Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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The wind blew around the Thrithalloor residence. The clover tree on the north side shook with the wind. Brahmadevan Namboothiri stepped out as his forty year old brain felt that it wasn’t a regular sight. It was an indication of something. Second time this is happening!

He knew in his inner eye, the arrival of a new person. He left the holy prayer room. He touched the rudraksha beads on his chest and whispered something vague. He seated himself in the reclining chair of the verandah. Narayan looked at him with concern. Brahmadevan Namboothiri smiled. “Fear not, it is not coming to hurt.”

He was chanting something.

He could feel the presence. It was getting stronger.

“Narayan, go inside.”

He was reluctant to go at first but didn’t want to disobey his master.

Dark fumes formed into a cloud like shape above the Thrithalloor mansion. The sun was obscured and everything under the cloud went shady. Two yellow eyes looked at the man resting on his arm chair. Whispers and squeals filled the atmosphere.

An hour later, a motorcycle came through the gate and a man stood in front of the huge mansion. He looked at the majestic person sitting in front of him.

His eyes were closed. He held out his hands but said nothing. He body was mere present there but his mind wasn’t.

“Rajeev, I'll come today evening or tomorrow. Everything will be okay by then. Go on, be brave. When I come I will have the answers you seek.”

Rajeev nodded his head. He turned and rode away in his bike. When Rajeev was gone, the black smoke filled the vicinity. Its yellow eyes looked at the men intensely.


Alex looked at the discharge papers. His wife, Lia went to clear the bills and came back.

“Let’s go.” She said. They walked out of the hospital, Lia supporting Alex.

They both didn’t know that Shah was dead. They were informed that Shah has been shifted to another hospital, a multi-specialty hospital in the city.

He looked at his wife. “I want to see him. You go home, I will be back.”

“I will come with you.” She was stubborn.

“No.” He raised his voice. “I have some matters to discuss with him.”

She knew that there is no point in arguing with him. She gave the car keys of her Maruti Suzuki Brezza and left in a cab. He drove off the car towards the city hospital. It was fifty kilometers away. He pressed the accelerator hard ignoring the pain in his left leg. He had minor injuries only, bruises and scratches, but there were internal damages to his muscles.

He saw a man standing in the middle of the road and signaling to offer a ride. The man was wearing black clothes with a cap. He stopped the car beside him. Alex couldn’t see the face properly as the man was standing sideways. He opened the door and without saying anything entered the car and seated. Alex saw him now and an unknown chill went through his spine.

Doors were locked automatically and the engine started. Black fumes filled the interior of the car and it moved as if it was controlled by some invisible force. Alex sat dumbstruck, neither could he move nor could he speak. He was in a comatose condition. He could only move his irises; his eyes were fixed on the road. The car sped at its maximum. Fear and helplessness were his only friends. He wished if he had Shah with him.

The man beside him scoffed. “You didn’t know, did you? Shah is dead. His body is in the mortuary, safe and well preserved but with no heart.”

He was shocked to hear that. No. He screamed inside.

“I took him yesterday to the ground. With my own hands I crushed him and burned him. I will let you know how I did that because I am going to do the same with you also.”

He couldn’t plead. He couldn’t scream. He couldn’t do anything. He was in a paralyzed state though he could feel everything happening inside and outside of his body.

“It all started with you and it should end with you.”

Suddenly Alex felt he could move his head. He looked at the man sitting near him. He saw two incandescent balls staring at him.

“What did I do to you Alex? Why did you kill me?” He asked the same question he asked to all the others.

“I didn’t kill you. Believe me, you are mistaken.”

“You did. I wasn’t even born and yet you gave me the worst death.”

“What?” Alex was confused. A grown up man was blaming him that he killed him even before he breathed his first air. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t even know you.”

Car stopped for a moment. Wheels screeched to a halt. Alex heard a faint cry behind him. He turned his head as much as he could. He saw a fetus covered in blood. Its tiny hands and legs were moving and soft whimpers came out of its petite mouth. The fetus was roughly 7 months old.

“I was only this grown when you brutally murdered me.”

As he watched the roof of the car started leaking. Blood ran down and dripped from above onto his head. A pungent smell of decayed flesh filled inside. The whole interior of the car was filled with blood.

Alex felt like his head spinning. Bile churned up inside his abdomen and he puked in his lap. He vomited blood. His eyes turned in its sockets with fear which was paramount. The cry of the fetus sliced through his ears and he wished to cover his ears.

“Shouldn’t I kill you for destroying my life?” He was so calm.

“I don’t know anything.” He whined.

“You are acting ignorant Alex. You know I was there that night. But you ignored me.” He complained.

“I am sorry. It was a mistake. I ... I was careless. I ignored you ... forgive me. I will do whatever you want.” Alex now realized whom he was talking with. This man is possessed with something he doesn’t even know.

“Alex, the angels in my world say that revenge is divine. I will have it Alex. Promise me that you will enjoy every torment I give you like you relished my death.”

“Please please no. Spare me.” Tears of fear and helplessness streamed down from his eyes. “Me and my wife are expecting our first baby.”

“I know that.” The man said. “My parents were also expecting their first baby and look what you did. You killed both of us and shattered our family. I would be five years by now. You didn’t let my baby eyes open. But you don’t worry, your child will live. I won’t give you further choice of choosing between you and your baby.”

Car entered the highway but it took the right lane and crashed its way into the woods. Passing through the bushes and ramping over the grass it went straight to the ground. It stopped at the place where there was a grave once. His heart thumped quicker and louder inside his chest. Door was opened and he was dragged out of the car. He saw blood and burnt grass and flesh and the whole area bore the smell of death. It was unbearable.

He saw few dogs approaching them. They were larger and fierce than the ordinary dogs. He saw blood dripping from their razor sharp teeth. They barked at him. Blood and saliva splashed out of their mouth. The dogs stared at him and growled.

Alex looked at the man. He is being controlled by the ghost of a fetus. Is that even possible? He never believed in ghosts but he is now being hunted by one. His three friends have been brutally murdered and it was now his turn. He had no idea how he could escape.

He was lying on the ground. He saw black wings behind the man. It had quite large wingspan. Two long sharp teeth protruded out of his mouth.

He grabbed Alex’s knees by both hands and pulled harder until he heard a breaking sound. Alex groaned louder as his pelvic bone broke.

“Alex, I told you to enjoy. This is not how you enjoy.” He smiled malevolently.

“Please let me go. I...“ He twisted in pain. He could now move his body freely and he struggled to stand up. His skin and tissue between his legs were snaked open and blood ran down. The smell of fresh blood made the dogs go rabid but they waited for their master’s nod.

He looked into their eyes. That was enough, they came running and the larger one of them bites exactly at his pride. Dogs competed to tear him apart while Alex screamed in pain. He struggled to get them away from his body but all his efforts went in vain.

He made a sound and the dogs quickly backed away. They just vanished into thin air.

The sky became dark as it was night.

Alex lay with his body tear open. His pain transcended. He took heavy breaths, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to bear with the pain. He screamed his heart out to cope with the pain. He never thought his desire would have such repercussions. He could only hope that the death would be near and fast. He didn’t want to be tormented further.

He saw the winged man carrying a heavy stone. He simply threw it on one of his legs. Alex yelled in pain as his bones broke and flesh ripped. He lifted the stone again and this time dropped on his stomach. Alex cried again in pain, blood splashed out of his mouth. He tapped on the ground and screeched. “Kill me please. I can’t it take anymore.”

The winged man kneeled near him and said. “Alex we have only started. Don’t you want to make the full use of your last day? Find pleasure in each moment Alex. They say revenge is divine. You started it Alex and it will end with you. I won’t let you die till you have your share.”

“Please.” Blood came out along with words. “Finish me, I am sorry.”

His eyes glowed wildly. He had a cleaver in his hands. He stood up and walked towards Alex’s unhurt leg. Cleaver went down multiple times and his leg was cut into small pieces. Alex could only scream and louder did he cry. He was soaked in his own blood.

Thousands of fetuses lay around him. The whole atmosphere filled with their cries and Alex felt his ears burst with the unbearable noise. Blood came out through his ears, nostrils and eyes. Rain plummeted down with heavy force and thunder rumbled in the sky. A high voltage lightning struck and his body jolted with the current. Even the nature was in no mood to spare him.

Rains ceased for a while. The man lifted the heavy rock from Alex’s body. He dragged him into a pit nearby. It was half filled with some liquid. He threw him into the pit. Alex was immersed in the liquid and it went into his mouth and nostrils. He gulped it. Alex smelled that it was oil.

“Alex, keep these with you.” Alex got hold the object he threw. It was a human heart. Two more fell into the pit.

Another ray of lightning plunged down and it ignited fire in the pit. Alex burned alive. Soil pummeled into the pit until it was completely covered.

