dispositional. Most of the items were shattered into pieces.

I will be watching unbeknownst. They heard the echo fading away.

“I now believe in ghosts.” Adam muttered under his breath.

