Dark Tales by Chester Lee - HTML preview

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Six Months Later

I still stay awake at night thinking of Rick. His bloody body laid there on the floor. Not knowing if he was alive or dead always left a bitter taste in my mouth and a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I still wondered what happened to Sofia hoping that her young fragile mind had blocked out all the torment she had been put through. I knew it would be something that would scar me forever.

I found it hard to trust anyone after the ordeal well until I met James that was. He somehow changed my outlook on life. He gave me the confidence to trust and to love again. Something I would never have thought possible. He somehow helped me move on not forgetting but moving forward helping me shape out the life we now have together. I never fully told James what happened I guess a part of me never wanted to relive it. Seeing Ricks face when I closed my eyes was torment enough. Some nights I would wake screaming thrashing my arms around in the hope to strike anything that crossed my path. These dreams I knew would haunt me forever. I guess I somehow needed closure I was not sure if I was ever going to get it.

I woke once more after a terrible night’s sleep sweat dripping down my face. My breathing irregular as I gasp for breath. I jump sharply out of my bed and head to the kitchen.

“Just keep calm Amy it's just a dream your safe" I would repeat this to myself over and over again.

As I made my way through the kitchen I notice a letter propped up on the kitchen side. James must have left it there before work he always was an early riser.

I pick up the letter to notice it had my name scribbled in handwriting on the front. I wondered who it could be from. As I open the letter I notice it had G.S.D wrote on the letter heading. Panic just flooded through my body as I fall onto the floor in a shivering wreck. As I read down the letter I found myself struggling to breathe. It simply read I FOUND YOU. As I look at the name signed at the bottom I freeze in shock it was from Rick.

Tears stream down my face how could this be I was sure he was dead. How did he find me I had always been so careful not to tell anyone where I was? Crazy thoughts raced through my mind. Maybe this was just some sick joke it had to be right?

I try and pull myself together as I just sit there staring at the name at the bottom of the letter. Suddenly flashbacks of what happened back in the warehouse raced through my mind my heart beating rapidly as I struggle to breathe.

As I scramble to my feet I scrunch the letter up and throw it on the kitchen worktop this had to be some sick joke there was no other explanation for it. I make my way back into the bedroom and sit down on the bed frozen in shock I just sit there in silence watching the clock slowly tick as I wait for time to pass.

  I just sit there waiting watching the hours pass by until the moment James comes home. My eyes blood shot from the stale tears that now stained my face.

Suddenly I hear the lock of the door open I jump up and race into the kitchen and throw my arms around James who just stood there in shock.

“Hey baby what’s wrong tell me" You could hear the concern in his voice as he comforted me

I pull back from him for a second struggling to get my words out.

" It's Rick James it Rick"

 James just stared me straight in the eyes there was a look of horror on his face.

" Ricks dead baby " You could tell by the pitch in his voice he was scared but not as scared as me.

I head over to the worktop and pick up the scrunched up letter I had thrown there this morning and handed it to James. As he slowly unscrewed the letter the colour in his face drained as he stared at the signature at the bottom

" I told you he had found me. I’m scared James" You could hear the panic in my voice as I spoke.

" It's ok baby I won’t let anyone hurt you. Remember your safe, ill always protect you. I love you" James words were comforting well if for only a short while anyway.

I had no idea what I was going to do I’m not sure James even knew but for this moment I just stood there and held James tight. I felt safe.