Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Fr. Abel sighed in relief. He rushed towards the man who saved his life. He was impressed by his power. How soon did he clear the devil! He now knew he has come to the right place. This man can save me and Adam. He looked into his eyes. It was regal and overpowering.

"I didn't know it was following me." He had to apologize. "Thank you for saving me." He showed his gratitude through his words. He left out a sigh of relief.

"Come in." The man welcomed him. "Narayan, a chair." He called to his ardent follower. His voice echoed inside the mansion.

He seated himself on his reclining chair. He closed his eyes and his fingers ran over the chain made with rudraksha beads. Without opening his eyelids he said. "It didn't follow you. It hasn't come here."

Surprised, Abel asked. "Then what was that, the heavy winds and the change of surroundings. I know it is unnatural. There was some unseen power behind that sudden change. I felt the sensation of some unearthly force."

"It was just a glimpse of its power and a warning." Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri was calm. He wiped his face gently with the open palm.

"It is warning me, right?" Abel looked at the elegant man in front of him. He felt an impression of divine charisma around him. Yet his heart was fragile with fear. The sorcerer opened his eyes at looked at the anxious face of the loyal servant of god.

Narayan came out with a chair. Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri signaled him to sit.

"Not just you, but me also. It is watching you. It is watching everyone who enters into its existence."

The priest's eyes lit up with fear. "It is dangerous. I am here for help. Please don't say you can't."

"I knew you were coming. I knew what kind of threat is after you. I tried to find it but something was obscuring me. Either it is stopping me or there is nothing. I can't find its origin."

Abel was confused. Does that mean he will help or he will not?

"It said it was killed before birth." Abel remembered Adam’s words.

"An unborn force! That is impossible. Everything has to be born." The divine wizard rubbed his temples and forehead.

"I too never have heard such a thing. But considering its powers I have no other choice but believe.” Abel said, voice trembling. You have to help me. It is after my brother.

"Maybe that is the reason I couldn’t find its origin. If it is not born then from where it got so much power?" It is beyond my knowledge. I have never encountered anything that hasn’t been born, whether it is demons or angels or humans.

"It feels like divine but with evil intentions. It is here for revenge."

"It can't kill unless it gets a body. It needs a medium to perform its tasks. We need to find whose body it is using. You were attacked, right but it didn’t kill. "

"How can it be destroyed if it isn't born?" Abel raised his doubt.

"As you said it is both divine and evil. Then it may possess undistinguishable powers from the universe. I don't think we could stop it. It will stop at its own will."

"I want to save my brother. It already attacked him and he is now in hospital." It may come again.

"We can't do anything but wait. I never learned to fight an unborn entity. You have to find some shaman or evil conjurer. My guess is they would be having scripts to combat against it."

“I don’t know anyone of them.”

.”Neither do I. A hundred kilometers away from here there was an abode of evil magicians who performed black magic. Kulathoor mansion!”

“That mansion is destroyed. I heard everyone has died one way or the other.” Narayan interrupted.

“Are you sure?” The master looked at his minion. He nodded his head positively.

"What about my brother?" Abel stared at them. Please save him.

"His fate is in his own hands." It was painful for him to say. No one has returned sad from this mansion. Today it will happen for the first time.

"There could be some way." Abel looked at him with hope.

He wanted to help but he knew he can’t stop this unknown strength. He closed his eyes and prayed to his favourite deity. Lord Shiva!

Hrudaye shankaram dhyayeth

Devadevam jagathgurum

Karpoorasadrsham chandrashekaram


Trilochanam mahadevam dwibhujam


"We need to know its reason for revenge. We can delay the outcome but couldn't protect anyone. It will break all the barriers. If we try to stop it, we will be inviting disaster. "

"How can we delay?" That was his only hope.

"By freeing the body from its grasp. There should be a reason that it is using that body. But we don't know whether it is using multiple bodies. Anyway it is not an easy task."

"If I could find the person I may be able to do it. I am hoping the holy water could stop him."

"It won't allow you. It will protect the body. You saw its power twice. But that was nothing compared to its real strength. It is suicidal to turn against it."

"Are you saying that we should remain silent and watch?"

"In a sense, yes. There is a possibility that once it have its revenge it may leave peacefully."

"Do you actually believe that?"

Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri smiled. "I would like to believe it that way. I sensed its power from afar. It could have killed us and destroy this whole mansion in a matter of moments but it just left after the warning. It is more divine than evil."

“You are saying it left at its own will.” Abel’s brows stood up. You were also powerless against it? What made it so powerful?

“Yes. I told you that was just a glimpse of its power and a warning to both of us to stay out of its way. It doesn’t want to hurt us. As long as your brother won’t provoke it he would be safe too. But if he has done anything against it then nothing in this world could save him.”

“I don’t know what he has done to provoke it.”

“You talk with him. He must know something about it or why is it after him. My heart says he will be safe.”

“I will go immediately.”

“Wait, lunch is ready. Let us have it together.”

Abel nods his head and walked silently into the mansion. Adam, tell me you haven’t done anything and it will leave you in peace.

“I hope it won’t come against us.” Narayan voiced softly. Brahmadevan Namboothiri smiled at him. He too wished the same.

But they didn’t know that it has set its fiery yellow eyes on them.

