Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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This is way too powerful than I anticipated. I don't know how to counter it. Abel thought. He looked at his brother. He was lying on the ground like an old sack, crumbled.

Abel heard his words clearly. “I now believe in ghosts.”

Even at that moment a twinkle tugged his lips.

“Well that’s a start. Now believe in God too.” He replied. He checked where he is lying. He offered his hand but he refused. He wasn’t in a position to accept that. Adam could feel the pain searing through his hands and he know it could be broken or at least suffered couple of cracks.

“Do you remember anything when it attacked you on road?” Abel asked eagerly. What was that thing?

 “I remember one thing … from that road incident.” Adam raised his head and looked at the priest. He gritted his teeth in pain. His eyes were half closed. “It said … it was killed … before … it was born. Does it … ring any … bell in your … paranormal … experiences.” His voice came breaking and unclear.

Abel was doing some researches in paranormal experiences and exorcisms. Though he felt some mild occurrences he never encountered with such a great force. It was nothing like what he has ever researched or heard about or encountered with.

“How can that be possible? How can something never been born could be alive?”

 “I have no idea.”

“What is your condition now?” He asked in a concerned tone.

“A lot of bones might be broken. I can only feel pain piercing through my body. My entire structure is dismantled.” He was finding it difficult to speak.

 Abel could see how much he must be suffering listening to his words. He gritted his teeth hard in pain and his fists were clenched.

Abel looked around. It was indescribable. The room looked like a dumping ground. The closet doors were ripped open and clothes torn and thrown. Books were scattered. Mirrors and glasses were now broken crystals. Even the ceiling fan has come out of its hook but luckily it didn't fell on them.

This was a warning. Abel knew it. It just wants Adam to keep away from something. Well it has succeeded now. He dialed 101 for the ambulance and then to the police station. He stood up and checked whether he himself was okay. A lot of scratches and lines of blood but he felt nothing serious.


“Someone is hunting us.” Alex whispered in Shah’s ears.

“Yes, I know who it is. I have seen him” He whispered back looking here and there to see no cops are watching them. If someone hears then they have to say why they are hunted. He himself doesn’t know the person. He doesn’t want to be a prey.  He was always a predator.

“What? You know and you are not telling.” Alex’s voice was a little louder.

“Shh, lower your voice.” He murmured seeing a few cop’s stare is being flashed at them.

They were at Mohan’s house still in shock. They couldn’t even look at his shattered head which was now unrecognizable. The skull was smashed into smithereens and the brain splattered around the body. His body was full of cuts and blood clotted over them. His chest and belly was cut open and the bowels were out.

“How could someone be so evil enough to kill a man this way?” They heard a constable saying.

“There is surely more than one person. They could be under the influence of high dose drugs. Let’s check if there is any robbery attempt. There must be a reason to kill.” Inspector Hameed signaled his subordinates for a thorough search.

“There is only a single bastard. And he came only to kill.” Shah muttered under his breath. Alex clearly heard his words.

Shah walked out of the door to get some fresh air and Alex followed. Out of the hearing distance of the cops, Alex asked Shah. “Who is hunting us?”

“I don’t know.” Shah gritted his teeth. “I saw someone walking out of Mohan’s house.”

“Are you sure he is the man?” Alex couldn’t believe that.

He nods his head and told the whole thing he saw last night. As he approached Mohan’s house he saw the man coming out of the gate and walking off. Shah parked his car inside the porch and went inside and saw the horrible sight. He immediately dialed police and then Alex. He then sped his car towards the direction the man went. He saw the man moving quickly and kept a safe distance to know where he lives. That man went towards the old highway and disappeared into the woods.

“I don’t want to be hunted.” Alex mumbled.

“Neither do I. Let’s finish him. We shouldn’t give him to the police.” Shah grunted in a malevolent tone.

“For Arun and Mohan.” Alex grunted.

“For Arun and Mohan.” Shah clenched his fists.


He looked outside. Few ravens cawed sitting on a nearby bael tree (aegle marmelos). Dark clouds filled the sky and obscured the sun turning it scary dark.

The omen is bad. Something bad is about to happen.

He recited a few chants but his mind was still veiled by something unknown.

What is it? It is covering itself as if it doesn’t want to be revealed.

“Lord, it seems like a disaster is coming.” Narayan, a fifty year old man with cunning eyes and chiseled body looked at the sky. A sigh escaped his lips. He has seen many such signs in the sky before and he knows whether it is bad or not.

“Narayan, we have a visitor. He will be joining for lunch.”

“Yes lord.” Narayan politely shook his head. He looked at the six foot tall structure of the man standing in front of him. Sharp eyes and wide forehead, long raven black hair touching the shoulders, thick mustache with the ends twirled upside, strong and fit body, the man was truly majestic. But today he saw an unrecognizable worry in his face. He has never seen such an emotion in him. He was fearless and confident. The forty four year old sorcerer was too powerful and his name was enough to scare away even the mightiest demons.

Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri!

Narayan served his father Devadattan Namboothiri and after his death his is now serving the son. Undoubtedly son was greater sorcerer than the father. But now he is seeing a concern on this mighty sorcerer’s face.

It might be worse.

“What is it? You seem so occupied and uneasy.”

He winded his arms across each other. “Something is hiding in plain sight and yet I am unable to trace it out. It is there out for blood. Even the idols I worship are silent. It has no shape. I can see only a dark smoke, what is inside it is invisible. It possesses immense power. I don’t know what it is and how to face it.”

“Why do you want to face it?”

“You will know it soon. It is now headed towards us.”

“Did we provoke it?”

“No, but someone did. It is sober as well as dangerous. We have to know what it wants. We have no other option other than to face it.”

First time in his life Narayan felt fear. Sweat ran down from both his temples. He looked at his lord, unless for a few wrinkles of anxiety on the forehead, Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri was unmoved.

“What’s to come won’t stay behind. It has to come and it will. It only knows what it wants from us. Let’s be prepared. Shambho Mahadeva (oh favourable great god).”

He walked inside and strolled to the sacred temple room. He had to perform some rituals. He needs to know who the intruder is and know how to counter the invisible force before it could cause damage to him and his loved ones.

He sat in front of the brick made open fireplace. Fire was already burning inside it. He offered some pure ghee along with bael leaves and crown flowers. Flames blazed ferociously and Brahmadevan whispered some spells to invoke his idols.

