Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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He tried to remember the face. I have seen the face before. But where?

He was standing by the side of the street and smoking a cigarette. His eyes were on the road to check if any policemen were coming. He didn’t want to pay fine for smoking in public but he wanted to enjoy the smokes even though the warnings were skyrocketing. Government placed statutory warnings but never wanted to ban the production. That time he saw a bike passing and he saw a girl sitting behind whose face seemed familiar.

By the time they went out of his sight. He couldn’t stop thinking. It was too familiar face and he wanted to know. The way she winded her arms around him told him they were too close.

Then he recalled, Joyce. She came at a wedding and killed the groom. He was there at the wedding. He heard the stories of love and cheating after the murder.

Who is the guy she is travelling with? Her new boyfriend? Did she kill him for this guy? Did he help her for revenge? A new question aroused in his mind. Who cheated whom?

He threw the cigarette away after he had enough.

The man started walking after picking up the mobile from his pocket to place a call to the police station. He was still thinking about the girl. How much guts she would have had to murder the groom? Not just that, she is now roaming around through the streets after a couple of days. He thought he should appreciate her daring. But more than that he was thinking about the reward police has announced to whomsoever gives information about her.

Behind him he heard a thunderous roar. He looked back to see a black dog staring at him. It was panting, mouth open and the tongue was out, thick red liquid dripping from its fangs. It had red eyes and was quite larger in size. He heard the growl and its eyes were affixed on him. He knew it was a dangerous situation. He looked around; no one was to be seen.  He took two steps back and the dog advanced two steps. The growl grew louder and he was afraid to move. The dog waited for him to make the move and he realized that. He stood fixed to the ground not knowing how long he has to wait that way. He wished someone to pass through.

He heard another growl from behind. He was afraid to look back but somehow he did. For his fear he saw another dog, grey and black in colour staring murderously towards him. He again looked in front and saw the dog has advanced few more steps.

He heard few more growls from the sides and saw more dogs approaching from each of the sides.

What is happening? He didn’t know. He will never know.

As he watched the black dog was dangerously close. He had only one option unless anyone passes through this road but that has seemed a distant hope. He decided to run but he doubted he may not outrun them. And he ran as fast as he could. Behind him, the dogs.

He ran faster. He ran for his life. He didn't check through which paths he took to run. He was afraid to look back but he knew they were behind. Growls were heard above his heartbeat. He felt his legs tiring but he shouldn’t stop. The beasts are ready to pounce on him. Their teeth ready to pierce through his flesh. He really wished he could slow down. His heart was thumping faster. His lungs were out of oxygen. His calf muscles shrinking inwards. He used his mouth to suck in chunks of air.

Far away he heard sirens. He recognized it; police and ambulance. They are not far. His eyes sparkled with hope. He found a new wave of energy in his veins and sprinted forward as quickly as he can. He heard the barks getting bolder and louder and getting intense. He knew they are too close and the numbers have increased alarmingly. Afar he heard the sirens going away and again fear enveloped him. He wished at least someone would see him and help him.

By the time he entered the road he saw no one, it was deserted. His last hope was gone. His panting grew heavier but for his surprise he now heard nothing from behind. He halted for a second and looked back. The grey and black beasts have stopped and were staring at him. He took his time to breathe heavily. He was panting; he could feel the wear in his muscles. Sweat ran down his temples. He was perspiring profusely and in a matter of seconds he was drenched in sweat.

Why did they stop? He asked himself with surprise. He looked in front and saw the abandoned highway. He once again looked at the dogs and they were slowly advancing. He slowly walked with his stares moving backwards. The beasts were maintaining some distance but they were not leaving. He stood in the middle of the road and gazed both sides. It was vacant but as he looked he saw some dust from the far ends of the road. It was quickly advancing towards him. He crossed the road and the warning welcomed him. His fear multiplied as he saw what was behind the dust. Thousands of bison, black and fierce was running towards him. Both sides were blocked and he had only one place to go. Run through the old highway!

They took me here. He muttered in horror. There will be no one he could meet till he gets to other end of the highway and he has to run more than ten kilometers with the wild beasts running behind thirsty of his blood. Growls, snarls and roars filled the air and he saw the animals getting alarmingly close. He ran again through the highway road. It was really difficult to run through already dilapidated pathway and he ran into the shrubs. From there he entered the forest region. He was coming there first and he didn't know what lied ahead. He had no other way but once he entered into the forest he thought he could lose them in the woods. Then he saw through the trees an open ground that lay ahead. He can't go there; he has to find another way.

He found something, a tree, thin and easy to climb. He ran towards it and jumped onto it and climbed swiftly. He left out a huge sigh of relief. He climbed upwards and seated comfortably between the branches. He looked underneath him to see a sea of bison and feral canines staring wildly at him. The whole atmosphere went silent. He closed his eyes, his breathing still heavy and felt as if he is safe for the moment.

The sky was getting dark, and dark fumes slowly floated towards him. The monsters made way for the shadow to pass through and reach under the tree. It slowly climbed up and formed a shape and seated beside the man.

He felt something moving in front of him and opened his eyes. Two balls of fire were staring at him. He screamed. The tree shook itself vigorously and the man fell down in the middle of the blood sucking brutal animals. He saw his hands broken. Still somehow he stood up and ran again into the open ground and the dogs followed him. He reached at the center of the ground but was surrounded by innumerous canines from everywhere. He knew this is the end. He will be torn into pieces, sharp fangs tear his flesh and his blood will be sucked up. As he thought he felt the first bite on his broken hand, teeth pierced into his tissue and waves of pain embracing his whole body.

