Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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“I think I should be leaving now.” Arun said.

“You are too drunk to drive.” Alex tried to stop him. “I will come with you.”

Arun laughed. “You are equally drunk as me. So don’t act smart. And besides, you are a pathetic driver.” He couldn’t open his eyes fully and his steps were unsteady. But his ego stood taller among anything.

“Do whatever you want. But remember I stand steadier than you.” Alex didn’t like the insult.

“Come on, we will race. Let me see if you are steadier than me.” He was not ready to back off.

“Get lost you jerk. Go and die, who cares.” He went back inside the bar.

“Hey come here you coward.” Arun shouted. “Come on, compete with me you gutless swine.”

“Stop it you both. Why the hell do you always want to fight after drinking, Arun?” Shah asked. He gently hit him on his cheek.

“I … didn’t fight, that bugger started it all.” Arun tried to defend himself.

“At least let me help you to the car.” Mohan offered.

“No man. This is not the first time I am drinking. I can manage myself. You guys worry about that fool. He says he is steady but he is afraid to race with me. He is a loser.” He teased Alex. Then he screamed. “Alex the loser, go and hide under some pretty girl’s skirt.” He laughed maniacally.

“You mother f***ing idiot I told you to leave. If you don’t go, I will punch you right on your face.” Alex said. He was still at the entrance.

“Stop please.” Shah was getting angry but he tried to regain himself. “Okay you leave now. See you tomorrow.”

Arun shook his head and slowly walked away with his wobbly steps. His movements were erratic but they knew once he reaches his car he will be fine. How much drunk he is, he will drive. He has met with few accidents but he is stubborn. He will continue to drive until death.

“Alex you are a coward.” He shouted in between. “You are a loser.”

“Come on, we can have another round before leaving.” Shah walked in front of them. They went inside the bar towards their table.

“No man, it’s already late. We should be going by now.”Mohan was in a hurry.

“There is always time for one last drink. We will leave at midnight and we have six more minutes.” Shah encouraged them.

They were friends from childhood. Every weekend they meet and drink and eat together. Once in two months they are go for some long drives and end up at Alex’s old estate at Munnar.

There, Alex’s estate manager, Maruthu, a ferocious guy would have arranged everything thing for them. Chicken, beef, pork, fish, specially made liquor and even ladies for entertainment. But this time they were in a bar.

Arun walked in an irregular pattern measuring every inch of the trail until he reached his car. He slipped near his car but luckily two hands supported him. He looked back. He had to adjust his vision to see the person. A beautiful looking girl!

Where did she come from?

“Can I help you?” Her voice was sweet.

“How can I turn down an offer from a young beautiful girl?” He started flirting.

“Can I drive?” She asked.

“Of course you can. Consider it as yours.” He showed her the car keys.

She helped him inside the car and put on the seatbelt. Her breasts were purposely squeezed onto Arun and she knew he would definitely enjoy it.

She was attractive and young, maybe twenty or twenty-one. She wore a jeans and a top. She had thick bosom and Arun’s eyes were affixed on them. Her straightened brown hair had golden ends. She was slim with tantalizing features. Her voice was sweet. She looked like she was from a good family.

Who cares? Arun thought.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked.

“It is up to you. You tell me.” She smiled, beautiful, seductive smile. He saw her lips were wet.

Lusty dreams rise up inside him. This is a golden chance. Why should I let it go? The earlier the better. Suddenly a thought arose in his mind. Why not here?

The parking ground was empty save them. The watchman must be at the gate and no one would come here any time soon. Everything is perfectly in tune. The night is dark, the atmosphere is cool, and the ambience is silent and seductive.

“What are you up to?” He asked again. He came out of the car and stood closer to her at the driver’s end. His hands were on her shoulders slowly riding down. She didn’t even flinch as his hands almost reached on top of her bosom. But she stopped him. “Not here.”

He was surprised. He wanted it here. He could not wait.

“Then why are you helping me?” Arun frowned.

“I saw you walking with unsteady steps. I thought I can help you. I know you as I am living nearby. I can also get home safely.” She looked hopefully into his eyes.

He looked at her surprisingly. How can you be so sure that you will be safe with me? But he did not say anything yet he knew she cannot be trusted.

“Please.” She pleaded with a snicker while chewing her lower lips. “Help me get home.”

“I don't know you.” He said. But he needed someone to drive and how can he reject a beautiful girl. Moreover he wanted her so badly.

“Does it matter?” She gave another sultry smile. “I know what do you want and I can give you that.”

“Nothing else matters.” He muttered. His eyes lit up. She helped his hand onto her chest for his assurance.

“Drive me home.” He whispered in her ears.

She again unlocked the door and helped him sit in the front seat. He held her tight and he felt the sweet aroma of champak flowers (magnolia champaca). Their bodies were dangerously closer and he knew the adrenaline pumping in his veins.

Not here. He warned himself. He is not going to let her go alone to her house. She will stay with him. Safe! A sinister chuckle escaped him.

I know what you are thinking. But I have other plans for you. She thought as she walked towards the driver’s seat.

“You drive. I will direct you.” He winked at her and she throws a kiss back at him.

She started the car.

“What is your name?” He asked.

Mohini.” She replied.

Enchantress. Befitting name. He whispered.

