Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Hameed looked enthusiastically into the video his subordinate has sent him. It was horrifying to watch the rogue nature. He could say that it wasn't a normal occurrence. It felt like the nature was controlled to someone’s will. He saw powerful wind rattling through and shaking the trees and dark liquid pouring down from the sky and by the colour he realized that it was blood.

Is that the ghost Adam mentioned? Nature looked like it was possessed.

No he don't believe in ghosts. He only believed in one god. But he knows that what he is watching now is unexplainable. It is not a natural phenomenon. This is the month of December. The chilly winter season. Unexpected light showers may occur but not like this to any heavy extent. The sky looked sinister. He raised the volume. He heard some faint roars in between thunders. He suddenly saw something. He paused the video for a second. He looked closer and saw a dark form like a mist creation. He saw two yellow sparkling dots but he could not make out whether it is some person. The mist has spread horizontally and felt like a beast with wings he has never seen before.

Arun was definitely killed by a beast but not any rogue elephant or any man. Some animal he doesn’t know, he needed a more clear footage to recognize the animal. The paused image was blurry.

Adam your ghost stories are fake. I know you were attacked by some animal probably trained by your own brother. It killed Arun at the ground. He smiled. Are you afraid of your brother, Adam?

Hameed closed his eyes and involved in some deep thoughts. So Abel is trying to eliminate Alex and his friends, why? What is the motive? He had to find the reason for the murders.

He needs to dig out the past. He has put two cops for that, one to gather information about Abel and other about Mohan. They were supposed to call him by now but till now his phone was silent. They haven't got anything, he thought.

Media is booming with the news of the murders. They are making their own assumptions, political revenge, robbery attempts, goon attacks and more. They are mocking at the incompetency of the police force. Hash tag campaigns appeared in different social media. They want CBI aka central bureau of investigation to take up the case. His superiors are continuously asking about the progress but he could only say the investigation is going on with full flow and they are so close to catch the killer. Arun and Mohan were top guns, one being a business tycoon and the other ex-husband of a district magistrate. He felt it odd that no one including him recognized Arun was an ex-chief minister’s grandson. Alex revealed the identities of both only after the death of Mohan.

As he was waiting his mobile rang. He looked at the AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diodes) display screen and saw it was one his constable who went on to check Mohan’s background. He slid his index finger on the screen towards left to attend the call. “Yes Reneesh. What do you got?”

“Sir, it seems like this guy deserved to die.” He directly opined without any introduction.

“Explain.” Hameed knew he was about to hear some vital information.

 “He had many businesses both legal and illegal. Money laundering, black money and drugs are to name a few. It is hard to get more details about him. But I think it could be the reason of his murder.”

“Okay.” Ex-husband of a magistrate with a criminal background! No wonder he was divorced.

“Sir I am with Ousep.”

Hameed left out a soft sound but didn't say anything.

“Everything Mohan does is for Alex. They are directly or indirectly partners in most of the businesses. He is the center of all activities. But we have no proof. Alex knows who is after them, I am sure of that.”

 “Anything about Abel?” Hameed asked. He was eager to hear everything from them. If Reneesh is with Ousep they must have more information.

There was a pause as Reneesh handed over the phone to Ousep. Then he heard Ousep’s voice. “For the record Abel is clean sir. He leads a luxurious life for a priest. He is doing research in paranormal activities. A few people said he does some kind of exorcisms.”

Now he knew why Adam insisted with the ghost story. It is all a veil to hide the crime. Adam tried to stop Abel but he attacked him. He didn’t kill him only because he is his brother.

“One more thing, sir. I don’t know how much relevant this is but it could be a coincidence that Abel was a friend of Alex's brother Amnon.”

“Was? As if they are not friends anymore.” It is a crucial element to connect them Ousep. Hameed’s eyes twinkled.

“Amnon was killed four years ago. The case was closed without any proper investigation, no arrests recorded. Speculations were Alex killed his elder brother for property.”

“How close were Amnon and Abel?” I can feel the motive now.

“They were quite close. Amnon decided to give his possessions to charity and wanted to become a priest.”

Hameed smiled. He got the motive. Abel, I will catch you soon. What’s your role in this, Adam? 

He was at the hospital. Alex and Shah have been admitted. They had severe wounds. A branch broke and pierced into Alex’s thighs. They had many cuts and bruises as the window and front glasses shattered and fell over them. Alex was still in the operation theatre to remove the branch from his thighs. To take them out the car had to be cut as it got squeezed by the weight of the massive tree.

Media has been surrounded the hospital and reporters were doing live coverage but they were told that it was an accident. Hameed sat inside the doctor’s cabin to avoid the questionnaire. They wanted to know why they went through the highway.

Well they haven’t seen Adam yet. Hameed sighed. If they found out that the investigating officer has been attacked they would create more ruckus. Two policemen still stood in front of Adam’s room.

How could someone be so violent? He asked the same question again and again inside his heart. He has seen both the bodies and also Adam’s condition. It was brutal, devilish and unthinkable. It could not be done by any normal human. He needs to know whether Abel uses drugs.

He decided to call the commissioner and inform him about the findings and progress of the case till now. He could say that he has a suspect and he will catch him soon.


A police jeep overtook him. He saw a policeman signaling him to slowdown. The jeep braked in front of him and a policeman came out of it. He gestured him to come out of his car.

“Please follow us to the station. We have some questions for you.” The policeman was polite.

“What questions?” The man slowly climbed down from his seat and stared at the constable.

“Hameed sir will ask you. Mahadevan sir may also join.”

“Who is Mahadevan?”

“The Commissioner of Police.”

“Can I come in my car?”

He thought for a moment and said. “Sure, just follow us.” He signaled the jeep to move in front of them and walked towards the car and seated himself adjacent to driver’s seat.

“Let us go.”

Fr. Abel has no other options but to obey.

