Ajania by Harry Raphel Thuruthipuram - HTML preview

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Joyce heard the clouds rumbling in the sky and the heavy rains pelting down. She quietly slipped out of her bed and walked towards the table. She saw the fluorescent dials of her clock showing it was past midnight. She opened the closet and took out a piece of paper from the drawer. Something was already written in it. She folded the paper and kept it on top of the table with a book over it to keep it safe from flying away. She then unlocked her bedroom door and walked towards the front door.

The sky roared aloud while she opened the front door. She feared if anyone will wake up because of the noises of the nature. Joyce walked into the downpour and welcomed the heavy droplets with her hands opened wide. She felt the pain of the water hitting hard on her skin but she wasn’t bothered much.

This pain is nothing compared to the pain inside my heart.

Joyce looked back at her house for the last time. She was born here, she lived here but now she is saying goodbye. A tear from her eyes mingled with the rain.

I am leaving, this time not to return.

It was hard to move in the heavy rain but she moved forward. She was totally drenched within seconds. She walked to the road. Suddenly a huge spark bombarded near her. She saw the path to her destination clearly. Rain and storm madly boogied around her.

She was unaware that two eyes were watching her. She didn’t knew that her life was about to change.

The wind was trying to hold her back but she was determined to go.

Nothing can hold me back. No one can stop me. This is my night. My last night.

She slowly walked along the road side unaware of being followed.

Someone whispered inside her heart. Look back, there is somebody behind you. That person might interrupt your goal.

The feeling was getting stronger as she stepped forward each footstep.

She halted and looked back. There was no one. Only the rain was showering down and the wind rattling the branches of the trees.

Somewhere far she heard a faint cry. But she wasn’t sure whether it was actually a cry or just a whooshing sound of the wind.

Rain slowed down and she heard her name being whispered. She turned back and saw a woman veiled in a white sari advancing towards her.

As she came forward Joyce stepped backwards.

“No need to fear. I just want to talk to you. And I will leave. I won’t hurt you.” A sweet but enticing sound came from her.

Joyce was still doubtful but she slowed down her pace.

A branch of lightning came down between them and they both saw each other well.

She is perfect. Mridula smiled. I have found her.

Joyce couldn’t believe her eyes. She only has read that there are seven people in this world resembling you. But she is now seeing one of her resemblance. A lot of questions arose in her heart.

Who is she?


“What do you do?” Arun was trying to make a conversation going and build a rapport with her. He was slowly getting sober.

“I am a college student.” Mohini didn’t looked at him, her eyes concentrating on the road; dark and lonely.

He looked at her. Yes you are. He could see that.

“BA psychology.” She continued, looking at him for a split second knowing his eyes were affixed on her. She was feeling irritated but she hardly showed it.

He just gave a buzzing sound. He has no interest in knowing what she studied.

“What are you doing here at night?” He knew many colleges girls become nocturnal birds to earn some pocket money for their personal expenses. 

She didn’t replied but gave him an inviting luscious smile.

“I would like to know.” He insisted.

“I had a party. But my friends left unknowingly that I am stranded. Luckily I saw you.” She explained.

Yes, today is my lucky day. And I am going to share my luck with you. A wicked smile tugged at his lips. It’s been quite some time I had a college girl like you.

They both kept silent. He watched her like a wolf checking out its prey. She secretly enjoyed his stare knowing everything is going her way.

Then there was a cloudburst. The sky leaked gallons of water along with flashes of light. Heavy winds accompanied with monstrous sounds made the whole atmosphere scary. Even the vipers couldn’t clear the front glass enough and she found it hard to drive. She kept going though lowering the speed of the engine.

“I can’t see the road. How are you driving then?” He asked.

She pressed hard on the brakes. “I was about to stop. The rain is too heavy. I think we will have to spend the night inside the car.” She looked at him.

“I don’t mind staying in the car with a beautiful young girl.” His eyes were scanning her.

Suddenly the atmosphere became calm. No winds, no lightning but a slight drizzle.

They both looked out, surprised.

“Where are we?” Arun voiced, unaware of his surroundings.

“I think I lost the way in the rains.” She apologized. Shit, how did I miss the road?

“It is okay.” He ran his hands over her shoulders.

She lowered her window pane and they heard a cry afar. They looked at each other. The squeal was loud and clear.

“It sounds like a baby.” She found a way to get rid of this pervert and alert her friends. She needs backup.

“Yes. I too heard that.” Arun said, uninterested.

“Please go and check out. It wasn’t far.” She wanted him out of the car to make a call.

They could now hear the cry clearly as it was closer to them.

“Someone might have ditched the baby.” Her voice was worried. “I don’t feel like leaving the baby.”

He cursed his fate and got out of his car. He walked towards the direction of the cry. He walked quite a few minutes towards the rear of the car closer to the shrubs but couldn’t locate the baby. Still he felt the cry is far.

Where the hell is it coming from? He wondered.

He cleared his way through the thick vegetation with his hands and entered into the woods. He strolled until he found a mud trail. He treaded forward towards the cry. The cry was getting clearer and louder. I am close.

Rain pelted down with full force and the cry was silenced.

He reached an open ground, vacant and wet. The rain has slowed down again but drizzle was still there.

He realized the cry has stopped. There was total silence. He looked around.

Nothing unusual. Was that all my thoughts? Is the alchohol creating all hallucinations?

He closed his eyes for a second. He recognized the place. This is that same place. Dread filled his heart. It was here, I…

He then opened his eyes. He saw, a thousand fetuses scattered all around the ground around him. A bloodied tiny hand of a fetus pulled his pants. This is not real. He whispered to himself. Fear was at its peak inside his heart.

He didn't know it was the silence before the storm. Then suddenly, a huge deafening cry of a thousand babies burst into his ears and scorched into his head. He never felt his body so light before. He was floating like a feather.

