Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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As he watched, black fumes filled the room. Adam looked at it with fear. It slowly entered into his body. A lot of memories went through his head. When the images faded out he fell down. He felt something leaving his body. After the smoke disappeared he called a police man inside his room.

“Call my brother Abel; I want to talk to him.” Iqbal stared for a moment and then took Adam’s mobile and placed the call. He left the room after putting it in speaker mode.

“In the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirit…” Abel raised a cross in his right hand and holy water in his left hand. His eyes were closed. He stood in front of the crucified Christ at the church altar. There was no one inside the church, doors were carefully sealed. Abel was half way through his exorcism when he got the call. He looked at the display and saw Adam’s name.

“Brother, it is over.”

“What do you mean by it is over?” Abel asked, surprised. Did my exorcism worked?

“It has fulfilled its revenge. I don’t think anyone will know the details.”

“How do you know?”

“It was here moments earlier. I saw Alex burning to death in my mind.”


“Sir it’s me Adam.”

“Tell me Adam.” Commissioner Mahadevan responded.

“I think we should close this case.” He said matter of factly.

“Are you nuts? Or are you trying to save someone.” Mahadevan was agitated.

“In a way yes sir. Whoever goes behind this case is getting hurt sir. No one would be able to solve this case.” Adam knows that it would be difficult to convince this arrogant young officer.

“Four cold blooded murders, six policemen been attacked and you are saying we should let the criminals walk free. Do you know who all were dead?” He scoffed.

“You won't believe it sir, an unnatural force is behind all this and we can't stop it.”

The reply was laughter. “You mean ghosts are behind all this. You need rest Adam. I will find competent officers and solve this case soon. I will catch them.” Mahadevan growled.

“And for your information sir, a fifth murder has happened and the body is burned and buried under the ground,”

“How do you know there was a fifth murder?”

“You won’t believe me sir.”

“I will catch your ghost Adam.”

“Then it will visit you soon.” The commissioner heard before the call got disconnected.


They were surprised to see a car in front of their house. Out of it came a man with an elegant aura. He walked towards them and they humbly offered him a chair to sit. They were expecting the man. Mridula tried to hide away from him.

“Rajeev, you talk to him.”

“Don’t hide Mridula, I know who you are.”

He understood what is in their minds and decided to speak first. “My name is Thrithalloor Brahmadevan Namboothiri. I am here as you requested.”

Rajeev signaled Mridula to get something to drink. But the guest stopped her by waving his hands.

“Do you know why we requested your presence?” Rajeev asked.

“Yes, I know you have a lot of questions in your heart. I came here to give you answers.”

Rajeev and Mridula looked at each other. They were still confused.

He looked at Mridula and said. “You have lost a part of your memory. I am here to give it back.”

Mridula was dying to hear that. Rajeev wanted to know how he lost her. They were eager to hear his words.

He closed his eyes for a moment.

“I am a sorcerer, but I am not here to perform any rituals.” His eyes were on Mridula. “Do you remember Alex Thoppilan?

She tried to remember. “Yes. I worked in his company for almost an year.”

“He had a crush on you. Well, it was not just a crush, but a strong desire.”

“I had a wild guess that he wanted me. But as I knew he wasn’t a good man. He was a womanizer.”

It was new information for Rajeev. He wondered why Mridula never mentioned that.

“I never thought it was too serious. It could be a passing fantasy.” She read his mind and gazed at him.

“Hmm, but no. His desire for you increased day by day. He was always watching you. Even after you left his company, even after your marriage he was following you. His desire made him so crazy that he couldn’t stop ogling at you even after you had the baby bump.”

“I was pregnant?” Mridula was startled.

“You haven’t told her, do you?” He looked at Rajeev.

“No, I thought it would mentally break her. She couldn’t remember anything after the marriage. I was worried how she would react when she couldn’t remember what happened to the baby inside her.” Rajeev didn’t raise his head. He didn’t know how to face her.

“You made a right choice.” The sorcerer agreed to his decision.

“What happened to the baby?” Rajeev impatiently asked.

“It couldn’t make it. That poor little thing was inside you, helpless.”

Tears rolled down their cheeks. Mridula couldn’t hold herself. She cried her heart out. Brahmadevan decided to be silent and give them time. It was their loss and they couldn’t bear it. Let them cry as much as they can. He thought.

After a few minutes Rajeev asked. “Tell me how we lost our baby.”

“Okay.” He started.


“Shah, I want her. She is driving me crazy.”


“Mridula. There is not a single day that I don’t remember her. I want her so badly.”

They were sitting inside Alex’s estate. Arun and Mohan were silently sipping their glass of alchohol. It was a fine day and the four friends decided to celebrate the weekend as usual. They had all day to enjoy, drink and have some fresh meat to entertain.

Shah never seen him so passionate about any girl. “Well if you insist we will bring her here. We will also get to see her.” He smiled wickedly.

Mohan raised his head and looked at them. “Alex, she is pregnant now.”

“You know her?” Shah asked. Mohan shook his head. “Ever since his eyes were set on her, I knew he is not going to leave her. But I didn’t know it was this serious.”

“I don’t care if she is pregnant or not, I want her. Have you seen her grace after her being pregnant? She looks cherished.” Alex finished his glass in one single gulp.

Shah looked at others to know their opinion. They tilted their head agreeing in a secret decision.

Their glasses filled again and emptied into their bellies along with grilled chicken and fried fish.

It was just matter of an hour; they finished three bottles of whisky. They felt their heads heavy and their senses were out of control.

“I want her tonight in my bed.” Alex blabbered. All three of them heard.

“I know where she works. We can take her when she leaves for home.” Mohan ignited a cigarette.

“Let's get moving.” Shah stood up and picked up his car keys.

“I will drive.” Alex showed his open palms to Shah to hand over the keys.

“No, I will.” Arun stood in between Shah and Alex.

“Both of you are not driving. I will drive. Mohan sit in front and direct me to her office. You both keep your mouth shut and sit behind. Is that okay?” Shah looked into their eyes. They silently wobbled their head.

Shah walked in front.

After two and a half hours of waiting in front of her office they saw her coming out of her office. She was wearing a yellow salwar kameez and her baby bump was clearly visible.

“She is beautiful.” Shah muttered in surprise.

“Yes, she is.” Mohan and Arun said in unison.

“We can’t get her here. There are people around.” Mohan raised a concern.

“We will follow her and get her at some stranded area.” Shah told them his plan.

The car slowly followed her for almost twenty minutes till they got into an open paddy field. They looked around and saw no one except them and Mridula walking two hundred odd meters away from them.

“Be prepared.” Shah warned them and sped the car towards her. It halted beside her and in a flash Arun opened the door and pulled her inside. Alex covered her mouth to stop her from screaming.
